diplomsko delo
Dijana Kožar (Author), Mitja Krajnčan (Mentor)


Praktični primer programa spolne vzgoje za osebe z zmerno motnjo v duševnem razvoju


motnja v duševnem razvoju


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [D. Kožar]
UDC: 613.88:376.1-056.34(043.2)
COBISS: 9214793 Link will open in a new window
Views: 726
Downloads: 93
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: A practical example of sex education program for people with moderate disability in mental development
Secondary abstract: Diploma paper discusses the question of sexuality in individuals suffering from moderate disability in mental development. In the theoretical part it describes the general characteristics of individuals with mental disabilities; in addition it represents the characteristics of their sexuality and gives some attention to various perspectives of this issue in different time periods. Afterwards it focuses on special education and training program and on its basis it represents the implementation of sex education in practice – here it gives emphasis on the contribution of professional workers as well as parents, as it realizes that the coordination of both is vital for the efficient implementation of the program. Furthermore, it also presents the most frequent mistakes in teaching sex education and suggests different teaching methods, among which the experience-based approach is prevalent. It also gives a great deal of attention to the use of visual material and to the explanation of important topics, useful to discuss in sex education program. The empirical part represents the action research and the sex education program as its result; the program was carried out at the Special Education Centre Janez Levec (Zavod Janeza Levca), Department of Education and Training in Jarše, with the group of 5 adolescents. It was established that the workshops carried out are following the content prescribed in the special education and training program and that group work is the appropriate teaching form when teaching sex education to the individuals with moderate and severe disabilities in mental development. The following working methods which had been applied have also proven efficient: lecture - supplemented with demonstration and visual material, explanation, discussion, role playing, solving of working material.
Secondary keywords: mentally handicapped;sex education;teaching method;duševno prizadeti;spolna vzgoja;didaktična metoda;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 111 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): A practical example of sex education program for people with moderate disability in mental development
Keywords (ePrints): motnja v duševnem razvoju
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): mental disability
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomska naloga se ukvarja z vprašanjem spolnosti pri osebah z zmerno motnjo v duševnem razvoju. V teoretičnem delu poleg splošnih značilnosti oseb z motnjami v duševnem razvoju opiše značilnosti njihove seksualnosti in nekaj pozornosti nameni pogledom na problematiko v različnih časovnih obdobjih. Nato se posveti posebnemu programu vzgoje in izobraževanja ter izhajajoč iz njega opiše kako naj bi se v praksi izvajala spolna vzgoja, pri čemer daje poudarek tako na prispevku strokovnih delavcev, kot tudi staršev, saj se zaveda, da je za uspešno izvajanje programa potrebna usklajenost obeh. Opisane so najpogostejše napake pri poučevanju spolne vzgoje ter predlagane različne učne metode, med katerimi prevladuje izkustveni pristop. Dosti pozornosti je namenjeno uporabi slikovnega gradiva in razlagi pomembnih tem, ki jih je v programu spolne vzgoje smiselno obdelati. Empirični del predstavlja akcijsko raziskavo, katere rezultat je program spolne vzgoje, izveden s skupino 5-ih mladostnikov na Zavodu Janeza Levca, Oddelku vzgoje in izobraževanja Jarše. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da izvedene delavnice sledijo predpisanim vsebinam v določilih posebnega programa vzgoje in izobraževanja ter da je skupinsko delo primerna učna oblika za učenje spolne vzgoje pri osebah z zmerno in težjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju. Od uporabljenih delovnih metod so se izkazale za učinkovite še predavanje, dopolnjeno z demonstracijo s slikovnim gradivom, razlaga, diskusija, igra vlog in reševanje delovnih listov.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Diploma paper discusses the question of sexuality in individuals suffering from moderate disability in mental development. In the theoretical part it describes the general characteristics of individuals with mental disabilities; in addition it represents the characteristics of their sexuality and gives some attention to various perspectives of this issue in different time periods. Afterwards it focuses on special education and training program and on its basis it represents the implementation of sex education in practice – here it gives emphasis on the contribution of professional workers as well as parents, as it realizes that the coordination of both is vital for the efficient implementation of the program. Furthermore, it also presents the most frequent mistakes in teaching sex education and suggests different teaching methods, among which the experience-based approach is prevalent. It also gives a great deal of attention to the use of visual material and to the explanation of important topics, useful to discuss in sex education program. The empirical part represents the action research and the sex education program as its result; the program was carried out at the Special Education Centre Janez Levec (Zavod Janeza Levca), Department of Education and Training in Jarše, with the group of 5 adolescents. It was established that the workshops carried out are following the content prescribed in the special education and training program and that group work is the appropriate teaching form when teaching sex education to the individuals with moderate and severe disabilities in mental development. The following working methods which had been applied have also proven efficient: lecture - supplemented with demonstration and visual material, explanation, discussion, role playing, solving of working material.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): mental disability
ID: 8310051