diplomska naloga
Vanja Gianini (Author), Alenka Cemič (Mentor), Jera Gregorc (Co-mentor)


Razvoj koordinacije v predšolskem obdobju


koordinacija;celostni razvoj;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [V. Gianini]
UDC: 373.2.016:79(043.2)
COBISS: 9445449 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1633
Downloads: 203
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Preschool period of coordination process
Secondary abstract: In a thesis we are presenting the problem of preschool period of coordination process because of its integrated development of the child, his fast growth and ripening, importance of know-how rich environmental influence on adaptation and important urgency of totaly different access and methodic ways to a global child's growth. Accessories for growth coordination must not only be adapted but changed in total. Because until now the explorers did not expose in such way, we treat in thesis the growth of coordination first with experts and explorers results, who researched this domain in preshool and later period. We followed on ground of previous literature and characteristics of locomotive development of preschool child and we established examples of methodical units for specific exposing forms of coordination. With appropriate methods of work this methodic units can serve as example of efficent locomotive learning. In accordance with this problem we waggoned targets: to show the importance of growth coordination in preschool period and methodical units for coordination development in first and second age bracket. Through section of Slovenian and foreign contemporary literature we answered in our thesis: «What are the answers this literature offers on questions about importance of coordination growth in preschool period?« and » What kind of locomotive challenges contemporary Slovenian literature is proposing for growth of coordination and on the other hand what methods do foreign explorers suggest for suitable teaching and researching the oriented locomotive activities in kindergarten?« We answered this two specific questions and we estimated critical evaluation of temporary explorers, especially on their uncritical and common transfer of methods and accessories for locomotive growth of older children to preschool children. On the basement of new results we found propper cases of methodic units for coordination growth and presented them along with efficient preschool methods of working in preschool period.
Secondary keywords: motor development;pre-school child;gibalni razvoj;predšolski otrok;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 51 f.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Preschool period of coordination process
Keywords (ePrints): predšolski otrok
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): preschool children
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi predstavljamo problem razvoja koordinacije v predšolskem obdobju zaradi dejstva celostnega razvoja otroka, njegove hitre rasti in zorenja, pomembnost izkušenjsko bogatega okolja na adaptacijo in nujnost popolnoma drugačnega pristopa in metodičnih enot ter sredstev in metod dela za gibalni razvoj otroka. Sredstva za razvoj koordinacije ni treba le prilagoditi, pač pa popolnoma spremeniti. Ker so sedaj podobnega problema raziskovalci še niso izpostavili na ta način, smo v diplomski nalogi razvoj koordinacije obravnavali najprej z izsledki strokovnjakov in znanstvenikov, ki so to področje preučevali tako v predšolskem kot kasnejšem obdobju, nato pa smo na podlagi dosedanje literature in značilnosti motoričnega razvoja predšolskega otroka postavili primere metodičnih enot za posamezne pojavne oblike koordinacije. S primernimi metodami dela pa te metodične enote lahko služijo kot primeri učinkovitega gibalnega učenja. Skladno s tem problemom smo si zastavili cilja: predstaviti pomembnost razvoja koordinacije v predšolskem obdobju in predstaviti učinkovite metode in metodične enote za razvoj koordinacije v prvem in drugem starostnem obdobju. Skozi prerez slovenske in tuje sodobne literature smo v diplomski nalogi odgovorili na vprašanja »Kakšne odgovore na pomembnost razvoja koordinacije v predšolskem obdobju nam ponuja sodobna slovenska in tuja literatura?« ter »Kakšne gibalne izzive ponuja sodobna slovenska literatura za razvoj koordinacije in kakšne metode dela predlagajo sodobni strokovnjaki za ustrezno učenje ter poučevanje usmerjenih gibalnih dejavnosti v vrtcu?« Nanju smo odgovorili in podali kritično oceno sodobnih raziskovalcev, še posebej na njihov nekritičen in pogost prenos sredstev za razvoj motoričnih sposobnosti za odrasle na predšolske otroke. Na podlagi novih izsledkov pa smo poiskali ustrezne primere metodičnih enot za razvoj koordinacije in jih predstavili z učinkovitimi metodami dela v predšolskem obdobju.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In a thesis we are presenting the problem of preschool period of coordination process because of its integrated development of the child, his fast growth and ripening, importance of know-how rich environmental influence on adaptation and important urgency of totaly different access and methodic ways to a global child's growth. Accessories for growth coordination must not only be adapted but changed in total. Because until now the explorers did not expose in such way, we treat in thesis the growth of coordination first with experts and explorers results, who researched this domain in preshool and later period. We followed on ground of previous literature and characteristics of locomotive development of preschool child and we established examples of methodical units for specific exposing forms of coordination. With appropriate methods of work this methodic units can serve as example of efficent locomotive learning. In accordance with this problem we waggoned targets: to show the importance of growth coordination in preschool period and methodical units for coordination development in first and second age bracket. Through section of Slovenian and foreign contemporary literature we answered in our thesis: «What are the answers this literature offers on questions about importance of coordination growth in preschool period?« and » What kind of locomotive challenges contemporary Slovenian literature is proposing for growth of coordination and on the other hand what methods do foreign explorers suggest for suitable teaching and researching the oriented locomotive activities in kindergarten?« We answered this two specific questions and we estimated critical evaluation of temporary explorers, especially on their uncritical and common transfer of methods and accessories for locomotive growth of older children to preschool children. On the basement of new results we found propper cases of methodic units for coordination growth and presented them along with efficient preschool methods of working in preschool period.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): preschool children
ID: 8310899
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