Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Determining the takeoff leg |
Secondary abstract: |
The problem of the thesis was the determination of the takeoff leg at children in the fifth grade of elementary school.
The sample was covered objects between 62 pupils in the fifth grade primary school Komenda Moste.
Takeoff leg was determined by several variables , namely: the learner's answer to the question which is its blade leg, thrust forward, shooting on goal , reachstackers jump, the volume of the lower leg , thigh circumference , skin fold lower leg , thigh skin fold , long jump from the site without the help of hands, triple jump with the help of hands, triple jump without the help of hands and high start.
All acquired data were edited in Excel tables and then processed using a statistical program SPSS. In the calculation of basic statistics, frequencies and relative frequencie were calculated for all the studied variables. Standard deviation of the average value and the minimum and maximum results, we calculated only for numeric variables this are: reachstackers jump, the volume of the lower leg , thigh circumference , skin fold lower leg , thigh skin fold , long jump from the site without the help of hands, triple jump with the help of hands and triple jump without the help of hands.
After processing of all the variables, we found that most of the pupil pushes to the right leg . We have also come to the conclusion that it is necessary to take time to determine the takeoff leg. Pupils should be treated individually and measurements for the determination of the takeoff leg repeated several times.
Working with pupils has shown us that pupils still do not know what is meant by takeoff leg , even if they are already in the fifth grade. |
Secondary keywords: |
physical characteristics;pupil;primary school;physical education;telesne značilnosti;učenec;športna vzgoja;osnovna šola; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Pages: |
VI, 40 f. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Determining the takeoff leg |
Keywords (ePrints): |
odrivna noga |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
takeoff leg |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Problem diplomskega dela je bilo ugotavljanje odrivne noge pri učencih petega razreda osnovne šole.
V vzorcu merjencev je bilo zajetih 62 učencev petega razreda Osnovne šole Komenda Moste.
Odrivno nogo smo ugotavljali s pomočjo več spremenljivk, in sicer: učenčev odgovor na vprašanje, katera je njegova odrivna noga, potisk najprej, streljanje na gol, dosežni skok, obseg goleni, obseg stegna, kožna guba goleni, kožna guba stegna, skok v daljino z mesta brez pomoči rok, troskok s pomočjo rok, troskok brez pomoči rok in visoki start.
Vse pridobljene podatke smo uredili s tabelami programa Excel in jih nato obdelali s pomočjo statističnega programa SPSS. Pri izračunu osnovne statistike smo izračunali frekvence in relativne frekvence za vse spremenljivke, ki smo jih preučevali. Standardne odklone, povprečne vrednosti ter minimalne in maksimalne rezultate pa smo izračunali le za numerične spremenljivke. Te so: dosežni skok, obseg goleni, obseg stegna, kožna guba goleni, kožna guba stegna, skok v daljino z mesta brez pomoči rok, troskok s pomočjo rok in troskok brez pomoči rok.
Po obdelavi vseh spremenljivk smo ugotovili, da se večina učencev odriva z desno nogo. Prav tako smo prišli do ugotovitve, da si je potrebno za določevanje odrivne noge vzeti čas. Učence je potrebno obravnavati individualno in meritve za določevanje odrivne noge večkrat ponoviti.
Delo z učenci nam je pokazalo, da učenci še vedno ne vedo, kaj pomeni izraz odrivna noga, čeprav so že v petem razredu. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
The problem of the thesis was the determination of the takeoff leg at children in the fifth grade of elementary school.
The sample was covered objects between 62 pupils in the fifth grade primary school Komenda Moste.
Takeoff leg was determined by several variables , namely: the learner's answer to the question which is its blade leg, thrust forward, shooting on goal , reachstackers jump, the volume of the lower leg , thigh circumference , skin fold lower leg , thigh skin fold , long jump from the site without the help of hands, triple jump with the help of hands, triple jump without the help of hands and high start.
All acquired data were edited in Excel tables and then processed using a statistical program SPSS. In the calculation of basic statistics, frequencies and relative frequencie were calculated for all the studied variables. Standard deviation of the average value and the minimum and maximum results, we calculated only for numeric variables this are: reachstackers jump, the volume of the lower leg , thigh circumference , skin fold lower leg , thigh skin fold , long jump from the site without the help of hands, triple jump with the help of hands and triple jump without the help of hands.
After processing of all the variables, we found that most of the pupil pushes to the right leg . We have also come to the conclusion that it is necessary to take time to determine the takeoff leg. Pupils should be treated individually and measurements for the determination of the takeoff leg repeated several times.
Working with pupils has shown us that pupils still do not know what is meant by takeoff leg , even if they are already in the fifth grade. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
takeoff leg |
ID: |
8311909 |