diplomsko delo
Barbara Knavs (Avtor), Vesna Štemberger (Mentor)


Zaznavanje športnovzgojnega procesa učencev drugega triletja z goriške regije

Ključne besede

priljubljenost športov;doživljanje športne vzgoje;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [B. Knavs]
UDK: 796:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 9688393 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 710
Št. prenosov: 156
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: The perception of the sport-educational process by the pupils aged between 9 and 11 from the Goriška region
Sekundarni povzetek: The diploma work discusses the perception of the sport-educational process by the pupils aged between 9 and 11. 703 pupils from various grammar schools from the Goriška region were included in the research. The data were collected with the help of a questionnaire, which was filled in by the pupils. Our main goal was to find out whether the pupils love sport education, which are their favourite school subjects and the most important subjects for life. We asked them about their likes and dislikes and about their favourite sports and sport activities and additional activities, such as a minute for health and an active break. An important topic was also how the pupils perceive the assessment process. The research showed that the pupils aged between 9 and 11 prefer sport education to all other school subjects (95.5 per cent). Additionally, they consider sport education as one of the three most important subjects. Interestingly, the research showed that there are differences between the girls and the boys according to sports' popularity. The boys' favourite sports are football, basketball and dodgeball. The girls love playing dodgeball, volleyball and dancing. According to their likes and dislikes, the gender differences are smaller. The boys and girls dislike an angry teacher, but love »school in nature«, sports day and activities by their own choice. The research shows that 24.2 per cent of pupils has a minute for health and 26.2 per cent of them an active break, however, more than 50 per cent of pupils wishes to have both of the mentioned things. Furthermore, most of the pupils are satisfied with their sport-education and their grade and do not experience any fear. On the other hand, some of them are afraid of assessment, their own lack of knowledge, injuries and doing a somersault. The data on the perception of pupils' sport education are significant for all teachers, because they are a perfect reflection of their work and, furthermore, the basis for their planning of the sport-educational process.
Sekundarne ključne besede: physical education;primary education;marking;fear;športna vzgoja;osnovnošolski pouk;ocenjevanje;strah;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Strani: 68 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): The perception of the sport-educational process by the pupils aged between 9 and 11 from the Goriška region
Ključne besede (ePrints): zaznavanje športnovzgojnega procesa
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): perception of sport-educational process
Povzetek (ePrints): V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali, kako učenci drugega triletja zaznavajo športnovzgojni proces. V raziskavo smo vključili 703 učence iz 14 različnih goriških osnovnih šol. Podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo vprašalnika, ki so ga učenci samostojno rešili. Zanimalo nas je, ali imajo učenci športno vzgojo radi, kateri so njihovi najljubši predmeti in kateri so najpomembnejši predmeti za življenje. Spraševali smo jih, česa ne marajo in kaj imajo radi. Ugotavljali smo tudi priljubljenost športov in dodatnih dejavnosti, kot sta minuta za zdravje in aktivni odmor. Prav tako nas je zanimalo doživljanje ocenjevanja. Ugotovili smo, da je med učenci drugega triletja najbolj priljubljen učni predmet športna vzgoja in da ima kar 95,5 % učencev rado športno vzgojo. Poleg tega športno vzgojo uvrščajo med tri najpomembnejše predmete za življenje. Raziskava je pokazala, da med deklicami in dečki obstajajo razlike v priljubljenosti športov. Dečkom najljubši športi so nogomet, košarka in igra med dvema ognjema. Deklicam pa igra med dvema ognjema, odbojka in ples. Pri odgovorih, česa ne marajo in kaj imajo radi, so razlike med spoloma manjše. Dečki in deklice ne marajo, da se učitelj jezi na njih, radi pa imajo šolo v naravi, športni dan in delanje stvari po lastni izbiri. Ugotavljamo, da ima 24,2 % učencev minuto za zdravje in 26,2 % učencev aktivni odmor, želi pa ju imeti več kot polovica. Večina učencev je s športno vzgojo in z oceno pri tem predmetu zadovoljna ter ne doživlja strahu. Le nekateri se bojijo ocenjevanja, svojega neznanja, poškodb in prevala. Podatki o doživljanju športne vzgoje učencev so zelo pomembni za učitelje, saj so odlična povratna informacija njihovemu delu in hkrati izhodišče za načrtovanje športnovzgojnega procesa.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The diploma work discusses the perception of the sport-educational process by the pupils aged between 9 and 11. 703 pupils from various grammar schools from the Goriška region were included in the research. The data were collected with the help of a questionnaire, which was filled in by the pupils. Our main goal was to find out whether the pupils love sport education, which are their favourite school subjects and the most important subjects for life. We asked them about their likes and dislikes and about their favourite sports and sport activities and additional activities, such as a minute for health and an active break. An important topic was also how the pupils perceive the assessment process. The research showed that the pupils aged between 9 and 11 prefer sport education to all other school subjects (95.5 per cent). Additionally, they consider sport education as one of the three most important subjects. Interestingly, the research showed that there are differences between the girls and the boys according to sports' popularity. The boys' favourite sports are football, basketball and dodgeball. The girls love playing dodgeball, volleyball and dancing. According to their likes and dislikes, the gender differences are smaller. The boys and girls dislike an angry teacher, but love »school in nature«, sports day and activities by their own choice. The research shows that 24.2 per cent of pupils has a minute for health and 26.2 per cent of them an active break, however, more than 50 per cent of pupils wishes to have both of the mentioned things. Furthermore, most of the pupils are satisfied with their sport-education and their grade and do not experience any fear. On the other hand, some of them are afraid of assessment, their own lack of knowledge, injuries and doing a somersault. The data on the perception of pupils' sport education are significant for all teachers, because they are a perfect reflection of their work and, furthermore, the basis for their planning of the sport-educational process.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): perception of sport-educational process
ID: 8311534