diplomsko delo
Benjamin Vogrič (Author), Irena Hočevar-Boltežar (Mentor), Nada Žemva (Co-mentor)


Motnje požiranja - diagnostični postopki in rehabilitacija


otorinolaringologija;anatomija;živci;presejalni test;prehranjenost;praktični primer;nevrologija;logoped;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [B. Vogrič]
UDC: 376(043.2)
COBISS: 9647689 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1484
Downloads: 305
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Swallowing disorders – diagnostic procedures and rehabilitation
Secondary abstract: In this thesis, we summarize important information in terms of speech therapists to describe swallowing disorders, causes of these disorders and procedures which are used by detection and elimination of these disorders. The theoretical basis in the second part of the thesis is compared with a description of a practical example of a patient with the neurogenic dysphagia. The first Chapter first provides a definition of the swallowing disorders. The swallowing disorders are then presented according to the problem posed by. The importance of education regarding the disruptionswallowing is presented with the case of the increasing publications in this field. Here are listed the professionals, involved in the treatment of the swallowing disorders and the methods of education which provide to the experts the additional expertise in this area. The second Chapter describes the consequences of the swallowing disorders. Thus the reader finds the most serious problems faced by different groups of patients with dysphagia. It describes the direct and indirect consequences caused by the mentioned disorders. The stress is laid on the impact of the swallowing disorders on the physical health and the impact of these disorders on the individual's surroundings. The third Chapter introduces the etiology and epidemiology of dysphagia, which as a result of the various factors requires that the reader should have some more in-depth reading. The second part of this chapter describes in greater detail some of the mentioned causes and presents what is the reason for the swallowing disorders to occur in specific cases. Chapter Four describes the course of swallowing in healthy individuals and presents the most critical anatomic structures which are involved in the act of swallowing. It relies on the distribution of swallowing which is commonly used in the literature. Chapter Five describes in detail the cerebral nerves which are involved in the process of swallowing while emphasizing the role of the sensory as well as of the motor component. In the description of the motor nerve fibers are exposed to the most the important muscles involved in the act of swallowing. Chapter Six discusses the role of the brain, controlling the mechanism of swallowing. Due to the complexity of the neurological control of the act of swallowing here are described mainly the higher brain structures and their general role in the process of swallowing. The end of the chapter describes the importance of the brain flexibility for the process of rehabilitation of the swallowing disorders which occur as a result of the brain injury. Chapter Seven is more extensive. The content includes a variety of evaluation procedures of the swallowing disorders. In detail are presented the procedures used by the clinical speech therapists during the phase of evaluation. The last part describes the two instrumental and therefore the most objective forms of evaluation of the swallowing which are most commonly used in practice. The last point of this chapter describes the course of evaluation of the swallowing disorders in one of the Slovenian health institutions. Chapter Eight is devoted to the presentation of the screening test which is used in the empirical part of the thesis. The ninth Chapter provides information on the therapeutic techniques in the treatment of the swallowing disorders. Here are described the direct and indirect therapeutic techniques. The techniques are complemented by various sources and represent a kind of set of exercises useful in the context of the speech therapy treatment of the swallowing disorders. The tenth Chapter describes the importance of nutrition of patients with the swallowing disorders. It speaks of the density of food, suitable for patients with swallowing disorders who are eating in oral way. There are described also the two most common forms of the non-oral feeding . The eleventh Chapter describes in detail the neurogenic dysphagia and the role of the speech therapists in the treatment of patients with the neurogenic dysphagia. This Chapter serves the reader as an introduction to the empirical part of the thesis. The empirical part of the thesis contains a description of a patient with the neurogenic dysphagia. The description is chronological summarizing the medical documentation. This allows the reader an insight into the processes which are in use in the treatment of the patients with the neurogenic dysphagia in Slovenia. Here is presented the group of experts who deal with the neurogenic dysphagia in the Slovenian medical practice. There are described therapeutic techniques and diets which were used during the patient's recovery. The role of the clinical speech therapist is emphasized. The swallowing disorders of the patients were assessed twice by the Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability screening test. Comparing the first and the second assessments allows the reader to have an idea of improving the patient's ability to swallow at a time when he was treated at the Rehabilitation Institute. The whole empirical part serves to test the hypotheses that are put on the basis of the foreign literature and summarized in the first part of the thesis. The findings are presented in the conclusion of the thesis.
Secondary keywords: speech therapy;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: 91 f., [3] f. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Swallowing disorders – diagnostic procedures and rehabilitation
Keywords (ePrints): motnje požiranja
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): swallowing disorders
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi smo povzeli pomembne informacije z vidika logopeda, ki opisujejo motnje požiranja, vzroke za nastanek teh motenj in postopke, ki so uporabljeni pri odkrivanju ter odpravljanju teh motenj. Teoretična osnova je v drugem delu diplomske naloge primerjana z opisom praktičnega primera bolnika z nevrogeno pogojenimi motnjami požiranja. Prvo poglavje sprva podaja definicijo motenj požiranja. Motnje požiranja so v nadaljevanju predstavljene glede na problem, ki ga predstavljajo. Pomen izobraževanja o motnjah požiranja je predstavljen s primerom porasta publikacij na tem področju. Našteti so strokovnjaki, ki sodelujejo pri obravnavi motenj požiranja, in načini izobraževanja, ki tem strokovnjakom omogočajo dodatna znanja na tem področju. V drugem poglavju so opisane posledice motenj požiranja. Tako bralec spozna najbolj resne težave, s katerimi se soočajo različne skupine bolnikov z disfagijo. Opisuje tako neposredne kot posredne posledice, ki jih povzročijo omenjene motnje. Poudarjen je vpliv motenj požiranja na telesno zdravje in vpliv teh motenj na okolico posameznika. Tretje poglavje predstavi etiologijo in epidemologijo disfagije, kar pa zaradi prepleta različnih dejavnikov od bralca zahteva nekoliko bolj poglobljeno branje. Drugi del tega poglavja nekatere izmed naštetih vzrokov podrobneje opiše in predstavi, kaj je povod za pojav motenj požiranja v specifičnih primerih. Četrto poglavje opisuje potek požiranja pri zdravem posamezniku in predstavi najbolj ključne anatomske strukture, ki so vključene v akt požiranja. Pri tem se opira na razdelitev požiranja, ki se običajno uporablja v literaturi. Peto poglavje natančno opisuje živce, ki so vključeni v proces požiranja in pri tem izpostavi tako vlogo senzorične kot vlogo motorične komponente. Pri opisu motoričnih vlaken živcev so izpostavljene najbolj pomembne mišice, ki so vključene v akt požiranja. Šesto poglavje predstavi vlogo možganov pri kontroli požiralnega mehanizma. Zaradi kompleksnosti nevrološke kontrole akta požiranja so pri tem opisane predvsem večje možganske strukture in njihova splošna vloga pri procesu požiranja. Konec poglavja opisuje pomen prilagodljivosti možganov za rehabilitacijo motenj požiranja, ki nastanejo kot posledica poškodbe možganov. Sedmo poglavje je bolj obširno. Vsebina zajema različne postopke ocenjevanja motenj požiranja. Podrobneje so predstavljeni postopki, ki jih v fazi ocenjevanja uporabljajo klinični logopedi. Zadnji del opisuje dve instrumentalni in s tem tudi najbolj objektivni obliki ocenjevanja požiranja, ki sta najpogosteje uporabljeni v praksi. Zadnja točka tega poglavja opisuje potek ocenjevanja motenj požiranja v eni izmed slovenskih zdravstvenih ustanov. Osmo poglavje je namenjeno predstavitvi presejalnega testa, ki je uporabljen v empiričnem delu diplomske naloge. Deveto poglavje vsebuje informacije o terapevtskih rehabilitacijskih tehnikah motenj požiranja. Opisane so indirektne in direktne terapevtske tehnike. Tehnike so dopolnjene z različnmi viri in predstavljajo nekakšen nabor vaj, uporaben v sklopu logopedske obravnave motenj požiranja. Deseto poglavje opisuje pomen prehranjenosti bolnikov z motnjami požiranja. Predstavljena je gostota hrane, primerna za bolnike z motnjami požiranja, ki se hranijo po oralni poti. Opisani pa sta tudi dve najpogostejši obliki neoralnega hranjenja. Enajsto poglavje podrobeje opisuje nevrogeno pogojene motnje požiranja in vlogo logopeda pri obravnavi bolnikov z nevrogeno pogojenimi motnjami požiranja. Poglavje služi bralcu kot uvod v empirični del diplomske naloge. Empirični del diplomske naloge vsebuje opis primera bolnika z nevrogeno pogojenimi motnjami požiranja. Opis primera kronološko povzema medicinsko dokumentacijo. Ta bralcu omogoča vpogled v postopke, ki so v uporabi med obravnavo bolnika z motnjami požiranja v Sloveniji. Predstavljena je skupina strokovnjakov, ki obravnava motnje požiranja v slovenski medicinski praksi. Opisane so terapevtske tehnike in diete, ki so bile uporabljene med okrevanjem bolnika. Poudarjena je vloga kliničnega logopeda. Motnje požiranja bolnika so bile dvakrat ocenjene s presejalnim testom Mann Assesment of Swallowing Ability. Primerjava prve in druge ocene omogoča bralcu predstavo o izboljšanju bolnikovih sposobnosti požiranja, ko je bil obravnavan na rehabilitacijskem inštitutu. Celoten empirični del služi za preverjanje hipotez, ki so postavljene na podlagi tuje literature, povzete v prvem delu diplomske naloge. Ugotovitve so predstavljene v zaključku diplomske naloge.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In this thesis, we summarize important information in terms of speech therapists to describe swallowing disorders, causes of these disorders and procedures which are used by detection and elimination of these disorders. The theoretical basis in the second part of the thesis is compared with a description of a practical example of a patient with the neurogenic dysphagia. The first Chapter first provides a definition of the swallowing disorders. The swallowing disorders are then presented according to the problem posed by. The importance of education regarding the disruptionswallowing is presented with the case of the increasing publications in this field. Here are listed the professionals, involved in the treatment of the swallowing disorders and the methods of education which provide to the experts the additional expertise in this area. The second Chapter describes the consequences of the swallowing disorders. Thus the reader finds the most serious problems faced by different groups of patients with dysphagia. It describes the direct and indirect consequences caused by the mentioned disorders. The stress is laid on the impact of the swallowing disorders on the physical health and the impact of these disorders on the individual's surroundings. The third Chapter introduces the etiology and epidemiology of dysphagia, which as a result of the various factors requires that the reader should have some more in-depth reading. The second part of this chapter describes in greater detail some of the mentioned causes and presents what is the reason for the swallowing disorders to occur in specific cases. Chapter Four describes the course of swallowing in healthy individuals and presents the most critical anatomic structures which are involved in the act of swallowing. It relies on the distribution of swallowing which is commonly used in the literature. Chapter Five describes in detail the cerebral nerves which are involved in the process of swallowing while emphasizing the role of the sensory as well as of the motor component. In the description of the motor nerve fibers are exposed to the most the important muscles involved in the act of swallowing. Chapter Six discusses the role of the brain, controlling the mechanism of swallowing. Due to the complexity of the neurological control of the act of swallowing here are described mainly the higher brain structures and their general role in the process of swallowing. The end of the chapter describes the importance of the brain flexibility for the process of rehabilitation of the swallowing disorders which occur as a result of the brain injury. Chapter Seven is more extensive. The content includes a variety of evaluation procedures of the swallowing disorders. In detail are presented the procedures used by the clinical speech therapists during the phase of evaluation. The last part describes the two instrumental and therefore the most objective forms of evaluation of the swallowing which are most commonly used in practice. The last point of this chapter describes the course of evaluation of the swallowing disorders in one of the Slovenian health institutions. Chapter Eight is devoted to the presentation of the screening test which is used in the empirical part of the thesis. The ninth Chapter provides information on the therapeutic techniques in the treatment of the swallowing disorders. Here are described the direct and indirect therapeutic techniques. The techniques are complemented by various sources and represent a kind of set of exercises useful in the context of the speech therapy treatment of the swallowing disorders. The tenth Chapter describes the importance of nutrition of patients with the swallowing disorders. It speaks of the density of food, suitable for patients with swallowing disorders who are eating in oral way. There are described also the two most common forms of the non-oral feeding . The eleventh Chapter describes in detail the neurogenic dysphagia and the role of the speech therapists in the treatment of patients with the neurogenic dysphagia. This Chapter serves the reader as an introduction to the empirical part of the thesis. The empirical part of the thesis contains a description of a patient with the neurogenic dysphagia. The description is chronological summarizing the medical documentation. This allows the reader an insight into the processes which are in use in the treatment of the patients with the neurogenic dysphagia in Slovenia. Here is presented the group of experts who deal with the neurogenic dysphagia in the Slovenian medical practice. There are described therapeutic techniques and diets which were used during the patient's recovery. The role of the clinical speech therapist is emphasized. The swallowing disorders of the patients were assessed twice by the Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability screening test. Comparing the first and the second assessments allows the reader to have an idea of improving the patient's ability to swallow at a time when he was treated at the Rehabilitation Institute. The whole empirical part serves to test the hypotheses that are put on the basis of the foreign literature and summarized in the first part of the thesis. The findings are presented in the conclusion of the thesis.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): swallowing disorders
ID: 8311442
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