Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Preschool teachers' response methods when dealing with a stubborn preschool child |
Secondary abstract: |
Children’s stubbornness is a natural phenomenon which is often present in the phase of their development. By being stubborn, the child expresses his reaction towards societal demands in his environment and shows his need to become independent as a response to the helplessness he feels towards those in a superior position. Because a child understands the worlds egocentrically, stubbornness can be a form of defiance towards the pressure of socialisation of his nature. Every child expresses stubbornness differently. We can identify many diverse forms of this phenomenon which occurs at different stages in a child’s development. In this thesis I investigate stubbornness through different scientific theories that have dealt with this phenomenon and its expression in children. According to the theory of Sigmund Freud, stubbornness is an expression of egocentrism, since children strive to be in the centre of attention and only gradually adjust their demands with the needs of the environment. The theory of psychosocial development explains stubbornness as a reflection of a child’s resistance due to the feelings of helplessness, which occur because of their growing awareness and consciousness, while physically the child is still clumsy and requires help and support of adults. From the point of view of behaviouristic theories, stubbornness is a reaction to the stimuli coming from the surrounding environment. The theory of social learning describes children’s behaviour as the result of social interactions based on rewards and punishments, as well as mimicking and observation. Jean Piaget’s work discovers that stubbornness in a child develops as a result of the wish to fulfil his or her needs, since the child is only gradually overcoming the egocentric phase and learns the social norms. Kohlberg’s theory explains the phenomenon of stubbornness as the outcome of a child’s imperfect understanding of what constitutes appropriate behaviour. According to Abraham Maslow on the other hand, it is possible to see it as a consequence of being spoiled. Furthermore, Carl Rogers interprets stubbornness as an expression of defiance of a child when he or she senses the lack of unconditional acceptance. By means of empirical research I also analyse how stubbornness is perceived by kindergarten/ nursery teachers (N=47) and nursery assistants (N=53) in kindergartens in both urban and rural areas. The analysis, which was undertaken through a questionnaire, disseminated to nine Slovenian kindergartens especially aims to identify how the teachers interpret and react to stubbornness in children. The analysis of results confirms that stubbornness is experienced and dealt with by all nursery teachers and assistants. On the other hand, some differences are observed regarding the interpretation and reaction to stubbornness among personnel working in urban and rural areas, as well as according to their working positions and work experience. |
Secondary keywords: |
socialization;pre-school child;socializacija;predšolski otrok; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja |
Pages: |
81 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Preschool teachers' response methods when dealing with a stubborn preschool child |
Keywords (ePrints): |
trma |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
stubbornness |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Trma je naraven pojav, ki je pogosto prisoten ob odraščanju otroka. S trmo se otrok izraža do vzgojnih zahtev okolja, hkrati pa se trma kaže tudi kot izraz otrokove težnje po samostojnosti in nemoči nasproti tistim v nadrejenem položaju. Otrok svet dojema zelo egocentrično, zato poskuse socializiranja svoje narave lahko čuti kot pritisk s strani odraslih, zato se brani s trmo. Pri vsakem otroku se trma kaže drugače in se pojavlja skozi različne faze razvoja. V svoji diplomski nalogi pojav trme raziskujem s pomočjo različnih znanstvenih teorij, ki so obravnavale njen nastanek pri otrocih. Z vidika psihoanalitične teorije Sigmunda Freuda je trma izraz otrokove egocentričnosti, saj otrok stremi k temu, da je v središču pozornosti in zelo postopno usklajuje svoje potrebe z zahtevami okolja. Teorija psihosocialnega razvoja pojasnjuje trmo kot odraz otrokovega upiranja zaradi občutka nemoči, saj se pri otroku vse bolj razvija zavest, telesno pa je še nespreten in potrebuje pomoč ter oporo odraslih. Z vidika behaviorističnih teorij je trma reakcija na dražljaje iz okolja. Teorija socialnega učenja govori o tem, da je vsako otrokovo vedenje rezultat socialnih interakcij z nagrajevanjem in s kaznovanjem, s posnemanjem ter z opazovanjem. Jean Piaget je v svojih teorijah ugotavljal, da se trma pri otroku pojavi zaradi težnje po izpolnitvi njegovih želja, ker otrok le postopoma prerašča egocentrizem in se uči vseh socialnih norm. Kohlbergova teorija pojav trme pojasnjuje kot posledico otrokovega nepopolnega razumevanja ustreznega vedenja. Trma z vidika Abrahama Maslowa nastane kot posledica razvajenosti. Carl Rogers pa trmo interpretira kot izraz upora ob otrokovih občutkih, da ni vedno brezpogojno sprejet. S pomočjo empirične raziskave ugotavljam, kako trmo dojemajo vzgojitelji (N=47) in kako pomočniki vzgojiteljev (N=53) v vrtcih mestnega ter vaškega okolja. Pri raziskavi, opravljeni s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, razdeljenega med strokovne delavce devetih slovenskih vrtcev, me predvsem zanima, kako vzgojitelji in vzgojiteljice interpretirajo pojav trme in kako se nanjo odzivajo. Analiza rezultatov potrjuje, da se s trmo otrok spopadajo vsi anketirani strokovni delavci v vrtcih, kljub vsemu se kažejo nekatere razlike v dojemanju in odzivanju na trmo med strokovnimi delavci v mestih in vaških okoljih, razlike pa se kažejo tudi glede na njihovo delovno mesto in delovne izkušnje. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
Children’s stubbornness is a natural phenomenon which is often present in the phase of their development. By being stubborn, the child expresses his reaction towards societal demands in his environment and shows his need to become independent as a response to the helplessness he feels towards those in a superior position. Because a child understands the worlds egocentrically, stubbornness can be a form of defiance towards the pressure of socialisation of his nature. Every child expresses stubbornness differently. We can identify many diverse forms of this phenomenon which occurs at different stages in a child’s development. In this thesis I investigate stubbornness through different scientific theories that have dealt with this phenomenon and its expression in children. According to the theory of Sigmund Freud, stubbornness is an expression of egocentrism, since children strive to be in the centre of attention and only gradually adjust their demands with the needs of the environment. The theory of psychosocial development explains stubbornness as a reflection of a child’s resistance due to the feelings of helplessness, which occur because of their growing awareness and consciousness, while physically the child is still clumsy and requires help and support of adults. From the point of view of behaviouristic theories, stubbornness is a reaction to the stimuli coming from the surrounding environment. The theory of social learning describes children’s behaviour as the result of social interactions based on rewards and punishments, as well as mimicking and observation. Jean Piaget’s work discovers that stubbornness in a child develops as a result of the wish to fulfil his or her needs, since the child is only gradually overcoming the egocentric phase and learns the social norms. Kohlberg’s theory explains the phenomenon of stubbornness as the outcome of a child’s imperfect understanding of what constitutes appropriate behaviour. According to Abraham Maslow on the other hand, it is possible to see it as a consequence of being spoiled. Furthermore, Carl Rogers interprets stubbornness as an expression of defiance of a child when he or she senses the lack of unconditional acceptance. By means of empirical research I also analyse how stubbornness is perceived by kindergarten/ nursery teachers (N=47) and nursery assistants (N=53) in kindergartens in both urban and rural areas. The analysis, which was undertaken through a questionnaire, disseminated to nine Slovenian kindergartens especially aims to identify how the teachers interpret and react to stubbornness in children. The analysis of results confirms that stubbornness is experienced and dealt with by all nursery teachers and assistants. On the other hand, some differences are observed regarding the interpretation and reaction to stubbornness among personnel working in urban and rural areas, as well as according to their working positions and work experience. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
stubbornness |
ID: |
8310490 |