diplomsko delo
Mateja Sukič (Author), Tjaša Filipčič (Mentor), Rajko Vute (Co-mentor)


Odnos romskih učencev do športa in športne vzgoje


športna vzgoja


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Sukič]
UDC: 796:316.35(043.2)
COBISS: 9323337 Link will open in a new window
Views: 802
Downloads: 196
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Romani children`s attitude towards sport and physical education
Secondary abstract: The purpose of the research paper has been to find the opinion of 40 Romani pupils at Prekmurje primary schools (and indirectly of their parents) about sport and sport activities with a questionnaire’s help. We have been interested in if they are aware of the physical psycological benefits that sports bring. We also wanted to find out which sport activities are closer to them and which are the ones they are occupied with the most. If the research results had been positive and beneficial, we could have affected the strategy of connectivity and better closeness of Romani population at the school athmosphere. It is well-known that cooperation between Romani people, Romani parents, and school is still bad if we compare it to other non-Romani population. The data have been processed with the statistic programme SPSS. The parameters of basic statistics have been calcualted (avarage values, standard deviations, ranks, frequences of the answers). It has been found out that the most of the qustioned Romani pupils have positive attitude towards sport and Physical Education and they are aware of the benefists that trainings bring. The results show that they have been motivated for sport activities from their parents as well. There are: running, games with a ball and cycling among the most popular sports of Romani pupils.
Secondary keywords: physical education;pupil attitude;primary school;športna vzgoja;stališče učencev;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: VIII, 67 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Romani children`s attitude towards sport and physical education
Keywords (ePrints): športna vzgoja
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): PE
Abstract (ePrints): Namen raziskovalne naloge je bil s pomočjo vprašalnika odkriti stališče 40 romskih učencev pomurskih osnovnih šol in posredno njihovih staršev do športa in športnih dejavnosti. Zanimali nas je tudi, ali se zavedajo telesnih in duševnih koristi, ki jih ta prinaša. Prav tako smo želeli odkriti, katere so tiste športne dejavnosti, ki so jim najbližje in s katerimi se v največji meri ukvarjajo. Ob ugodnih, pozitivnih izsledkih bi lahko njim priljubljeno športno aktivnost vpeli v strategijo zbliževanja in boljšega povezovanja romske populacije k šolski atmosferi, saj je znano, da je sodelovanje med Romi, romskimi starši in šolo še vedno slabo v primerjavi z ostalo, neromsko populacijo. Dobljeni podatki so bili obdelani s statističnim programom SPSS. Izračunani so bili parametri osnovne statistike (povprečne vrednosti, standardni odkloni, rangi, frekvence odgovorov). Ugotovljeno je bilo, da ima večina anketiranih romskih učencev do športa in športne vzgoje pozitiven odnos, prav tako se zavedajo koristi, ki jih prinaša vadba. Izsledki kažejo, da so bili k športni dejavnosti motivirani tudi s strani staršev. Med najbolj priljubljenimi športi romskih učencev so tek, igre z žogo in kolesarjenje.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The purpose of the research paper has been to find the opinion of 40 Romani pupils at Prekmurje primary schools (and indirectly of their parents) about sport and sport activities with a questionnaire’s help. We have been interested in if they are aware of the physical psycological benefits that sports bring. We also wanted to find out which sport activities are closer to them and which are the ones they are occupied with the most. If the research results had been positive and beneficial, we could have affected the strategy of connectivity and better closeness of Romani population at the school athmosphere. It is well-known that cooperation between Romani people, Romani parents, and school is still bad if we compare it to other non-Romani population. The data have been processed with the statistic programme SPSS. The parameters of basic statistics have been calcualted (avarage values, standard deviations, ranks, frequences of the answers). It has been found out that the most of the qustioned Romani pupils have positive attitude towards sport and Physical Education and they are aware of the benefists that trainings bring. The results show that they have been motivated for sport activities from their parents as well. There are: running, games with a ball and cycling among the most popular sports of Romani pupils.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): PE
ID: 8310552
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