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Tjaša Novak (Author), Darja Skribe-Dimec (Mentor)


V današnjih časih se preverjanje in ocenjevanje znanja naravoslovja pri učiteljih vedno bolj razlikujeta. Nekateri se bolj nagibajo k tradicionalnemu preverjanju znanja, drugi pa iščejo nove načine preverjanja, saj se tudi pri samem pouku naravoslovja pojavljajo nove smernice, ki naj bi jih učitelji upoštevali za bolj zanimive, kakovostne in raznolike ure naravoslovja. Z njimi bi pri učencih spodbudili razmišljanje o zakonitostih narave in naravnih procesih, ki se v naravi odvijajo, poleg tega pa bi učencem naravo tudi približali in izboljšali njihov odnos in stališča do narave/naravoslovja. Z raziskavo sem želela preveriti, v kolikšni meri se preverjanje in ocenjevanje znanja naravoslovja med učitelji razlikujeta, zato sem sestavila vprašalnik, ki sem ga razdelila učiteljem. En del vprašalnika je obsegal rešen test učenca 4. razreda, ki so ga morali učitelji popraviti in oceniti, drug del pa numerično lestvico strinjanja z danimi trditvami o preverjanju in ocenjevanju naravoslovnega znanja. Na podlagi rezultatov sem ugotovila, da se ta dva procesa med učitelji precej razlikujeta. Razlikovale so se tako ocene testa, ki so ga učitelji popravili in ocenili, kot tudi nekatera njihova mnenja o preverjanju in ocenjevanju. Mnenja so se najbolj razlikovala glede upoštevanja individualnosti učencev pri preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja, najmanj pa pri trditvah, ki so se navezovale na domače naloge.


preverjanje znanja;naravoslovna pismenost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T.Novak]
COBISS: 8919625 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1050
Downloads: 171
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Assessment and evaluation of knowledge in natural sciencies and technics in the second cycle of the elementary school
Secondary abstract: Assessment and evaluation of knowledge in natural science and technics differ a lot regarding to the teacher. Some teachers prefer traditional assessment of knowledge, others look for new methods of assessment as the teaching of natural science itself faces new guidelines which tend to make lessons more interesting, better and more diverse. Such methods try to encourage a student to think about the laws of nature and natural processes which take place in nature. Moreover, students get closer to nature and their relation to nature/natural science improves. In my research I tried to verify to what extent the assessment and evaluation of knowledge in natural science vary regarding the teacher and their teaching methods. I prepared and distributed a questionnaire to teachers. One part of the questionnaire was a test of a 4th grade student with his/her answers. The teachers had to correct and evaluate it. The other part of the questionnaire was a numeric scale in which teachers had to decide to what extent they agree or disagree with the statements regarding the assessment and evaluation of the knowledge in natural science. According to the results I found out that these two processes differ among teachers. The grades as well as some of their opinions about assessing and evaluating differed – the biggest differences were those which take into account the students individuality with the assessment and evaluation, the smallest differences were those which regard the homework.
Secondary keywords: science education;marking;taxonomy;naravoslovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;ocenjevanje;taksonomija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: VII, 71 f., [7] f. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Assessment and evaluation of knowledge in natural sciencies and technics in the second cycle of the elementary school
Keywords (ePrints): ocenjevanje
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): evaluation
Abstract (ePrints): V današnjih časih se preverjanje in ocenjevanje znanja naravoslovja pri učiteljih vedno bolj razlikujeta. Nekateri se bolj nagibajo k tradicionalnemu preverjanju znanja, drugi pa iščejo nove načine preverjanja, saj se tudi pri samem pouku naravoslovja pojavljajo nove smernice, ki naj bi jih učitelji upoštevali za bolj zanimive, kakovostne in raznolike ure naravoslovja. Z njimi bi pri učencih spodbudili razmišljanje o zakonitostih narave in naravnih procesih, ki se v naravi odvijajo, poleg tega pa bi učencem naravo tudi približali in izboljšali njihov odnos in stališča do narave/naravoslovja. Z raziskavo sem želela preveriti, v kolikšni meri se preverjanje in ocenjevanje znanja naravoslovja med učitelji razlikujeta, zato sem sestavila vprašalnik, ki sem ga razdelila učiteljem. En del vprašalnika je obsegal rešen test učenca 4. razreda, ki so ga morali učitelji popraviti in oceniti, drug del pa numerično lestvico strinjanja z danimi trditvami o preverjanju in ocenjevanju naravoslovnega znanja. Na podlagi rezultatov sem ugotovila, da se ta dva procesa med učitelji precej razlikujeta. Razlikovale so se tako ocene testa, ki so ga učitelji popravili in ocenili, kot tudi nekatera njihova mnenja o preverjanju in ocenjevanju. Mnenja so se najbolj razlikovala glede upoštevanja individualnosti učencev pri preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja, najmanj pa pri trditvah, ki so se navezovale na domače naloge.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Assessment and evaluation of knowledge in natural science and technics differ a lot regarding to the teacher. Some teachers prefer traditional assessment of knowledge, others look for new methods of assessment as the teaching of natural science itself faces new guidelines which tend to make lessons more interesting, better and more diverse. Such methods try to encourage a student to think about the laws of nature and natural processes which take place in nature. Moreover, students get closer to nature and their relation to nature/natural science improves. In my research I tried to verify to what extent the assessment and evaluation of knowledge in natural science vary regarding the teacher and their teaching methods. I prepared and distributed a questionnaire to teachers. One part of the questionnaire was a test of a 4th grade student with his/her answers. The teachers had to correct and evaluate it. The other part of the questionnaire was a numeric scale in which teachers had to decide to what extent they agree or disagree with the statements regarding the assessment and evaluation of the knowledge in natural science. According to the results I found out that these two processes differ among teachers. The grades as well as some of their opinions about assessing and evaluating differed – the biggest differences were those which take into account the students individuality with the assessment and evaluation, the smallest differences were those which regard the homework.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): evaluation
ID: 8308107