diplomska naloga
Tina Peterka (Author), Barbara Bajd (Mentor)


Spoznavanje travnika s predšolskimi otroki


travnik;travniške živali in rastlina;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Peterka]
UDC: 373.2.016:50(043.2)
COBISS: 9492297 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1481
Downloads: 258
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Exploring meadow with preschool children
Secondary abstract: In the first part, the theoretical one, I briefly presented the meadow as an ecosystem composed of a variety of animals and plants. I wrote about how to classify plants in the meadow, stated some of the most typical ones, and described their characteristics. Hereafter I briefly described the animals that live in the meadow, but not all of them, only those that I have used in the survey questionnaire and I have talked about them with children and studied their characteristics. In the following pages of my theoretical part I wrote about the objectives described in the curriculum for kindergartens and we, the teachers, want to include these objectives in our work throughout the year. I wrote about how important the nature is for children, how cleverly they are using their body to explore the nature with it, and about the fact that children today do not know a game without industrially made toys. Because of that I also wrote about the role of the educator in planning and implementing science activities. An educator should encourage children to play with natural materials, he has to be an example to them when learning about nature and he must respect the nature, because he unconsciously transmits his model of thinking at them. An educator has to plan exploration in the nature for children, to promote their independence and their use of imagination and let them be creative at their work. I wrote about the importance of exploring for children and how important a personal experience is for them, and that a child is not forced, but is internally motivated to explore. I also wrote a few words about constructivism as an important approach to teaching science. In the first part of the practical work I presented the child's conceptions, behaviour and knowledge of life in the meadow. I acquired this information on the basis of the composite questionnaire. The replies helped me with the practical work on the meadow, which has been explored together with children. I described my expectations and goals that I have set to myself at this work, and described the course of our work on the meadow. In the last part I re-presented the child's knowledge of life in the meadow by repeating the survey, and presented the information that I have acquired after the children have already gained some personal experience about life in the meadow.
Secondary keywords: science education;pre-school education;open air activities;naravoslovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;predšolska vzgoja;dejavnosti na prostem;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 111 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Exploring meadow with preschool children
Keywords (ePrints): predšolski otrok
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): preschool child
Abstract (ePrints): V prvem teoretičnem delu sem na kratko predstavila travnik kot ekosistem, ki ga sestavljajo različne živali in rastline. Pisala sem kako delimo rastline na travniku, navedla nekaj najbolj značilnih in opisala značilnosti posamezne vrste. V nadaljevanju sem na kratko opisala živali, ki živijo na travniku, pri tem pa nisem zajela vseh, ampak le tiste, ki sem jih uporabila v anketnem vprašalniku in smo se z otroki o njih pogovarjali in raziskovali njihove značilnosti. V nadaljevanju teoretičnega dela sem pisala o ciljih, ki so opisani v kurikulumu za vrtce in jih vzgojitelji želimo skozi vse leto vključevati v naše delo. Pisala sem o tem, kako pomembna je za otroke narava, kako spretno otroci pri tem uporabljajo svoje telo in z njim naravo raziskujejo, o tem da dandanes otroci ne poznajo igre brez industrijsko izdelanih igrač. Zato sem temo navezala tudi na vlogo vzgojitelja pri načrtovanju in izvajanju naravoslovnih dejavnosti. Vzgojitelj mora otroke spodbujati pri igri z naravnim materialom, otrokom mora biti vzgled pri spoznavanju narave in jo spoštovati ker s tem nezavedno prenaša svoj vzorec nanje. Vzgojitelj mora za otroke načrtovati raziskovanje v naravi, pri tem pa otroke spodbujati k samostojnosti in uporabi domišljije ter jim prepustiti kreativnost pri delu. Pisala sem o pomenu raziskovanja za otroke, kako pomembna je za otroke osebna izkušnja, da je otrok pri raziskovanju neprisiljen in notranje motiviran za delo. Napisala pa sem tudi nekaj besed o konstruktivizmu kot pomembnemu pristopu pri poučevanju naravoslovja. V prvem delu praktičnega dela sem predstavila otrokove predstave, vedenje in znanje o življenju na travniku. Te podatke sem pridobila na podlagi sestavljenega anketnega vprašalnika. Odgovori so mi pomagali pri oblikovanju praktičnega dela na travniku, katerega smo raziskali skupaj z otroki. Opisala sem moja pričakovanja oziroma cilje, ki sem si jih pri delu zadala in opisala potek našega dela na travniku. V zadnjem delu sem ponovno predstavila otrokova vedenja o življenju na travniku s ponovitvijo anketiranja in predstavila podatke, ki sem jih pridobila po tem, ko so otroci že dobili osebne izkušnje z življenjem na travniku.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In the first part, the theoretical one, I briefly presented the meadow as an ecosystem composed of a variety of animals and plants. I wrote about how to classify plants in the meadow, stated some of the most typical ones, and described their characteristics. Hereafter I briefly described the animals that live in the meadow, but not all of them, only those that I have used in the survey questionnaire and I have talked about them with children and studied their characteristics. In the following pages of my theoretical part I wrote about the objectives described in the curriculum for kindergartens and we, the teachers, want to include these objectives in our work throughout the year. I wrote about how important the nature is for children, how cleverly they are using their body to explore the nature with it, and about the fact that children today do not know a game without industrially made toys. Because of that I also wrote about the role of the educator in planning and implementing science activities. An educator should encourage children to play with natural materials, he has to be an example to them when learning about nature and he must respect the nature, because he unconsciously transmits his model of thinking at them. An educator has to plan exploration in the nature for children, to promote their independence and their use of imagination and let them be creative at their work. I wrote about the importance of exploring for children and how important a personal experience is for them, and that a child is not forced, but is internally motivated to explore. I also wrote a few words about constructivism as an important approach to teaching science. In the first part of the practical work I presented the child's conceptions, behaviour and knowledge of life in the meadow. I acquired this information on the basis of the composite questionnaire. The replies helped me with the practical work on the meadow, which has been explored together with children. I described my expectations and goals that I have set to myself at this work, and described the course of our work on the meadow. In the last part I re-presented the child's knowledge of life in the meadow by repeating the survey, and presented the information that I have acquired after the children have already gained some personal experience about life in the meadow.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): preschool child
ID: 8311148
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