diplomsko delo
Živa Košak (Author), Vesna Štemberger (Mentor)


Zaznavanje športnovzgojnega procesa učencev 2. triletja v šolah zasavske regije


opravičevanje;športna aktivnost;drugo triletje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [Ž. Košak]
UDC: 796(043.2)
COBISS: 9557577 Link will open in a new window
Views: 824
Downloads: 176
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Elementary school second triad pupils' perceptions of the physical education process in the Zasavje region
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis titled Elementary school second triad pupils' perceptions of the physical education process in the Zasavje region discusses the effect of sports on individuals' wholesome development. I focused on the impact physical education has on later life and experiencing sports. I discussed physical education in terms of popularity, pardons, negative emotions and grading. The research included 314 4th, 5th or 6th grade pupils attending elementary school in school year 2011/2012. Research questions covered physical education related topics, such as popularity, the importance of sports in later life, sports activities pupils like or dislike, active recess and grading. Research findings revealed physical education was the most popular school subject in the Zasavje region. In terms of importance in later life, the pupils placed physical education on 4th place. Boys selected football as the most preferred activity, whereas girls favoured “Med dvema ognjema” (dodgeball-like game). The pupils also expressed dissatisfaction over being screamed at by other pupils, punished by teachers or scolded by them for being late. 94,5 % of pupils reported not having an active recess, among them 48,1 % did not even want one. Many pupils (58,6 %) were graded the highest grade in physical education in school year 2011/2012, 96,4 % of them were satisfied with their grades. Only a slight number of pupils expressed fear over grading (16,2 %), with girls being in the majority. The pupils do not mind being graded in physical education.
Secondary keywords: physical education;športna vzgoja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: VI f., 66 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Elementary school second triad pupils' perceptions of the physical education process in the Zasavje region
Keywords (ePrints): športna vzgoja
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): physical education
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomskem delu z naslovom Zaznavanje športnovzgojnega procesa učencev 2. triletja v šolah zasavske regije, sem opredelila šport kot dejavnik celostnega razvoja posameznika, osredotočila sem se na pomen športne vzgoje za nadaljnje življenje in na doživljanje športa. Dotaknila sem se priljubljenosti športne vzgoje, opravičevanja pri športni vzgoji, negativnih čustev, ki jih učenci doživljajo, in ocenjevanja športne vzgoje. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 314 učencev, ki so v šolskem letu 2011/12 obiskovali 4., 5. ali 6. razred. Vprašanja so se nanašala na priljubljenost športne vzgoje med učenci, pomembnost, ki jo učenci pripisujejo športni vzgoji za nadaljnje življenje, na športne aktivnosti, ki so jim všeč ali jih ne marajo, na aktivni odmor in na ocenjevanje. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da je v Zasavju športna vzgoja na prvem mestu po priljubljenosti. Učenci jo uvrščajo na 4. mesto po pomenu za nadaljnje življenje. Med športi je dečkom najljubši nogomet, deklicam pa igra Med dvema ognjema. Učenci se ne počutijo dobro, če ostali sošolci vpijejo, če jih učitelj kaznuje, se jezi na njih ali če zamuja. 94,5 % učencev med šolskimi odmori nima aktivnega odmora, 48,1 % učencev si ga tudi ne želi imeti. Veliko učencev (58,6 %) je imelo v šolskem letu 2011/12 oceno 5 in 96,4 % učencev je z oceno tudi zadovoljnih. Strah pri ocenjevanju doživlja le majhen odstotek učencev (16,2 %), med njimi je večji delež deklic. Učence ocenjevanje pri športni vzgoji ne moti.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The diploma thesis titled Elementary school second triad pupils' perceptions of the physical education process in the Zasavje region discusses the effect of sports on individuals' wholesome development. I focused on the impact physical education has on later life and experiencing sports. I discussed physical education in terms of popularity, pardons, negative emotions and grading. The research included 314 4th, 5th or 6th grade pupils attending elementary school in school year 2011/2012. Research questions covered physical education related topics, such as popularity, the importance of sports in later life, sports activities pupils like or dislike, active recess and grading. Research findings revealed physical education was the most popular school subject in the Zasavje region. In terms of importance in later life, the pupils placed physical education on 4th place. Boys selected football as the most preferred activity, whereas girls favoured “Med dvema ognjema” (dodgeball-like game). The pupils also expressed dissatisfaction over being screamed at by other pupils, punished by teachers or scolded by them for being late. 94,5 % of pupils reported not having an active recess, among them 48,1 % did not even want one. Many pupils (58,6 %) were graded the highest grade in physical education in school year 2011/2012, 96,4 % of them were satisfied with their grades. Only a slight number of pupils expressed fear over grading (16,2 %), with girls being in the majority. The pupils do not mind being graded in physical education.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): physical education
ID: 8311218