magistrsko delo
Zarja Švajncer (Avtor), Tatjana Devjak (Mentor), Janez Vogrinc (Komentor)


Magistrsko delo Vpliv zgodovine in gospodarstva na življenje in delo na osnovni šoli Gornji Logatec obravnava naravne, zemljepisne in kulturne znamenitosti Logatca; razvoj šolstva na Slovenskem kot odsev spreminjanja družbenih, političnih in gospodarskih razmer; vpliv gospodarstva na razvoj osnovnega šolstva v logaški dolini; zgodovino osnovne šole Logatec ter vpliv šolstva v Logatcu na življenje in delo kraja. Navedeni vidiki so obravnavani zgodovinsko, in sicer od prvih začetkov prek obdobja pred Marijo Terezijo, v času treh državnih osnovnošolskih zakonov in šolstva med obema vojnama, po drugi svetovni vojni do osamosvojitve in sodobnega šolstva od osamosvojitve do danes. Poglavitni predmet magistrskega dela je vpliv družbenopolitičnih in gospodarskih razmer na osnovno šolo v Gornjem Logatcu, na kateri je posebne spremembe povzročil gospodarski razvoj logaške doline v drugi polovici 19. in prvi polovici 20. stoletja. Na novo vpeljana železnica je spodbudila gospodarski razvoj Dolnjega Logatca, Gornji Logatec pa je tedaj postal manj pomemben, prav tako je prednostni položaj izgubila osnovna šola v Gornjem Logatcu. Ko je Logatec postal upravno središče za polovico Notranjske in skupni sodni okraj za celotno glavarstvo, se je začela spreminjati sestava prebivalstva. Gospodarski razvoj se je ves čas zrcalil tudi na področju šolstva. Njegovega razvoja in zlasti razvoja dogajanja v Logatcu smo se lotili analitično in problemsko. S teoretično analizo literature in virov ter z elementi kvalitativne raziskave, to je s polstrukturiranimi intervjuji z nekdanjimi učiteljicami ter učenkami in učenci šole v Gornjem Logatcu, smo dokazali vpliv zgodovine in gospodarstva na razvoj in stagnacijo osnovne šole v Gornjem Logatcu. Skozi historično paradigmo smo prikazali vzrok upadanja števila otrok na omenjeni šoli in posledično spremembe pri izvajanju vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa. Osnovna šola kljub vsem spremembam, ki so jo doletele do današnjih dni, ohranja svojo izobraževalno, vzgojno, povezovalno, kulturno in športno vlogo v kraju. Ni samo del ideološkega aparata države, ampak je tudi avtonomna in humana ter vpliva na nadaljnji razvoj kraja, njegovih družbenih skupin in družbe kot celote.

Ključne besede

vzgoja in izobraževanje;razvoj osnovnega šolstva;družbene razmere;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [Z. Trček]
UDK: 908:330.34:373.3(497.473)(043.2)
COBISS: 10814025 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 926
Št. prenosov: 104
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: History and impact of the economic development in the life and work in the primary school Logatec
Sekundarni povzetek: The Master thesis on “The Impact of History and Economy on Life and Work at Gornji Logatec Primary School” analyses the natural, geographical and cultural sights of Logatec, the development of education in Slovenia as a reflection of societal, political and economic changes, the impact of economy on the development of primary education in the Logatec Valley, the history of Logatec Primary School and the impact of education on life in Logatec. These aspects are studied from a historical point of view focusing on the beginnings, the years preceding Maria Theresa’s reign, the period that saw the enforcement of three state laws on primary education, the interwar period, the period beginning after World War II and ending with Slovenia’s independence, as well as modern education since the independence and up to the present day. The main object of the thesis is the impact of sociopolitical and economic conditions on the primary school in Gornji Logatec, which underwent significant changes during the economic development of the Logatec Valley in the second half of the 19th and in the first half of the 20th century. While the newly built railway fostered the economic development of Dolnji Logatec, Gornji Logatec declined in importance and its primary school lost its privileged position. With Logatec becoming the administrative centre of one half of the Inner Carniola as well as the seat of the judicial district for the whole area covered by the district authority, the population structure began to change. The entire period witnessed repercussions of the economic development on education. The thesis adopts an analytical and problem-based approach to the study of the development of education in the light of the events taking place in Logatec. The impact of the historical and economic conditions on the development as well as on the stagnation of Gornji Logatec Primary School is demonstrated through a theoretical analysis of the relevant sources and literature as well as through qualitative research consisting of semi-structured interviews with former teachers and students of Gornji Logatec Primary School. The reason for a decrease in the number of children attending the school and the consequent changes in the organisation of the educational and training process is shown by means of a historical paradigm. Despite all the changes occurring up to the present day, the primary school has maintained an important role in training, education, community bonding, culture and sports in the town. Far from being a mere part of the ideological state apparatus, the school is an autonomous and human institution with an impact on the further development of the town, its various social groups and the society as a whole.
Sekundarne ključne besede: local studies;primary school;domoznanstvo;osnovna šola;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Strani: 158 str.
ID: 9077348
Priporočena dela:
, zgodovina kraja in šolstva
, diplomsko delo
, diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management kadrovskih in izobraževalnih sistemov