diplomsko delo
Urška Kužnik (Author), Vesna Štemberger (Mentor)


Mnenje učiteljev o usposobljenosti za poučevanje gimnastičnih vsebin pri športni vzgoji


gimnastika;osnovna šola;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [U. Kužnik]
UDC: 796(043.2)
COBISS: 9595209 Link will open in a new window
Views: 676
Downloads: 115
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Teacher's perception of competence to teach gymnastics in physical education
Secondary abstract: In the thesis we try to determine how gymnastics is implemented in the first and in the second three-years in the elementary school. Data was collected through a questionnaire which was put together with the assistance of Dr. Vesna Štemberger and the literature. The questionnaire contained 22 questions. First part was consisted of questions of a general nature (gender, age, teaching class), while the second was focused on a teaching of gymnastics (popularity of physical education and gymnastics, gymnastics performance, teacher's and student's fears, teaching methods, heuristic procedures, proper execution of gymnastic elements, proper protection of students, proper student assistance, etc.). Goals of the study were to determine how much the teachers like to teach physical education and gymnastics and how many hours per year they devote to it. We wanted to find out what experiences they obtained during the education, which gymnastic content is most and least taught, how often and with what fears they and students face. Goals of the study also contained what teaching methods are most widely used and how well teachers are familiar with methodical procedures and proper execution of each gymnastic content. Goals also included how well are teachers familiar with correct student protection and assistance within each gymnastic content and how often they allow students to mutually help and protect themselves. We wanted to determine what teaching methods are mostly used and what teaching adjustments are made for students with problems. Also how well teachers know gymnastics terminology, how often they use it and how often they warn students to use it. The last thing that we wanted to find out is if and how many teachers would like to educate more about the gymnastics. The study included 337 elementary school teachers, teaching in the first and in the second three-years. For data processing we used basic methods of statistics - number of the answers and number of the answers, expressed in percentage. Research showed that 42.2 % of teachers like to teach physical education in comparison with other subjects and 38.6 % like to teach gymnastics compared to other contents of physical education. We determined that 47.5 % of all teachers teach 0 - 20 hours of gymnastics per year and that the majority (37.4 %) was successful or fairly successful (37.4 %) in gymnastics during their education. 52.2 % of all asked teachers said that their success in gymnastics influences how much they are fond of teaching it. Almost a quarter (23 %) of all participants in the research most commonly implement jumps and most rarely the acrobatics (17 %). 45.3 % of teachers are most afraid of students injuries, 42.8 % think that students occasionally feel fear during gymnastic exercises, 48.8 % of teacher believe that students are mostly feared during acrobatic exercises. Most commonly used teaching method is the demonstration, 26.1 % of teachers use it. 36.2 % of all teachers have average methodical procedure knowledge of acrobatics, jumps (46.3 %), hang and support (44.2 %), balance exercises (44.2 %), balance exercises on the narrow surface (47.2 %) and good knowledge of rhythms (36.2 %). 30 % of all teachers are averagely familiarized with correct acrobatic exercises and above average familiarized with jumps (44.5 %), hang and support (42.4 %), balance exercises on a narrow surface (46 %) and in rhythms (38.9 %). We also found out that teacher’s knowledge of proper student protection and assistance during acrobatics (29.4 %), jumps (42.1 %), hang and support (40.7 %), balance exercises on narrow surface (43.6 %) and rhythms (40.9 %) is good. Most teachers rarely allow students to mutually protect and assist themselves in acrobatics (55.2 %), jumps (38.3 %) and in a hang and support (29.4 %). While occasionally allow it during exercises on a narrow surface (34.4 %) and rhythms (28.5 %). Most teachers (26.7 %) help students with gripping them. 49.3 % of all teachers are well familiarized with gymnastic terminology, 43.1 % use it occasionally and 43.2 % warn students about it. During the research we also determined that 79.2 % of teachers would like to educate more in the field of gymnastics.
Secondary keywords: physical education;teacher;športna vzgoja;učitelj;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 127 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Teacher's perception of competence to teach gymnastics in physical education
Keywords (ePrints): gimnastika
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): gymnastics
Abstract (ePrints): Ugotavljali smo, kakšno je izvajanje vsebin gimnastike v osnovni šoli v prvem in drugem triletju. Podatke smo zbrali z vprašalnikom, ki smo ga predhodno sestavili ob pomoči dr. Vesne Štemberger in s pomočjo literature. Vprašalnik je zajemal 22 vprašanj. V prvem delu so bila vprašanja splošnega značaja (spol, starost, razred poučevanja), v drugem pa vprašanja o poučevanju gimnastike (priljubljenost športne vzgoje in gimnastike, uspešnost pri gimnastiki, strahovi učiteljev in učencev, učne metode, metodični postopki, pravilne izvedbe gimnastičnih prvin, pravilno varovanje učencev, pravilno nudenje pomoči učencem itd.). Cilji raziskave so bili ugotoviti, kako radi učitelji poučujejo športno vzgojo in gimnastiko in koliko ur na leto namenijo gimnastiki. Želeli smo ugotoviti, kakšne izkušnje imajo učitelji z gimnastiko iz časa njihovega šolanja, katere gimnastične vsebine poučujejo najbolj pogosto in katere najmanj, katere strahove tekom poučevanja doživljajo in kako pogosto ter s katerimi strahovi se pri gimnastiki soočajo učenci. Ugotoviti smo želeli, katere učne metode učitelji pri poučevanju največkrat uporabljajo in kako dobro poznajo metodične postopke in pravilne izvedbe posamezne gimnastične vsebine. Želeli smo ugotoviti, kako dobro poznajo pravilno varovanje učencev in pravilno nudenje pomoči učencem pri posameznih gimnastičnih vsebinah in kako pogosto učencem dovolijo izvajati medsebojno pomoč in varovanje. Ugotoviti smo želeli, katere učne metode učitelji pri poučevanju največkrat uporabljajo, katere prilagoditve uporabljajo za učence, ki se pri gimnastiki soočajo s težavami, kako dobro poznajo gimnastično izrazoslovje in kako pogosto ga uporabljajo, kako pogosto nanj opozarjajo učence in koliko učiteljev se na področju gimnastike (še) želi izobraževati. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 337 (tristo sedemintrideset) učiteljev in učiteljic (v nadaljevanju učitelji) prvega in drugega triletja. Za obdelavo podatkov smo uporabili metode osnovne statistike – število odgovorov in število odgovorov, izraženo v odstotkih. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da 42,2 % učiteljev rado poučuje športno vzgojo v primerjavi z drugimi učnimi predmeti in 38,6 % rado poučuje gimnastiko v primerjavi z drugimi učnimi vsebinami športne vzgoje. Ugotovili smo, da 47,5 % vseh učiteljev na leto gimnastiki nameni od 0–20 ur in da je bilo največ učiteljev (37,4 %) pri gimnastiki v času šolanja uspešnih oziroma dokaj uspešnih (37,4 %). Kar 52,2 % vseh vprašanih pravi, da njihov uspeh oziroma neuspeh vplivata na to, kako radi poučujejo gimnastiko. Skoraj četrtina vseh sodelujočih v raziskavi (23 %) najpogosteje izvaja skoke, najbolj redko pa akrobatiko (17 %). Ugotovili smo, da se 45,3 % učiteljev največkrat sooča s strahom pred poškodbami učencev, 42,8 % jih meni, da učenci občasno občutijo strah pri izvajanju gimnastičnih prvin, kar 48,8 % učiteljev pa je mnenja, da učenci največkrat doživljajo strah pri akrobatiki. Najpogosteje uporabljena učna metoda je neposredna demonstracija – zanjo se je odločilo 26,1 % učiteljev. Ugotovili smo, da največ učiteljev (36,2 %) povprečno pozna metodične postopke akrobatike, metodične postopke skokov (46,3 %), ves in opor (44,2 %), vaj ravnotežja na ožji površini (47,2 %) in ritmike (36,2 %) pa učitelji poznajo dobro. Kar 30 % učiteljev pravi, da so povprečno seznanjeni s pravilnimi izvedbami akrobatike, s pravilnimi izvedbami skokov (44,5 %), ves in opor (42,4 %), vaj ravnotežja na ožji površini (46 %) in ritmike (38,9 %) pa so učitelji seznanjeni dobro. Ugotovili smo, da so s pravilnim varovanjem učencev in s pravilnim nudenjem pomoči učencem pri akrobatiki (29,4 %), skokih (42,1 %), vesah in oporah (40,7 %), vajah na ravnotežja na ožji površini (43,6 %) in pri ritmiki (40,9 %) učitelji seznanjeni dobro. Največ učiteljev (55,2 %) pri akrobatiki, skokih (38,3 %) in pri vesah in oporah (29,4 %) učencem zelo redko dovoljuje izvajati medsebojno pomoč in varovanje, pri vajah ravnotežja na ožji površini (34,4 %) in pri ritmiki (28,5 %) pa to dovoljujejo občasno. Ugotovili smo, da največ sodelujočih učiteljev (26,7 %) učencem pomaga s pomočjo oziroma s prijemom. Kar 49,3 % učiteljev dobro pozna gimnastično izrazoslovje, pri poučevanju gimnastike ga skoraj polovica učiteljev (43,1 %) uporablja (le) občasno, 43,2 % učiteljev pa na gimnastično izrazoslovje učence občasno opozarja. Ugotovili smo tudi, da se kar 79,2 % učiteljev na področju gimnastike (še) želi izobraževati.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In the thesis we try to determine how gymnastics is implemented in the first and in the second three-years in the elementary school. Data was collected through a questionnaire which was put together with the assistance of Dr. Vesna Štemberger and the literature. The questionnaire contained 22 questions. First part was consisted of questions of a general nature (gender, age, teaching class), while the second was focused on a teaching of gymnastics (popularity of physical education and gymnastics, gymnastics performance, teacher's and student's fears, teaching methods, heuristic procedures, proper execution of gymnastic elements, proper protection of students, proper student assistance, etc.). Goals of the study were to determine how much the teachers like to teach physical education and gymnastics and how many hours per year they devote to it. We wanted to find out what experiences they obtained during the education, which gymnastic content is most and least taught, how often and with what fears they and students face. Goals of the study also contained what teaching methods are most widely used and how well teachers are familiar with methodical procedures and proper execution of each gymnastic content. Goals also included how well are teachers familiar with correct student protection and assistance within each gymnastic content and how often they allow students to mutually help and protect themselves. We wanted to determine what teaching methods are mostly used and what teaching adjustments are made for students with problems. Also how well teachers know gymnastics terminology, how often they use it and how often they warn students to use it. The last thing that we wanted to find out is if and how many teachers would like to educate more about the gymnastics. The study included 337 elementary school teachers, teaching in the first and in the second three-years. For data processing we used basic methods of statistics - number of the answers and number of the answers, expressed in percentage. Research showed that 42.2 % of teachers like to teach physical education in comparison with other subjects and 38.6 % like to teach gymnastics compared to other contents of physical education. We determined that 47.5 % of all teachers teach 0 - 20 hours of gymnastics per year and that the majority (37.4 %) was successful or fairly successful (37.4 %) in gymnastics during their education. 52.2 % of all asked teachers said that their success in gymnastics influences how much they are fond of teaching it. Almost a quarter (23 %) of all participants in the research most commonly implement jumps and most rarely the acrobatics (17 %). 45.3 % of teachers are most afraid of students injuries, 42.8 % think that students occasionally feel fear during gymnastic exercises, 48.8 % of teacher believe that students are mostly feared during acrobatic exercises. Most commonly used teaching method is the demonstration, 26.1 % of teachers use it. 36.2 % of all teachers have average methodical procedure knowledge of acrobatics, jumps (46.3 %), hang and support (44.2 %), balance exercises (44.2 %), balance exercises on the narrow surface (47.2 %) and good knowledge of rhythms (36.2 %). 30 % of all teachers are averagely familiarized with correct acrobatic exercises and above average familiarized with jumps (44.5 %), hang and support (42.4 %), balance exercises on a narrow surface (46 %) and in rhythms (38.9 %). We also found out that teacher’s knowledge of proper student protection and assistance during acrobatics (29.4 %), jumps (42.1 %), hang and support (40.7 %), balance exercises on narrow surface (43.6 %) and rhythms (40.9 %) is good. Most teachers rarely allow students to mutually protect and assist themselves in acrobatics (55.2 %), jumps (38.3 %) and in a hang and support (29.4 %). While occasionally allow it during exercises on a narrow surface (34.4 %) and rhythms (28.5 %). Most teachers (26.7 %) help students with gripping them. 49.3 % of all teachers are well familiarized with gymnastic terminology, 43.1 % use it occasionally and 43.2 % warn students about it. During the research we also determined that 79.2 % of teachers would like to educate more in the field of gymnastics.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): gymnastics
ID: 8311316