Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Starše |
Secondary abstract: |
This diploma presents a historical development of Starše, a short geographical introduction of Starše and development of the primary school in Starše and its branch unit in Marjeta na Dravskem polju.
The school in Starše is one of the oldest schools in Dravsko polje. From its establishment until 1870 the school was supervised by the local parish supervisor, who was the dean of Hoče deanery. After a new school law had come into force that year, county, local and provincial councils were formed. It was the provincial school council that decided in 1874 that there had to be a four – year school in Starše.
So on 5 July 1877 a foundation stone was laid for the school building which is still part of today's school. They built the school and lessons started in the same year.
Until today the building was being renovated and upgraded, where 270 pupils are visiting school today.
In 2008 a new multi-purpose hall was built next to the school. In the morning it is used for sport classes and in the afternoons people from the local community can use it for recreational activities.
A part of the diploma is also empirical. It is connected with work of retired teachers. 10 retired teachers were interviewed – 8 female and 2 male.
Pupils were interviewed for the purposes of the diploma. They were asked about the quality of the school in a questionnaire. 105 pupils were interviewed, 49 girls and 56 boys, aged 10 to 13 years. |
Secondary keywords: |
local studies;primary school;domoznanstvo;osnovna šola; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Pages: |
112 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Starše |
Keywords (ePrints): |
zgodovina kraja |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
history of the place |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Diplomsko delo predstavlja zgodovinski razvoj Starš, kratko geografsko predstavitev kraja ter razvoj osnovnega šolstva v Staršah in na podružnični šoli v Marjeti na Dravskem polju.
Šola v Staršah je ena izmed najstarejših na Dravskem polju. Vse od ustanovitve pa do 1870 je bila šola pod okriljem domačega župnega šolskega nadzornika, ki je bil dekan dekanije Hoče. Ko je tega leta stopil v veljavo nov šolski zakon, so se oblikovali okrajni, krajevni in deželni šolski sveti. Deželni šolski svet je 1874. leta dal odlok, da mora biti v Staršah štirirazredna šola.
Tako je bil 5. julija 1877 položen temeljni kamen današnje šolske zgradbe, ki je bila še istega leta dokončana in v njej se je začel izvajati pouk.
Do danes se je dograjevala in obnavljala. Danes obiskuje OŠ Starše 270 učencev. Leta 2008 je šola pridobila novo večnamensko dvorano, ki v dopoldanskem času služi pouku športne vzgoje, v popoldanskem pa prebivalcem občine Starše za rekreativne dejavnosti.
Diplomsko delo vsebuje tudi empirični del, ki je povezan z delom upokojenih učiteljev in učiteljic. Anketiranih je bilo 8 upokojenih učiteljic in 2 upokojena učitelja.
V drugem delu empiričnega dela so s pomočjo anket sodelovali učenci, ki so odgovarjali na vprašanja o kakovosti šole. Anketiranih je bilo 105 učencev, 49 deklic in 56 dečkov, starih 10, 11, 12 in 13 let. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
This diploma presents a historical development of Starše, a short geographical introduction of Starše and development of the primary school in Starše and its branch unit in Marjeta na Dravskem polju.
The school in Starše is one of the oldest schools in Dravsko polje. From its establishment until 1870 the school was supervised by the local parish supervisor, who was the dean of Hoče deanery. After a new school law had come into force that year, county, local and provincial councils were formed. It was the provincial school council that decided in 1874 that there had to be a four – year school in Starše.
So on 5 July 1877 a foundation stone was laid for the school building which is still part of today's school. They built the school and lessons started in the same year.
Until today the building was being renovated and upgraded, where 270 pupils are visiting school today.
In 2008 a new multi-purpose hall was built next to the school. In the morning it is used for sport classes and in the afternoons people from the local community can use it for recreational activities.
A part of the diploma is also empirical. It is connected with work of retired teachers. 10 retired teachers were interviewed – 8 female and 2 male.
Pupils were interviewed for the purposes of the diploma. They were asked about the quality of the school in a questionnaire. 105 pupils were interviewed, 49 girls and 56 boys, aged 10 to 13 years. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
history of the place |
ID: |
8308581 |