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Mateja Karo (Author), Alma Cikotić (Author), Jože Rugelj (Mentor)


Didaktične igre pri poučevanje [!] programiranja




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Karo, A. Cikotić]
UDC: 004.4:37(043.2)
COBISS: 9437001 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1317
Downloads: 228
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Didactic games for teaching programming
Secondary abstract: The expansion of information and communication field is a reason for young people to adopt basic knowledge of computer science in their early ages. Therefore some teachers strive for more complicated skills of computer science, such as computer programing. Adopting knowledge of programing is quite a difficult task for some students and therefore teachers use different approaches when teaching programing. For easier understanding how programs operate, usage of didactic games is increasing, as it offers better visualization for students. We ascertained that a didactic game is a good motivation for students, as it increases their interest. We can find a number of didactic games on the internet for different areas of education, but that is not the case for individual areas of programming. Computer programming teachers could use their knowledge to composite didactic game which they could use in their computer science classes. To realize this didactic game they should consider development stages to help them accomplish this project. In our diploma work we created a didactic game for easier understanding of subprograms and understanding of passing variables by reference and by value. We examined the suitability of the game at Pedagogical university of Ljubljana among the students of computer science.
Secondary keywords: programming;computer game;educational game;programiranje;računalniška igra;didaktična igra;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Matematika in računalništvo
Pages: VI, 81 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Didactic games for teaching programming
Keywords (ePrints): programiranje
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): computer programing
Abstract (ePrints): Zaradi razširjenosti informacijsko - komunikacijske tehnologije je znanje osnov računalništva med mladimi osvojeno že zelo zgodaj, zato se nekateri učitelji zavzemajo tudi za bolj zahtevne veščine računalništva, kot na primer programiranje. Ker je osvajanje programiranja za nekatere učence zelo zahtevno, učitelji uporabljajo vse več različnih pristopov poučevanja programiranja. Zaradi lažjega razumevanja delovanja programov je uporaba didaktičnih iger, zaradi lažje vizualizacije, vse večja. Ugotovili sva, da je didaktična igra tudi dobra motivacija pri pouku, ker pritegne učenčevo pozornost ter s tem spodbudi njihovo zanimanje. Na spletu najdemo veliko didaktičnih iger iz različnih področij izobraževanja, kar pa ne velja za posamezne sklope programiranja, ki bi pripomogle k lažjemu razumevanju. Učitelji računalništva lahko uporabijo svoje znanje za izdelavo didaktične igre, ki jo lahko uporabijo pri pouku računalništva. Za realizacijo projekta, izdelave didaktične igre, je priporočljivo upoštevati razvojne faze, ki pripomorejo k lažji izpeljavi tega projekta. V sklopu diplomske naloge sva izdelali didaktično igro za lažje razumevanje podprogramov ter prenosa spremenljivk po vrednosti in referenci. Ustreznost igre sva preverjali na Pedagoški fakulteti s testiranjem med študenti računalništva.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The expansion of information and communication field is a reason for young people to adopt basic knowledge of computer science in their early ages. Therefore some teachers strive for more complicated skills of computer science, such as computer programing. Adopting knowledge of programing is quite a difficult task for some students and therefore teachers use different approaches when teaching programing. For easier understanding how programs operate, usage of didactic games is increasing, as it offers better visualization for students. We ascertained that a didactic game is a good motivation for students, as it increases their interest. We can find a number of didactic games on the internet for different areas of education, but that is not the case for individual areas of programming. Computer programming teachers could use their knowledge to composite didactic game which they could use in their computer science classes. To realize this didactic game they should consider development stages to help them accomplish this project. In our diploma work we created a didactic game for easier understanding of subprograms and understanding of passing variables by reference and by value. We examined the suitability of the game at Pedagogical university of Ljubljana among the students of computer science.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): computer programing
ID: 8310891