diplomska naloga
Maruša Vrečko (Author), Edi Majaron (Mentor)


Lutka med domom in vrtcem


lutkovne predstave;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Vrečko]
UDC: 792.97:373.2(043.2)
COBISS: 9327689 Link will open in a new window
Views: 969
Downloads: 202
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Puppet at home and in kindergarten
Secondary abstract: The goal of my diploma work is the research of the book »Travnik kliče« (The Meadow is Calling), by the authors Marija Grginič and Edi Marajon whose wish is to encourage parents and teachers in kindergartens to, with the aid of a manual, start to tackle the issue of creative activity in the field of bringing up and education and to spend quality time with the children. A hand marionette – bear called Snežko is attached to the book and he has the leading role in the exercice of all activities and at the same time offers an infinite range of possibilities for a genuine contact, motivation and the play of the children. I was very interested in the use the book and the ideas in it in the activities in the kindergarten with the age group from three to four years. How will the marionette and my approach to it be taken by the children and what is their attitude towards marionettes? As I am well aware of the fact that very few chidren have their own marionettes and that they miss playing with them, I decided that the children will make, with my help, puppets by themselves and will play with them as much as they wish. My aim was to give incentive to the children as well as to their parents to use puppets in their play and to discover with them the infinite range of cretaive possibilities and to use them to help them enlarge the world of imagination. I have seen that the book »Travnik kliče« togehther with the pleasant teddy bear Snežko is an excellent tool for anyone who would like to discover the world of marionettes in many ways and who would like to give the child a lot of joy and entertainment. The book is just the right thing for pre-school children as it comprises all the themes in which youngsters are interested in and around which all their too fast running time of worryfree childhod is spinning. The children enjoyed immensly the creation of puppets and later the shows, which was the best I could offer them with the help of the book. Marionettes encourage imagination and creativity which is of utmost importance for further development and growth. »Travnik kliče!«
Secondary keywords: puppetry;play;pre-school child;lutke;igra;predšolski otrok;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 44 f.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Puppet at home and in kindergarten
Keywords (ePrints): otrok
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): child
Abstract (ePrints): Cilj moje diplomske naloge je bil raziskati knjigo »Travnik kliče«, avtorjev Marije Grginič in Edija Majarona, s katero želita spodbuditi tako starše kot tudi strokovne delavke vrtcev, da se s pomočjo priročnika lotijo kakovostnega ustvarjanja na vzgojno- izobraževalnem področju in preživljanja kvalitetnega časa z otroki. Knjigi je priložena tudi ročna lutka-medvedek Snežko, ki ima glavno vlogo pri izvajanju vseh dejavnosti in ponuja neskončno možnosti za pristen stik, motivacijo in igro otrok. Zanimalo me je, kako bom knjigo in ideje v njej lahko uporabila za dejavnosti v vrtcu, za starostno skupino 3-4 letnih otrok. Kako bosta lutka in moj pristop z njo vplivala na otroke in kakšen odnos imajo otroci do lutk. Ker se zavedam, da ima vse premalo otrok svoje lutke in velik primanjkljaj iger z njimi, sem si zadala cilj, da si bodo otroci z mojo pomočjo izdelali svoje lutke in se z njimi po mili volji igrali. Moj namen je bil spodbuditi tako otroke kot njihove starše, da lutke uporabljajo pri igri in z njimi odkrivajo neskončno možnosti za ustvarjanje in izpopolnjevanje domišljijskega sveta. Spoznala sem, da je knjiga »Travnik kliče« z dodatkom prikupnega plišastega medvedka Snežka odličen pripomoček za čisto vsakogar, ki bi rad odkrival svet lutk na tisoč in en način in otroku podaril ogromno veselja in zabave. Knjiga je pisana na kožo predšolskim otrokom, saj zajema prav vse teme, ki male nadobudneže zanimajo in okrog katerih se vrti njihov prehitro minljiv čas brezskrbnega otroštva. Otroci so ob izdelavi lutk in kasneje v igranju lutkovnih predstav neskončno uživali in to je največ, kar sem jim s pomočjo knjige lahko omogočila. Lutke izzivajo domišljijo in ustvarjalnost, kar je ključnega pomena za nadaljnji razvoj. »Travnik kliče!«
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The goal of my diploma work is the research of the book »Travnik kliče« (The Meadow is Calling), by the authors Marija Grginič and Edi Marajon whose wish is to encourage parents and teachers in kindergartens to, with the aid of a manual, start to tackle the issue of creative activity in the field of bringing up and education and to spend quality time with the children. A hand marionette – bear called Snežko is attached to the book and he has the leading role in the exercice of all activities and at the same time offers an infinite range of possibilities for a genuine contact, motivation and the play of the children. I was very interested in the use the book and the ideas in it in the activities in the kindergarten with the age group from three to four years. How will the marionette and my approach to it be taken by the children and what is their attitude towards marionettes? As I am well aware of the fact that very few chidren have their own marionettes and that they miss playing with them, I decided that the children will make, with my help, puppets by themselves and will play with them as much as they wish. My aim was to give incentive to the children as well as to their parents to use puppets in their play and to discover with them the infinite range of cretaive possibilities and to use them to help them enlarge the world of imagination. I have seen that the book »Travnik kliče« togehther with the pleasant teddy bear Snežko is an excellent tool for anyone who would like to discover the world of marionettes in many ways and who would like to give the child a lot of joy and entertainment. The book is just the right thing for pre-school children as it comprises all the themes in which youngsters are interested in and around which all their too fast running time of worryfree childhod is spinning. The children enjoyed immensly the creation of puppets and later the shows, which was the best I could offer them with the help of the book. Marionettes encourage imagination and creativity which is of utmost importance for further development and growth. »Travnik kliče!«
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): child
ID: 8310681
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