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Tjaša Švigelj (Author), Vesna Štemberger (Mentor)


Zaznavanje športnovzgojnega procesa učencev 2. triade v šolah štajersko-koroške regije


aktivni odmor;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Švigelj]
UDC: 796(043.2)
COBISS: 9506377 Link will open in a new window
Views: 715
Downloads: 232
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The perception of the sport-educational process by the pupils of second triad from the Štajersko-Koroška region
Secondary abstract: In the theoretical part of the thesis entitled The perception of the sport-educational process by the pupils of second triad from the Štajersko-Koroška region, I defined sports and its importance, physical education, its starting point, the scope and structure of the course. I have presented cooperation between the class teacher and the sports teacher of physical education. The survey included 477 participants from 5 schools in the Štajersko-Koroška region and its goal is to try to determine how students experience physical education, where it is ranked according to popularity and importance, what their attitude to assessment is and which are the forms and methods used, the content, and which sports are popular or unpopular among students. The results show that PE is highly popular among pupils. It also seems to be important to their life in general. Pupils are not afraid of it being graded, most likely due to good grades they achieve in this class. Even more, they would not want PE to be ungraded. I found that the students look forward to sports days, outdoor school and other activities they choose themselves. On the other hand, they find it disturbing when they are late for physical education, when their teacher is angry or when they are being punished. The survey showed that the most popular sports among students are ball games, dodge ball being most popular. Unfortunately, the results confirm our hypothesis that students are rarely given an active break.
Secondary keywords: physical education;marking;primary school;športna vzgoja;ocenjevanje;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 53 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): The perception of the sport-educational process by the pupils of second triad from the Štajersko-Koroška region
Keywords (ePrints): športna vzgoja
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Physical Education (PE)
Abstract (ePrints): V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge z naslovom Zaznavanje športnovzgojnega procesa učencev 2. triade v šolah štajersko-koroške regije, sem opredelila šport in njegov pomen, šolsko športno vzgojo, njena izhodišča, obseg in strukturo predmeta ter predstavila sodelovanje razrednega učitelja in športnega pedagoga pri pouku športne vzgoje. Pri empiričnem delu je sodelovalo 477 učencev petih osnovnih šol v štajersko-koroški regiji. Ugotavljali smo, kako učenci doživljajo športno vzgojo, kam jo uvrščajo glede na priljubljenost in pomembnost, kakšen je njihov odnos do ocenjevanja ter katere so oblike in metode dela, vsebine ter športi, ki so med učenci priljubljeni oziroma nepriljubljeni. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da učenci športno vzgojo po priljubljenosti in zaželenosti uvrščajo na 1. mesto. Prav tako se jim zdi ta predmet pomemben za življenje. Ocenjevanja jih ni strah, kar je najverjetneje posledica dobrih ocen, ki jih dobivajo pri tem predmetu. Športne vzgoje brez ocenjevanja si ne želijo. Z uporabljenim vprašalnikom smo ugotovili, da se učenci veselijo športnih dni, šole v naravi in lastne izbire dejavnosti, moti pa jih zamujanje k uram športne vzgoje ter jeza in kaznovanje s strani učitelja. Raziskava je pokazala, da so med učenci najbolj priljubljene igre z žogo, med katerimi najbolj izstopa igra med dvema ognjema. Na žalost pa so rezultati potrdili našo hipotezo, da so učenci le redko deležni aktivnega odmora.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In the theoretical part of the thesis entitled The perception of the sport-educational process by the pupils of second triad from the Štajersko-Koroška region, I defined sports and its importance, physical education, its starting point, the scope and structure of the course. I have presented cooperation between the class teacher and the sports teacher of physical education. The survey included 477 participants from 5 schools in the Štajersko-Koroška region and its goal is to try to determine how students experience physical education, where it is ranked according to popularity and importance, what their attitude to assessment is and which are the forms and methods used, the content, and which sports are popular or unpopular among students. The results show that PE is highly popular among pupils. It also seems to be important to their life in general. Pupils are not afraid of it being graded, most likely due to good grades they achieve in this class. Even more, they would not want PE to be ungraded. I found that the students look forward to sports days, outdoor school and other activities they choose themselves. On the other hand, they find it disturbing when they are late for physical education, when their teacher is angry or when they are being punished. The survey showed that the most popular sports among students are ball games, dodge ball being most popular. Unfortunately, the results confirm our hypothesis that students are rarely given an active break.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Physical Education (PE)
ID: 8311159