Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Living in rurar areas in the past |
Secondary abstract: |
In seeking answers to the question of what makes a project work significantly different from the dominant today which is mainly the traditional teaching. There have been attempts to classify project learning as specific learning processes because of the criteria that determine a significant difference of project work from the traditional teaching.
Newer and more modern approaches of preschool education and learning are becoming a necessity in teaching approaches for preschool level, they are crucial not only for the content objectives, but also the process, developing the ability to search, edit the information, analyzing it in resolving the problem. The principle of active learning is related to the realization that preschool children learn best on the basis of actual experience and practical involvement in the activities. Research is one of the fundamental principles of learning in kindergarten and one of the methods of active learning, which enables children to obtain through their own activity information, data, learn and discover the experience.
Children learn through research method how to get the answer to the research question. The children in this approach are stimulated to active and independent work, co-responsibility in learning, critical thinking, planning, collaboration, search, edit, and document information. Moreover, they learn, "how to learn" how to find through a systematic way " a puzzle" and its solution. Kindergarten teacher in the process of researching has the role of integrator, organizer which allows children to access information and assists in collecting, managing and documenting them.
In the theoretical part, I mentioned the baseline of learning format, the differences between newer and traditional approach to learning, the modern conception of learning and education in society, active learning, project work, cultural heritage. In the empirical part of this research, I have with children in the process of closed-ended survey looked for answers to the theme "Living in the countryside a long time ago." We studied the place in which children live today. |
Secondary keywords: |
pre-school child;activity method;project method;cultural heritage;predšolski otrok;aktivna metoda;projektna metoda;kulturna dediščina; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja |
Pages: |
81 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Living in rurar areas in the past |
Keywords (ePrints): |
predšolski otrok |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
preschool children |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Pri iskanju odgovorov na vprašanje, v čem se projektno učno delo bistveno razlikuje od danes prevladujočega, pretežno že tradicionalnega poučevanja, obstajajo poskusi uvrščanja projektnega učnega dela med posebne učne postopke, in sicer zaradi kriterijev, ki določajo bistveno drugačnost projektnega dela od tradicionalnega poučevanja.
Novejši in sodobnejši pristopi predšolske vzgoje in učenja postajajo nujnost v učnih pristopih tudi na predšolski stopnji, saj so ključnega pomena ne le vsebinski cilji, pač pa tudi procesni; razvoj sposobnosti iskanja, urejanja informacij ter njihove analize v rešitvi problema. Z načelom aktivnega učenja je povezano spoznanje, da se predšolski otrok najbolje uči na osnovi konkretnih izkušenj in praktične udeležbe v aktivnostih. Raziskovanje je eden temeljnih principov učenja v vrtcu in ena izmed metod aktivnega učenja, ki otrokom omogoča, da z lastno aktivnostjo pridobivajo informacije in podatke ter spoznavajo in odkrivajo izkušnje.
Otroci se preko metode raziskovanja naučijo, kako priti do odgovora na raziskovalno vprašanje. Otroci so v tem pristopu spodbujeni k aktivnemu in samostojnemu delu, soodgovornosti v procesu učenja, kritičnega mišljenja, načrtovanja, sodelovanja, iskanja, urejanja in dokumentiranja informacij. Naučijo se torej, "kako se učiti", kako priti po sistematični poti od "uganke" do njene rešitve. Vzgojiteljica ima v procesu raziskovanja vlogo povezovalke, organizatorke, ki omogoča otrokom dostop do informacij, pomaga pri zbiranju, urejanju in dokumentiranju le-teh.
V teoretičnem delu sem se dotaknila izhodišč učenja; oblike, razlike med novejšim in tradicionalnim pristopom do učenja, sodobna koncepcija učenja in vzgoje na področju družbe, aktivno učenje, projektno učno delo in kulturna dediščina. V empiričnem oziroma raziskovalnem delu pa smo z otroki v procesu raziskovanja zaprtega tipa iskali odgovore na temo »Življenje na podeželju nekoč«. Raziskovali smo kraj, v katerem otroci živijo danes. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
In seeking answers to the question of what makes a project work significantly different from the dominant today which is mainly the traditional teaching. There have been attempts to classify project learning as specific learning processes because of the criteria that determine a significant difference of project work from the traditional teaching.
Newer and more modern approaches of preschool education and learning are becoming a necessity in teaching approaches for preschool level, they are crucial not only for the content objectives, but also the process, developing the ability to search, edit the information, analyzing it in resolving the problem. The principle of active learning is related to the realization that preschool children learn best on the basis of actual experience and practical involvement in the activities. Research is one of the fundamental principles of learning in kindergarten and one of the methods of active learning, which enables children to obtain through their own activity information, data, learn and discover the experience.
Children learn through research method how to get the answer to the research question. The children in this approach are stimulated to active and independent work, co-responsibility in learning, critical thinking, planning, collaboration, search, edit, and document information. Moreover, they learn, "how to learn" how to find through a systematic way " a puzzle" and its solution. Kindergarten teacher in the process of researching has the role of integrator, organizer which allows children to access information and assists in collecting, managing and documenting them.
In the theoretical part, I mentioned the baseline of learning format, the differences between newer and traditional approach to learning, the modern conception of learning and education in society, active learning, project work, cultural heritage. In the empirical part of this research, I have with children in the process of closed-ended survey looked for answers to the theme "Living in the countryside a long time ago." We studied the place in which children live today. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
preschool children |
ID: |
8310283 |