Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Interdisciplinary correlation in the project »Road traffic« |
Secondary abstract: |
Interdisciplinary correlation imitates all kinds of real life situations which is a good influence on kindergarten children and a strong motivation for a teacher. Learning new materials is more effective if it originates from a child's experience and when it takes place under circumstances that are familiar and understandable to the child (Krnel, Hodnik Čadež, Potočnik, Medved, 2008).
The evolution of traffic which brought upon unexpected progress has also changed the world that children are stepping into. We need to prepare these children for something that they due to their physical and mental development will not be able to manage almost up to the age of ten. However this preparation is the only way, that they acquire the needed knowledge, experience and principles, which will guide them in traffic throughout their entire lives, but foremost it will teach them how to act safely in traffic (Glogovec, 1996).
We do not frighten the child of traffic and traffic circumstances, but aid him so that he learns and understands traffic in conditions that are as safe as possible. Even when a child misunderstands certain aspects, we do not criticise him or even punish him. We should tell him and show him (on the spot), what the right conduct would be and explain to him what possible consequences to inappropriate actions would be.
Project oriented work with its “lifestyle” motivates, attracts, arouses interest and excites the child, all of which are the prerequisites for the child's active attitude not only to educational work in kindergarten but also in life as a whole. Project oriented work as a method, where the child's activity is at a forefront, places the child in a equal position with his teacher, parent and other children, from an activity standpoint (Novak, 1990).
This thesis entitled Interdisciplinary Correlation in the Project "Road Traffic" problem solving and exploration oriented learning, which enables the child to be active and responsible for the outcome of the learning process is presented. In such a project we encourage and retain the child's creativity, curiosity and interest in exploring the world. Children that are a part of such a project gain important meta-cognitive capabilities - they learn how to find information, document them, organise them and also use them to handle problematic situations.
The project took place in a group of children ages 3–4 that attend the unit Marjetica of the Ivančna Gorica kindergarten. |
Secondary keywords: |
pre-school education;road safety education;project method;predšolska vzgoja;prometna vzgoja;projektna metoda; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja |
Pages: |
125 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Interdisciplinary correlation in the project »Road traffic« |
Keywords (ePrints): |
promet |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
traffic |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Medpodročno povezovanje posnema različne življenjske situacije, kar pomeni za otroke v vrtcu dober zgled in močan motiv za vzgojitelja. Učenje novih vsebin je torej uspešnejše, če izhaja iz otrokovih izkušenj in poteka v zanj znanih in razumljivih okoliščinah (Krnel, Hodnik Čadež, Potočnik, Medved, 2008).
Razvoj prometa, ki je prinesel nesluten napredek, je spremenil tudi svet, v katerega stopajo otroci. Pripraviti jih moramo na nekaj, kar zaradi svoje telesne in duševne razvitosti skoraj do desetega leta starosti v resnici še ne bodo zmogli. Vendar je ta priprava edina pot, da si bodo pridobili potrebno znanje, izkušnje in načela, ki jih bodo vodila v prometu vse življenje, predvsem pa se bodo naučili varno vesti v prometu (Glogovec, 1996).
Otroka pred prometom in v prometnih okoliščinah ne strašimo, temveč mu pomagamo, da ga spoznava v čim bolj varnih okoliščinah in ga postopoma razume. Tudi ob otrokovih napačnih razumevanjih ga ne grajamo ali celo kaznujemo. Povejmo in pokažimo mu, kakšno je pravilno ravnanje, razložimo mu, kakšne bi bile morebitne posledice napačnega ravnanja (prav tam).
Projektno delo s svojim življenjskim stilom otroka pozitivno motivira, ga pritegne, zainteresira in navdušuje, vse to pa so pogoji za otrokov aktivni odnos ne le do vzgojnega dela v vrtcu, temveč do življenja v celoti. Projektno delo kot način dela, v katerem je v ospredju otrokova aktivnost, postavlja otroka tudi z vidika aktivnosti v enakopraven položaj z vzgojiteljem, roditeljem in drugimi otroki v vrtcu (Novak, 1990).
V diplomski nalogi Medpodročno povezovanje v projektu »Cestni promet« je predstavljeno problemsko in raziskovalno naravnano učenje, ki otroku omogoča, da je aktiven in soodgovoren v procesu učenja. V takšnem projektu spodbujamo oziroma ohranjamo otrokovo ustvarjalnost, vedoželjnost in interes za raziskovanje sveta. Otroci v takšnem projektu pridobivajo pomembne metakognitivne sposobnosti – učijo se, kako informacije najti, jih dokumentirati, urejati in uporabiti za rešitev problemske situacije.
Projekt je potekal v skupini otrok, starih 3–4 let, Vrtca Ivančna Gorica, enota Marjetica. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
Interdisciplinary correlation imitates all kinds of real life situations which is a good influence on kindergarten children and a strong motivation for a teacher. Learning new materials is more effective if it originates from a child's experience and when it takes place under circumstances that are familiar and understandable to the child (Krnel, Hodnik Čadež, Potočnik, Medved, 2008).
The evolution of traffic which brought upon unexpected progress has also changed the world that children are stepping into. We need to prepare these children for something that they due to their physical and mental development will not be able to manage almost up to the age of ten. However this preparation is the only way, that they acquire the needed knowledge, experience and principles, which will guide them in traffic throughout their entire lives, but foremost it will teach them how to act safely in traffic (Glogovec, 1996).
We do not frighten the child of traffic and traffic circumstances, but aid him so that he learns and understands traffic in conditions that are as safe as possible. Even when a child misunderstands certain aspects, we do not criticise him or even punish him. We should tell him and show him (on the spot), what the right conduct would be and explain to him what possible consequences to inappropriate actions would be.
Project oriented work with its “lifestyle” motivates, attracts, arouses interest and excites the child, all of which are the prerequisites for the child's active attitude not only to educational work in kindergarten but also in life as a whole. Project oriented work as a method, where the child's activity is at a forefront, places the child in a equal position with his teacher, parent and other children, from an activity standpoint (Novak, 1990).
This thesis entitled Interdisciplinary Correlation in the Project "Road Traffic" problem solving and exploration oriented learning, which enables the child to be active and responsible for the outcome of the learning process is presented. In such a project we encourage and retain the child's creativity, curiosity and interest in exploring the world. Children that are a part of such a project gain important meta-cognitive capabilities - they learn how to find information, document them, organise them and also use them to handle problematic situations.
The project took place in a group of children ages 3–4 that attend the unit Marjetica of the Ivančna Gorica kindergarten. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
traffic |
ID: |
8311165 |