diplomsko delo
Ksenija Koželj (Author), Aleš Leonardis (Mentor), Matej Zapušek (Co-mentor)


Učenje logike s pomočjo interaktivne računalniške igre


programsko orodje Flash;programski jezik ActionScript 3;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
Publisher: [K. Koželj]
UDC: 004.4(043.2)
COBISS: 8956745 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1079
Downloads: 278
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Learning logic through interactive computer game
Secondary abstract: In this final thesis we presented interactivity in education and some online interactive games. Furthermore we created interactive computer game with program tool Adobe Flash, through which students can learn logic. CD with this game is attached to this final thesis. We wanted to know if there are any differences in knowledge between the students that learn frontal and students that learn through game. In first chapter we presented interactivity in education and different ways for teachers to achieve the interactivity at teaching. Second chapter is dedicated to presentation of online interactive computer games through which we can learn particular knowledge. In the next chapter, which is the main part of the final thesis – creating interactive game, we described program tool Adobe Flash and presented the creation of the interactive game. At the end we presented experiment which was made in elementary school. Our goal was to determine if there are differences in knowledge between students that learn in traditional way and students that learn independently through interactive computer game. We analyzed results and findings and represented it graphically.
Secondary keywords: computer science;computer game;logic;računalništvo;računalniška igra;logika;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Matematika in računalništvo
Pages: IV, 60 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Learning logic through interactive computer game
Keywords (ePrints): interaktivnost
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): interactivity
Abstract (ePrints): V tem diplomskem delu smo predstavili področje interaktivnosti v izobraževanju in si ogledali nekaj interaktivnih izobraževalnih iger, ki so dostopne na spletu. V nadaljevanju smo s programskim orodjem Adobe Flash izdelali interaktivno računalniško igro, preko katere se učenci učijo logike. Zgoščenka z igro je priložena diplomski nalogi. Zanimalo nas je, ali se pojavljajo razlike v znanju tistih učencev, ki se učijo frontalno in tistih, ki se učijo preko igre. V prvem poglavju smo spoznali interaktivnost v izobraževanju ter ugotavljali, na kakšen način lahko učitelji pri pouku dosežejo čim večjo interaktivnost. Naslednje poglavje smo posvetili predstavitvi spletnih interaktivnih računalniških iger, preko katerih se lahko naučimo določenega znanja. Sledi glavni del diplomskega dela - izdelovanje interaktivne igre. Tu smo opisali programsko orodje Adobe Flash in razložili izdelavo računalniške igre. Ob koncu diplomske naloge smo predstavili eksperiment, ki smo ga izvedli na eni izmed osnovnih šol. Naš cilj je bilo ugotoviti, ali se pojavljajo razlike v znanju med učenci, ki se snov naučijo frontalno in učenci, ki se snov naučijo samostojno preko interaktivne računalniške igre. Rezultate smo podrobno analizirali ter ugotovitve predstavili v grafični obliki.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In this final thesis we presented interactivity in education and some online interactive games. Furthermore we created interactive computer game with program tool Adobe Flash, through which students can learn logic. CD with this game is attached to this final thesis. We wanted to know if there are any differences in knowledge between the students that learn frontal and students that learn through game. In first chapter we presented interactivity in education and different ways for teachers to achieve the interactivity at teaching. Second chapter is dedicated to presentation of online interactive computer games through which we can learn particular knowledge. In the next chapter, which is the main part of the final thesis – creating interactive game, we described program tool Adobe Flash and presented the creation of the interactive game. At the end we presented experiment which was made in elementary school. Our goal was to determine if there are differences in knowledge between students that learn in traditional way and students that learn independently through interactive computer game. We analyzed results and findings and represented it graphically.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): interactivity
ID: 8308273