diplomsko delo
Ani Fajdiga (Author), Matjaž Jaklin (Mentor)


Izdelava didaktičnih igrač z otroki, starimi 3-6 let


igra;didaktične igrače;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Fajdiga]
UDC: 373.2.016:62(043.2)
COBISS: 9778249 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1249
Downloads: 422
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Production of didactic toys to children aged 3–6 years
Secondary abstract: The motivation for writing my diploma thesis titled Production of didactic toys to children aged 3–6 years came during arts and crafts course at the faculty when I made some didactic toys and took them to the kindergarten. There I observed how children eagerly examined the toys and asked me lots of questions about them with curiosity. Since there are not many good toys with which the children can play in the kindergarten, a thought sprang to mind that the children could acquire new knowledge through play and would become more creative if they made their own didactic toys. I decided to make two didactic toys together with the children which would be suitable for play in the kindergarten. Through the process of making the toys, the children would get to know different materials, different techniques of treating the materials and different tools. In the theoretical part of the diploma thesis, I explained what play and toys are, what kind of children's play and toys exist, and elaborated on the importance of play and toys for a child's development. I also touched upon the question of whether games and toys differ depending on the gender of a child and which toys are suitable for a particular age group. I described and focussed on the most common material (paper and wood) that is used for the production of didactic games. In the empirical part of the diploma thesis, I wanted to find out where the children would draw ideas from for making the toys, would the ideas be imaginative, completely new, or the ones they had already been familiar with. Then, together with the children, through creative and technical processes, we transformed the material into a new creation, i.e. a toy, which gave us a lot of creative opportunities and new skills; from technical, technological, physical, modelling and social experience. During this process, we invited the parents to come and participate and in this way we motivated them to think about what a good toy is, a toy that means something to a child and from which the child can get some new insights. Together with the children, we made two new didactic toys and in this way got a new children’s play corner in the kindergarten. The photographs depict the process of the toy making, the final product and the interaction of the children with the newly made toys and their play. The progress of the activities which I carried out in the kindergarten was described and evaluated
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;practical work;engineering;predšolski otrok;praktično delo;tehnika;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 42 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Production of didactic toys to children aged 3–6 years
Keywords (ePrints): igrača
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): toy
Abstract (ePrints): Spodbudo za izdelavo svojega diplomskega dela Izdelava didaktičnih igrač z otroki, starimi 3–6 let sem dobila, ko sem na fakulteti pri tehniki izdelala didaktične igrače in jih odnesla v vrtec. Tam sem otroke opazovala, kako si zavzeto ogledujejo narejene igrače in me z zanimanjem o njih veliko sprašujejo. Ker imamo v vrtcu tudi malo dobrih igrač, s katerimi se otroci lahko igrajo, se mi je porodila misel, da bi otroci lahko pridobili veliko novega znanja preko igre, veliko pa bi ustvarjali tako, če bi sami izdelali didaktično igračo. Odločila sem se, da skupaj z otroki izdelamo dve didaktični igrači, ki bi bili primerni za igro v vrtcu, skozi postopke izdelave pa bi otroci spoznali različne materiale, tehnike obdelovanja materiala in orodja. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela sem predstavila, kaj je igra in kaj so igrače, opisala sem vrste otroške igre in igrač ter kaj pomenijo igre in igrače za otrokov razvoj. Dotaknila sem se tudi vprašanja, ali se igre in igrače razlikujejo glede na spol otroka in katere igrače so primerne za določeno starost otroka. Opisala in osredotočila sem se na najpogostejše gradivo (papir in les), ki se ga uporablja za izdelavo didaktičnih iger. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela me je zanimalo, od kod bodo otroci črpali zamisel za izdelavo igrač, ali bodo ideje domišljijske, popolnoma nove, ali take, ki jih že poznajo. Nato smo z otroki preko ustvarjalno-tehničnih procesov preoblikovali material v novo stvaritev, tj. igračo, ki nam je dala veliko ustvarjalnih možnosti in novih znanj; od tehnične, tehnološke, fizikalne, oblikovalne in socialne izkušnje ob vsem tem pa smo k sodelovanju povabili tudi starše in jih tako motivirali k razmišljanju o dobri igrači, ki otroku nekaj pomeni in se iz nje lahko pridobi nekaj novih spoznanj. Z otroki smo izdelali dve novi didaktični igrači in si s tem pridobili nov kotiček v vrtcu. S fotografijami sem predstavila postopke izdelave igrač, končni izdelek in interakcijo otrok z na novo izdelano igračo in igro. Dejavnosti, ki sem jih izvajala v vrtcu, sem opisala in evalvirala njihov potek.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The motivation for writing my diploma thesis titled Production of didactic toys to children aged 3–6 years came during arts and crafts course at the faculty when I made some didactic toys and took them to the kindergarten. There I observed how children eagerly examined the toys and asked me lots of questions about them with curiosity. Since there are not many good toys with which the children can play in the kindergarten, a thought sprang to mind that the children could acquire new knowledge through play and would become more creative if they made their own didactic toys. I decided to make two didactic toys together with the children which would be suitable for play in the kindergarten. Through the process of making the toys, the children would get to know different materials, different techniques of treating the materials and different tools. In the theoretical part of the diploma thesis, I explained what play and toys are, what kind of children's play and toys exist, and elaborated on the importance of play and toys for a child's development. I also touched upon the question of whether games and toys differ depending on the gender of a child and which toys are suitable for a particular age group. I described and focussed on the most common material (paper and wood) that is used for the production of didactic games. In the empirical part of the diploma thesis, I wanted to find out where the children would draw ideas from for making the toys, would the ideas be imaginative, completely new, or the ones they had already been familiar with. Then, together with the children, through creative and technical processes, we transformed the material into a new creation, i.e. a toy, which gave us a lot of creative opportunities and new skills; from technical, technological, physical, modelling and social experience. During this process, we invited the parents to come and participate and in this way we motivated them to think about what a good toy is, a toy that means something to a child and from which the child can get some new insights. Together with the children, we made two new didactic toys and in this way got a new children’s play corner in the kindergarten. The photographs depict the process of the toy making, the final product and the interaction of the children with the newly made toys and their play. The progress of the activities which I carried out in the kindergarten was described and evaluated
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): toy
ID: 8311707
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