diplomsko delo


Madžarska ljudska glasba pri pouku glasbene vzgoje na razredni stopnji na dvojezičnih osnovnih šolah v Prekmurju


Prekmurje;dvojezične osnovne šole;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Vöröš]
UDC: 78:398.8(043.2)
COBISS: 9277769 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1224
Downloads: 231
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Hungarian folk music in music education at the lower levels of bilingual primary schools in Prekmurje
Secondary abstract: In this thesis we theoretically and empirically demonstrate the importance of knowledge of Slovenian and Hungarian folk heritage for everyone in the ethnically mixed area in Prekmurje. The bilingual elementary school students learn about Hungarian history, geography, culture and music. The theoretical part presents the history of Hungarian folk music, bilingual area in Prekmurje, describes teaching in bilingual primary schools and further compares the music education curriculum and adapted curriculum of music education for bilingual elementary school. In the empirical work we are finding out the views of teachers and students of primary education toward the Slovenian and Hungarian folk music and the importance of knowing people's heritage. We are finding out how class takes place, when Hungarian folk music is considered and how well pupils know the Slovenian and Hungarian folk music. Research indicated, that teachers and pupils have positive opinion to Slovene and Hungarian folk music and knowledge of both folk heritages seem important to them. Despite the reduction of hours in musical education and additional Hungarian contents, teachers treat in depth the Hungarian folk music, and the pupils know both very well, they love to sing, dance and play on folk instruments.
Secondary keywords: music education;folk music;bilingualism;glasbena vzgoja;ljudska glasba;dvojezičnost;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 53 f.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Hungarian folk music in music education at the lower levels of bilingual primary schools in Prekmurje
Keywords (ePrints): madžarska ljudska glasba
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Hungarian folk music
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomskem delu želimo teoretično in empirično dokazati pomembnost poznavanja slovenske in madžarske ljudske dediščine za vsakega posameznika na narodnostno mešanem območju v Prekmurju. V dvojezičnih osnovnih šolah učenci spoznavajo madžarsko zgodovino, zemljepis, kulturo in glasbo. V teoretičnem delu predstavljamo zgodovinski razvoj madžarske ljudske glasbe, dvojezično področje v Prekmurju, opišemo pouk na dvojezičnih osnovnih šolah in podrobneje primerjamo učni načrt glasbene vzgoje in prilagojen učni načrt glasbene vzgoje za dvojezične osnovne šole. V empiričnem delu ugotavljamo stališča učiteljev in učencev razrednega pouka do slovenske in madžarske ljudske glasbe in do pomembnosti poznavanja ljudske dediščine. Ugotavljamo, kako poteka pouk, kadar se obravnava madžarska ljudska glasba in kako dobro poznajo učenci slovensko in madžarsko ljudsko glasbo. Raziskava je pokazala, da imajo učitelji in učenci pozitivno stališče do slovenske in madžarske ljudske glasbe in se jim zdi poznavanje obeh ljudskih dediščin pomembno. Učitelji kljub skrčenemu urnemu obsegu glasbene vzgoje in dodatnim madžarskim vsebinam poglobljeno obravnavajo madžarsko ljudsko glasbo, učenci pa obe dobro poznajo in ju radi prepevajo, plešejo in igrajo na ljudska glasbila.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In this thesis we theoretically and empirically demonstrate the importance of knowledge of Slovenian and Hungarian folk heritage for everyone in the ethnically mixed area in Prekmurje. The bilingual elementary school students learn about Hungarian history, geography, culture and music. The theoretical part presents the history of Hungarian folk music, bilingual area in Prekmurje, describes teaching in bilingual primary schools and further compares the music education curriculum and adapted curriculum of music education for bilingual elementary school. In the empirical work we are finding out the views of teachers and students of primary education toward the Slovenian and Hungarian folk music and the importance of knowing people's heritage. We are finding out how class takes place, when Hungarian folk music is considered and how well pupils know the Slovenian and Hungarian folk music. Research indicated, that teachers and pupils have positive opinion to Slovene and Hungarian folk music and knowledge of both folk heritages seem important to them. Despite the reduction of hours in musical education and additional Hungarian contents, teachers treat in depth the Hungarian folk music, and the pupils know both very well, they love to sing, dance and play on folk instruments.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Hungarian folk music
ID: 8310440