Sekundarni povzetek: |
It is very important for a teacher to know how the pupils perceive Physical Education (PE) in order for them to be able to adapt the lessons to the students' needs and thus make the lessons more interesting and motivating. For the purposes of this BA dissertation, I conducted a survey to learn more about the PE perception of students aged between 9 and 11 from various schools in the Gorenjska region.
In the theoretical part, I discussed firstly the benefits of sports in terms of both spiritual and physical health, and secondly focused on how PE is organized in schools. Furthermore, I compared various previous dissertations regarding the reasons that pupils have to be excused from PE and their views on the popularity of PE. I also described the role of the PE teacher during lessons. All in all, I attempted to discuss all PE related topics as well as potential problems that arise during its realization.
For the empirical part, I conducted a survey using the questionnaire method. The survey included 1043 participants from 18 schools in the Gorenjska region.
The results show that in the fourth grade PE is mostly taught by the class teachers (66.9 %), whereas in the fifth grade this role is performed mostly by PE teachers (51.1 %). Only 15.5 % of pupils are taught PE by both their class and PE teacher. Furthermore, the results also indicate that PE is pupils’ favourite subject. As many as 43.5 % of the participants ranked it as number one in terms of favourites. For 21.4 % of the pupils PE is their second favourite subject and finally 12.1 % ranked is as their third favourite subject. When asked if they enjoy PE lessons, 95.2 % of participants answered in the affirmative. However, participants were of the opinion that PE is not a very important subject for life and they found Maths, Slovene and English far more important in the long run. In terms of the popularity of individual sports, football was ranked number one (40.8 %). In terms of other sports and games available, participants favoured dodgeball (71.8 %). When asked which activity they would choose themselves, 44.5 % opted for football and 45.3 % chose dodgeball. Most pupils (68.4 %) said they really liked choosing the PE activities themselves. Football was also chosen as the least favourite sport (39.2 %) and thus I assume this were mostly girls’ votes, whereas the boys chose it as their favourite sport. The least favourite activity is dance with 54.7 %. Furthermore, I also inspected various reasons why students dislike PE. The option ‘the teacher is angry with us’ was chosen the most often (66.5 %). Only 14.9 % of the pupils choose to be active during their school breaks. I also asked two further questions if they wanted to continue being active during breaks and if they wished they had this option, but the answers were not useful. During the 2010/11 school year, most of the pupils (58.3 %) received the highest grade at PE and 95.1 % of the participants said they were pleased with the grades they received. Pupils said they do not mind grades at PE. 30.6 % wish they did not receive grades at all and 20.9 % said they were worried about being graded for their PE performance. |
Povzetek (ePrints): |
Za učitelja je podatek, kako učenci zaznavajo športnovzgojni proces oz. kako učenci doživljajo športno vzgojo, izjemnega pomena, saj lahko vadbo tako prilagodi in jo naredi za učence še bolj zanimivo, motivacijsko in izzivajočo. S svojim diplomskim delom sem preverila doživljanje športnovzgojnega procesa učencev 2. triade v gorenjski regiji.
V teoretičnem delu sem opisovala šport kot pomemben dejavnik za zdravje, tako duševno kot telesno, preverila sem, kako je organizirana športna vadba v šoli, poiskala sem nekatere dosedanje raziskave na temo opravičevanja pri pouku športne vzgoje in priljubljenosti športne vzgoje, opisovala sem vlogo športnega pedagoga pri pouku, pravzaprav sem se poskušala dotakniti vseh tem, ki so povezane s športno vzgojo in z morebitnimi problemi, ki se pojavljajo, ko jo želimo realizirati.
Pri izvedbi praktičnega dela sem kot merski inštrument uporabila anketo, na katero mi je odgovorilo 1043 učencev 2. triade 18 šol na Gorenjskem.
Ugotovila sem, da športno vzgojo v četrtem razredu učijo predvsem razredni učitelji (66,9 % vprašanih), v petem razredu pa učitelji športa (51,1 %). Oba skupaj, učitelj športa ter razredni učitelj, v četrtem in petem razredu učita le 15,5 % učencev. Najljubši predmet učencev 2. triade je športna vzgoja, na prvo mesto po priljubljenosti jo je zapisalo 43,5 % učencev, na drugo mesto 21,4 % in na tretje mesto 12,1 %. Tudi na vprašanje, če imajo radi športno vzgojo, je pritrdilno odgovorilo 95,2 % vprašanih. Učencem se športna vzgoja ne zdi pomemben predmet za življenje, bolj pomembni so jim matematika, slovenščina ter tuj jezik angleščina. Kar se športov tiče, je najbolj priljubljen nogomet (40,8 %), med ostalimi možnostmi, kar se tiče oblik dela in športnih vsebin, je učencem najbolj všeč moštvena igra Med dvema ognjema (71,8 %). Tudi na vprašanje, kaj bi počeli, če bi lahko sami izbirali, so odgovorili, da bi igrali nogomet (44,5 %) ter igro Med dvema ognjema (45,3 %). Učencem je všeč, da lahko sami izbirajo, kaj bodo počeli pri uri športne vzgoje (68,4 %). Ker sem na vprašanje, kateri športi so jim neljubi, dobila največ odstotkov (39,2 %) za nogomet, sklepam, da so zanj glasovala dekleta, za nogomet, kot najbolj priljubljen šport, pa fantje. Kar se športnih vsebin in oblik dela tiče, je na prvem mestu po nepriljubljenosti ples (54,7 %). Preverjali smo še nekatere dejavnike, ki učencem manjšajo pozitivno mnenje o športni vzgoji. Največ odstotkov je dobil dejavnik “učitelj se jezi na nas” (66,5 %). Aktivni odmor ima le 14,9 % učencev, na ostali dve vprašanji (če bi imeli aktivni odmor še naprej oz. če bi si ga želeli imeti) nisem dobila smiselnih odgovorov. Večina učencev je imela pri športni vzgoji v šolskem letu 2010/2011 oceno 5 (58,3 %), učenci pa so z ocenami zadovoljni (95,1 %). Učence ocenjevanje pri predmetu športna vzgoja ne moti, brez ocen bi imelo predmet le 30,6 % učencev, ocenjevanja pa je strah le 20,9 % učencev. |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
It is very important for a teacher to know how the pupils perceive Physical Education (PE) in order for them to be able to adapt the lessons to the students' needs and thus make the lessons more interesting and motivating. For the purposes of this BA dissertation, I conducted a survey to learn more about the PE perception of students aged between 9 and 11 from various schools in the Gorenjska region.
In the theoretical part, I discussed firstly the benefits of sports in terms of both spiritual and physical health, and secondly focused on how PE is organized in schools. Furthermore, I compared various previous dissertations regarding the reasons that pupils have to be excused from PE and their views on the popularity of PE. I also described the role of the PE teacher during lessons. All in all, I attempted to discuss all PE related topics as well as potential problems that arise during its realization.
For the empirical part, I conducted a survey using the questionnaire method. The survey included 1043 participants from 18 schools in the Gorenjska region.
The results show that in the fourth grade PE is mostly taught by the class teachers (66.9 %), whereas in the fifth grade this role is performed mostly by PE teachers (51.1 %). Only 15.5 % of pupils are taught PE by both their class and PE teacher. Furthermore, the results also indicate that PE is pupils’ favourite subject. As many as 43.5 % of the participants ranked it as number one in terms of favourites. For 21.4 % of the pupils PE is their second favourite subject and finally 12.1 % ranked is as their third favourite subject. When asked if they enjoy PE lessons, 95.2 % of participants answered in the affirmative. However, participants were of the opinion that PE is not a very important subject for life and they found Maths, Slovene and English far more important in the long run. In terms of the popularity of individual sports, football was ranked number one (40.8 %). In terms of other sports and games available, participants favoured dodgeball (71.8 %). When asked which activity they would choose themselves, 44.5 % opted for football and 45.3 % chose dodgeball. Most pupils (68.4 %) said they really liked choosing the PE activities themselves. Football was also chosen as the least favourite sport (39.2 %) and thus I assume this were mostly girls’ votes, whereas the boys chose it as their favourite sport. The least favourite activity is dance with 54.7 %. Furthermore, I also inspected various reasons why students dislike PE. The option ‘the teacher is angry with us’ was chosen the most often (66.5 %). Only 14.9 % of the pupils choose to be active during their school breaks. I also asked two further questions if they wanted to continue being active during breaks and if they wished they had this option, but the answers were not useful. During the 2010/11 school year, most of the pupils (58.3 %) received the highest grade at PE and 95.1 % of the participants said they were pleased with the grades they received. Pupils said they do not mind grades at PE. 30.6 % wish they did not receive grades at all and 20.9 % said they were worried about being graded for their PE performance. |