diplomsko delo
Barbara Križe (Author), Alenka Polak (Mentor), Helena Smrtnik Vitulić (Co-mentor)


Osebna pojmovanja o ljubezni v poznem mladostništvu in zgodnji odraslosti




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [B. Križe]
UDC: 177.6(043.2)
COBISS: 9171529 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1000
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Individual perceptions of love in late adolescence and early adulthood
Secondary abstract: In the thesis two concepts are examined. Namely, adolescents’ and adults’ personal understandings of a partnership love and secondly, their love experiences. The theoretical part discusses the love between two partners as a relationship which is determined by a person’s understanding of the loved one even though one is aware that the beloved does not match one’s ideal conception of a partnership. The difference between love and falling in love is that falling in love does not last a long time since it is based on idealizing partner’s characteristics. Special attention is paid to the importance of subjective theories and the developmental stages of adolescence and adulthood. The theoretical part concludes with description of destructive subjective conception of love, which has (mostly negative) effect on a partnership. In the empirical part I was interested if adolescents and adults differ in their personal understandings and experiences of love. I also wanted to determine whether males and females understand love differently. The survey sample covers 192 respondents; a hundred of them between the ages of 18 and 23 (adolescence) and 92 of them between the ages of 24 and 35 (adulthood).There were 87 men and 105 female respondents. The questionnaire used is based on the understanding of love defined by Milivojević (2009). The results showed that both groups of respondents understand love as accepting the partner, being honest with each other, a satisfying sexual relationship, complying with partner’s demands, falling in love and everlasting love. This is followed by conceptions determining love as showing attention and surrendering oneself to the beloved one, understanding what the beloved one thinks and needs, awareness that you become dependent upon the partner, jealousy, sacrifice, changing of personal characteristics and habits in order to show your love to your partner. In the end there are beliefs connected to fulfilling the expectations, valuating oneself on the basis of love one receives, the ability to love one partner only and indifference linked to when love is ended. The most common experiences with love and partnership range from complete trust, the feeling of fulfilment, the wish to be with the partner in times of crisis or to make him/her happy, having a satisfying sexual life, thinking alike and forgiveness to making sacrifice in the name of the partnership and spending free time together. The respondents are less experienced when it comes to their awareness what causes the partner to be in a bad mood, how to deal with jealousy and ending the relationship once their love is over. In the same category there are also demands for the partner to change, expectation that the partner would deny what’s dear or important to them, love for the partner regardless of his/her behaviour, and the change of personal traits one does not like in the partner. Statistically significant differences in personal conceptions among adolescents and adults occur in 4 of 21 claims related to conditioning of love, jealousy, fear of losing loved ones and undergoing personal changes in order for the partner to like them. 3 of 17 claims related to experience show differences in the intensity of jealousy and consequently the evaluation of love, sacrificing for the benefit of the relationship and the total amount of free time spent together. Statistically significant differences in personal conceptions of partnership love and love between the sexes is observed in 8 of 17 claims. These are: showing attention to your partner, jealousy as a demonstration of true love, sacrifice, total surrender to the partner, keeping the partner constantly in mind, and finally, the beliefs that you become dependent on the partner and that changing your personal characteristics for the sake of the partner is an expression of true love.
Secondary keywords: adolescent;love;adult;mladostnik;ljubezen;odrasli;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: X, 75 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Individual perceptions of love in late adolescence and early adulthood
Keywords (ePrints): ljubezen
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): love
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomskem delu sem preučila osebna pojmovanja mladostnikov in odraslih o partnerski ljubezni v povezavi z njihovimi partnerskimi ljubezenskimi izkušnjami. V teoretičnem delu sem partnersko ljubezen opredelila kot odnos, ki je zaznamovan na poznavanju ljubljene osebe in v katerem je prisotno zavedanje, da si partnerja želimo, čeprav ne ustreza povsem našim idealnim predstavam o partnerstvu. Za razliko od ljubezni zaljubljenost v partnerja največkrat ne traja dolgo časa, saj je zasnovana na idealizaciji partnerjevih osebnostnih lastnosti. Podrobneje sem predstavila tudi pomen subjektivnih teorij in razvojno obdobje mladostništva in odraslosti. V zaključku teoretičnega dela sem opisala še nekonstruktivna osebna pojmovanja o ljubezni, ki pomembno (predvsem negativno) vplivajo na naš partnerski odnos. V empiričnem delu me je zanimalo ali se mladostniki in odrasli v subjektivnih predstavah in izkušnjah o ljubezni med seboj razlikujejo. Prav tako sem želela ugotoviti, ali med osebnimi pojmovanji o ljubezni prihaja do razlik med moškimi in ženskami. V vzorec sem zajela 192 udeležencev, med katerimi jih bilo 100 starih med 18 in 23 let (mladostništvo) in 92 starih med 24 in 35 let (odraslost). Med udeleženci je bilo 87 moških in 105 žensk. V raziskavi sem uporabila anketni vprašalnik, ki sem ga zasnovala na podlagi predstav o ljubezni, ki jih je opisal Milivojević (2009). Rezultati so pokazali, da so pri obeh skupinah najbolj prisotna osebna pojmovanja o ljubezni povezana s sprejemanjem partnerja, iskrenostjo, dobro spolnostjo, predajanjem, zaljubljenostjo in ljubeznijo, ki traja do konca življenja. Sledijo pojmovanja, ki so povezana z izkazovanjem pozornosti in predajanjem samega sebe ljubljeni osebi, zavedanjem, kaj si ljubljena oseba misli in želi, zavedanjem, da v ljubezni postaneš od partnerja odvisen, ljubosumjem, žrtvovanjem in spreminjanjem lastnosti in navad kot dokazom, da partnerja resnično ljubimo. Na koncu najdemo še pojmovanja povezana z upoštevanjem pričakovanj, vrednotenjem samega sebe na podlagi ljubezni, ki jo prejmemo, možnostjo, da lahko ljubimo le enega partnerja. Končujem pa z osebnim pojmovanjem pri katerem predpostavljam, da vsak pojav ravnodušnosti pomeni prenehanje ljubezni. Najbolj razširjene izkušnje v ljubezni in partnerskih odnosih pa so povezane s popolnim zaupanjem, občutki izpolnjenosti, željo, da smo v težkih trenutkih ob partnerju in ga razveselimo, z zadovoljivo spolnostjo, podobnim razmišljanjem, odpuščanjem napak, pripravljenostjo, da se za partnerstvo naredi skoraj vse ter z preživljanjem skupnega prostega časa. Manj izkušenj pa imajo anketiranci z vedenjem, ki sproža partnerjevo slabo voljo, ljubosumjem na partnerja, prekinjanjem odnosa, ko zaljubljenost mine, zahtevami, da se partner spreminja, s pričakovanjem odrekanja partnerja pri njemu pomembnih stvareh, z ljubeznijo ne glede na partnerjevo vedenje ter z spreminjanjem partnerjevih lastnosti, ki jim niso všeč. Statistično pomembne razlike v osebnih pojmovanjih med mladostniki in odraslimi se pojavijo pri 4 od 21 trditev, ki so povezane s pogojevanjem ljubezni, ljubosumja ter strahu pred izgubo ljubljene osebe in s potencialnimi spremembami osebnih lastnosti, ki partnerju niso všeč. Pri 3 izmed 17 trditev se med mladostniki in odraslimi pokažejo razlike v izkušnjah pri količini ljubosumja in s tem povezanim vrednotenjem ljubezni, odrekanju stvarem v dobrobit odnosa ter pri izkušnjah glede količine preživetega skupnega prostega časa. Statistično pomembne razlike med spoloma v osebnih pojmovanjih o partnerski ljubezni in zaljubljenosti zasledimo pri 8 od 17 trditev, in sicer pri izkazovanju pozornosti partnerju, ljubosumju kot dokazu prave ljubezni, žrtvovanju, predajanju, stalnem imetju partnerja v mislih, prepričanju, da postaneš od partnerja odvisen ter pri pogojevanju, da je sprememba lastnosti dokaz za resnično ljubezen.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In the thesis two concepts are examined. Namely, adolescents’ and adults’ personal understandings of a partnership love and secondly, their love experiences. The theoretical part discusses the love between two partners as a relationship which is determined by a person’s understanding of the loved one even though one is aware that the beloved does not match one’s ideal conception of a partnership. The difference between love and falling in love is that falling in love does not last a long time since it is based on idealizing partner’s characteristics. Special attention is paid to the importance of subjective theories and the developmental stages of adolescence and adulthood. The theoretical part concludes with description of destructive subjective conception of love, which has (mostly negative) effect on a partnership. In the empirical part I was interested if adolescents and adults differ in their personal understandings and experiences of love. I also wanted to determine whether males and females understand love differently. The survey sample covers 192 respondents; a hundred of them between the ages of 18 and 23 (adolescence) and 92 of them between the ages of 24 and 35 (adulthood).There were 87 men and 105 female respondents. The questionnaire used is based on the understanding of love defined by Milivojević (2009). The results showed that both groups of respondents understand love as accepting the partner, being honest with each other, a satisfying sexual relationship, complying with partner’s demands, falling in love and everlasting love. This is followed by conceptions determining love as showing attention and surrendering oneself to the beloved one, understanding what the beloved one thinks and needs, awareness that you become dependent upon the partner, jealousy, sacrifice, changing of personal characteristics and habits in order to show your love to your partner. In the end there are beliefs connected to fulfilling the expectations, valuating oneself on the basis of love one receives, the ability to love one partner only and indifference linked to when love is ended. The most common experiences with love and partnership range from complete trust, the feeling of fulfilment, the wish to be with the partner in times of crisis or to make him/her happy, having a satisfying sexual life, thinking alike and forgiveness to making sacrifice in the name of the partnership and spending free time together. The respondents are less experienced when it comes to their awareness what causes the partner to be in a bad mood, how to deal with jealousy and ending the relationship once their love is over. In the same category there are also demands for the partner to change, expectation that the partner would deny what’s dear or important to them, love for the partner regardless of his/her behaviour, and the change of personal traits one does not like in the partner. Statistically significant differences in personal conceptions among adolescents and adults occur in 4 of 21 claims related to conditioning of love, jealousy, fear of losing loved ones and undergoing personal changes in order for the partner to like them. 3 of 17 claims related to experience show differences in the intensity of jealousy and consequently the evaluation of love, sacrificing for the benefit of the relationship and the total amount of free time spent together. Statistically significant differences in personal conceptions of partnership love and love between the sexes is observed in 8 of 17 claims. These are: showing attention to your partner, jealousy as a demonstration of true love, sacrifice, total surrender to the partner, keeping the partner constantly in mind, and finally, the beliefs that you become dependent on the partner and that changing your personal characteristics for the sake of the partner is an expression of true love.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): love
ID: 8309898