Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Language of modern picture books through selected examples of Slovenian picture books |
Secondary abstract: |
The most important topic of my thesis is comparison of high-quality picture books with a less-quality picture book and how children respond to them (how they read and understand the story of a picture book). I made a comparison of responses children had on illustrations by selecting 4 high-quality modern Slovenian picture books and one less-quality Slovenian picture book. I selected picture books that are diverse in themes as well as genres: A Girl and a Giant (Neli Kodrič Filipić), Little Roman Circus (Andrej Rozman Roza), The Story About the Anchor (Damijan Stepančič), Animal Lullabies (Lila Prap) and Sweet Toothed Bears (Srečko Kosovel).
The study of verbal responses of pupils was conducted with pupils from the second grade of Elementary School Mengeš. Ten pupils participated in the study, five girls and five boys, aged seven years. As the research method I used interview. Each student individually answered questions related to each picture book, with me recording their answers. I arranged their answers based on how frequent were individual responses to each question for every picture book and presented their responses in tables.
Four high-quality Slovenian picture books have released pupils’ imagination, and attracted an emotional as well as clear response from all ten children. The answers were witty, associated with colors and based on their experiences. There was very little misunderstanding and confusion, more than half of pupils have always perceived the story and made a response to it. Responses to the less-quality picture book by Srečko Kosovel were contrary to the high-quality picture books; pupils showed a lack of understanding of illustrations as well as their distracting and dubious role. |
Secondary keywords: |
primary school;children's and youth literature;picture book;osnovna šola;mladinska književnost;slikanica; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Pages: |
169 f. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Sodobnost slikaniške govorice ob izbranih primerih slovenske slikanice |
Keywords (ePrints): |
kakovostna slikanica |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
high-quality picture book |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Najpomembnejša tema moje diplomske naloge je primerjava kakovostnih slikanic z manj kakovostno in odziv otrok nanje (kako oni berejo ilustracijo in razumejo zgodbo slikanice). Primerjala sem govorne odzive otrok na ilustracije, ob izboru štirih kakovostnih slovenskih sodobnih slikanic z eno manj kakovostno slovensko slikanico. Raznolike so bile tako po tematiki kot po zvrsti: Punčka in velikan (Neli Kodrič Filipić), Mali rimski cirkus (Andrej Rozman Roza), Zgodba o sidru (Damijan Stepančič), Živalske uspavanke (Lila Prap) in Medvedki sladkosnedki (Srečko Kosovel).
Pri raziskavi govornih odzivov so sodelovali učenci drugega razreda Osnovne šole Mengeš. Sodelovalo je deset učencev, pet deklic in pet dečkov, starih sedem let. Za raziskovalno metodo sem uporabila intervju. Vsak učenec posebej je odgovarjal na zastavljena vprašanja k določeni slikanici, sama pa sem njihove odgovore sproti beležila. Po zaključenih obravnavah vseh petih slikanic sem odgovore uredila glede na to, kako pogosti so bili pri posameznem vprašanju vsake slikanice. Njihove odzive sem prikazala v tabelah.
Štiri kvalitetne slovenske slikanice so pri učencih sprostile domišljijo, privabile čustven in jasen odziv vseh desetih otrok. Odgovori so bili duhoviti, povezani z barvami in njihovimi izkušnjami. Nerazumevanja in nejasnosti je bilo zelo malo, vedno je več kot polovica učencev dojela zgodbo in nanjo podala odziv. Nasprotujoča kvalitetnim slikanicam je manj kvalitetna slikanica Srečka Kosovela; učenci so izpostavili nerazumevanje ilustracij in njihovo motečo ter dvomljivo vlogo. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
The most important topic of my thesis is comparison of high-quality picture books with a less-quality picture book and how children respond to them (how they read and understand the story of a picture book). I made a comparison of responses children had on illustrations by selecting 4 high-quality modern Slovenian picture books and one less-quality Slovenian picture book. I selected picture books that are diverse in themes as well as genres: A Girl and a Giant (Neli Kodrič Filipić), Little Roman Circus (Andrej Rozman Roza), The Story About the Anchor (Damijan Stepančič), Animal Lullabies (Lila Prap) and Sweet Toothed Bears (Srečko Kosovel).
The study of verbal responses of pupils was conducted with pupils from the second grade of Elementary School Mengeš. Ten pupils participated in the study, five girls and five boys, aged seven years. As the research method I used interview. Each student individually answered questions related to each picture book, with me recording their answers. I arranged their answers based on how frequent were individual responses to each question for every picture book and presented their responses in tables.
Four high-quality Slovenian picture books have released pupils’ imagination, and attracted an emotional as well as clear response from all ten children. The answers were witty, associated with colors and based on their experiences. There was very little misunderstanding and confusion, more than half of pupils have always perceived the story and made a response to it. Responses to the less-quality picture book by Srečko Kosovel were contrary to the high-quality picture books; pupils showed a lack of understanding of illustrations as well as their distracting and dubious role. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
high-quality picture book |
ID: |
8327965 |