diplomska naloga
Primož Korbar (Author), Janez Žmavc (Mentor), Janko Logar (Thesis defence commission member), Sebastjan Bratina (Thesis defence commission member), Violeta Bokan-Bosiljkov (Thesis defence commission member), Dejan Hribar (Co-mentor)


Analiza in uporabnost črne jeklarske žlindre v bituminiziranih zmeseh


gradbeništvo;UNI;diplomska dela;bituminizirana zmes;asfalt plast;črna jeklarska žlindra;zmes zrn;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [P. Korbar]
UDC: 625.775 (043.2)
COBISS: 6409569 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2514
Downloads: 735
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂanalysis and use of black steel slag in bituminous mixtures
Secondary abstract: In my diploma thesis I dealt with the use of black steel slag in road construction. In the introductory part of my work I discussed the general characteristics of the materials used in road construction and later on in the paper I focused exclusively on black steel slag. I described the history of the use of slag in the construction industry, various types of iron and steel slags, and the processing of black and white steel slag. I was interested in positive and negative characteristics of slag and its influence on the properties of asphalt roads. In exploring these properties I used technical articles from Slovenia as well as from abroad and they were of tremendous help to me. In addition, I described and analyzed the good practices from Germany, Great Britain and Croatia. The main part of the thesis was the analysis of the results of bituminous mixes with the slag grains. Data were acquired in the company Gorenjska gradbena družba (hereinafter GGD) and its subsidiary Cestno podjetje Kranj. I separated the data into two groups. In the first set, I compared and analyzed bituminous mixtures with natural eruptive and carbonate grains and grains of slag. In the second part I dealt with bituminous mixtures with grains of slag, for which I used two different types of bitumen. In both sets I analyzed the basic properties of bituminous mixtures and properties of the mixture resistance to permanent transformation. In the conclusion of the thesis I checked the differences between the prices of different bituminous mixtures.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;bituminous mixture;asphalt layer;black steel slag;black steel slag, grain mixture;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XI, 102 str., [5] str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): The analysis and use of black steel slag in bituminous mixtures
Keywords (ePrints): bituminizirana zmes;asfalt plast;črna jeklarska žlindra;zmes zrn
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): bituminous mixture;asphalt layer;black steel slag;grain mixture
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi sem se ukvarjal z uporabo črne jeklarske žlindre v cestogradnji. V uvodu naloge sem obravnaval splošne karakteristike materialov, ki jih uporabljamo pri gradnji cest. V nadaljevanju naloge pa sem se izključno posvetil črni jeklarski žlindri. Opisal sem zgodovino uporabe žlindre v gradbeništvu, različne vrste metalurških in jeklarskih žlinder ter predelavo črne in bele jeklarske žlindre. Zanimale so me tudi pozitivne in negativne lastnosti žlindre in njeni vplivi na lastnosti asfaltnih vozišč. Pri raziskovanju teh lastnosti so mi pomembno pomoč predstavljali strokovni članki iz Slovenije in tudi iz tujine. Dodatno sem opisal in analiziral dobre prakse iz Nemčije, Velike Britanije in Hrvaške. Glavni del diplomske naloge je predstavljala analiza rezultatov bituminiziranih zmesi z zrni žlindre. Podatke sem pridobil v podjetju Gorenjska gradbena družba (v nadaljevanju GGD) in njenem hčerinskem podjetju Cestno podjetje Kranj. Ločil sem jih v dva sklopa. V prvem sklopu sem primerjal in analiziral bituminizirane zmesi z naravnimi eruptivnimi in karbonatnimi zrni in zrni žlindre. V drugem sklopu pa sem se ukvarjal z bituminiziranimi zmesmi z zrni žlindre, pri katerih sem uporabil dve različni vrsti bitumna. Pri obeh sklopih sem analiziral osnovne lastnosti bituminiziranih zmesi in lastnost zmesi na odpornost proti trajnemu preoblikovanju. Za zaključek diplomske naloge sem preveril še razlike med cenami za različne bituminizirane zmesi.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In my diploma thesis I dealt with the use of black steel slag in road construction. In the introductory part of my work I discussed the general characteristics of the materials used in road construction and later on in the paper I focused exclusively on black steel slag. I described the history of the use of slag in the construction industry, various types of iron and steel slags, and the processing of black and white steel slag. I was interested in positive and negative characteristics of slag and its influence on the properties of asphalt roads. In exploring these properties I used technical articles from Slovenia as well as from abroad and they were of tremendous help to me. In addition, I described and analyzed the good practices from Germany, Great Britain and Croatia. The main part of the thesis was the analysis of the results of bituminous mixes with the slag grains. Data were acquired in the company Gorenjska gradbena družba (hereinafter GGD) and its subsidiary Cestno podjetje Kranj. I separated the data into two groups. In the first set, I compared and analyzed bituminous mixtures with natural eruptive and carbonate grains and grains of slag. In the second part I dealt with bituminous mixtures with grains of slag, for which I used two different types of bitumen. In both sets I analyzed the basic properties of bituminous mixtures and properties of the mixture resistance to permanent transformation. In the conclusion of the thesis I checked the differences between the prices of different bituminous mixtures.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): bituminous mixture;asphalt layer;black steel slag;grain mixture
ID: 8313008