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Karmen Mihelčič (Author), Darija Skubic (Mentor)


Primerjava funkcionalne pismenosti vzgojitelja v vrtcu in vzgojitelja v 1. razredu osnovne šole


funkcionalna pismenost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Mihelčič]
UDC: 373.2.011.3-051(043.2)
COBISS: 10060617 Link will open in a new window
Views: 691
Downloads: 158
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of functional literacy educator in kindergarten and preschool teacher in the first grade of elementary school
Secondary abstract: : Literacy, as an asset and a prerequisite for a teacher to perform different roles as a worker in educational field, has an important role, because it is an element of teacher's daily activities, planned and unplanned. It accompanies him at every step. The theoretical part describes literacy and functional literacy through time and data on functional literacy in Slovenia. The objective of the empirical part is to compare the literacy of teachers in kindergarten and teachers in the 1st grade of elementary school. The survey questionnaire was drawn up for this purpose. The results of the survey showed that, among teachers in kindergarten and teachers in the 1st grade of elementary school, there is no major difference in literacy of an individual working as teacher in kindergarten and literacy of an individual teacher in the 1st grade of elementary school. The reason for this can be found, for example, in the fact that the majority of teachers accompany a group of children from their first year in kindergarten and work as teachers also in the 1st grade of elementary school. After one year of working as teacher in the 1st grade of elementary school the teacher returns to working in kindergarten. In the questionnaire, some teachers mentioned that they were working as teachers in both positions, which justifies the above mentioned reason for the results of my research. Teachers in kindergarten and teachers in the 1st grade of elementary school have the same level of education, which could also be the reason for the results of the research. All teachers were trained in a similar programme (many faculties carry out programmes for Preschool education) and at the time of study they received similar education and skills, which can be another reason for the findings of my research, namely that the competences of a teacher in the field of literacy are similar among preschool teachers and teachers in the first grade of elementary school.
Secondary keywords: literacy;trainer;nursery school;primary school;pismenost;vzgojitelj;vrtec;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 73 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Primerjava funkcionalne pismenosti vzgojitelja v vrtcu in vzgojitelja v 1. razredu osnovne šole
Keywords (ePrints): pismenost
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): literacy
Abstract (ePrints): Pismenost ima kot sredstvo in pogoj za opravljanje različnih vlog pri vzgojitelju kot delavcu na vzgojno-izobraževalnem področju pomembno vlogo, saj je element njegovih vsakodnevnih načrtovanih in nenačrtovanih dejavnosti. Spremlja ga na vsakem koraku. V teoretičnem delu sta predstavljeni pismenost in funkcionalna pismenost skozi čas ter podatki o funkcionalni pismenosti v Sloveniji. Cilj empiričnega dela je primerjati pismenost vzgojiteljev v vrtcu in vzgojiteljev v 1. razredu OŠ. V ta namen je bil sestavljen anketni vprašalnik. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da ne prihaja do večjih razlik v pismenosti posameznika na delovnem mestu vzgojitelja v vrtcu in pismenosti posameznika na delovnem mestu vzgojitelja v 1. razredu OŠ. Vzrok za to lahko najdemo npr. v tem, da večina vzgojiteljev spremlja skupino otrok od 1. leta oz. od vpisa v vrtec in svoje delo vzgojitelja opravlja tudi v 1. razredu OŠ, po enem letu opravljanja dela vzgojitelja v 1. razredu OŠ pa se vrne nazaj v vrtec. V anketi so namreč nekateri vzgojitelji omenili, da so opravljali delo vzgojitelja na obeh delovnih mestih, kar utemelji zgoraj naveden vzrok za rezultate moje raziskave. Vzgojitelji v vrtcu in vzgojitelji v 1. razredu OŠ imajo isto stopnjo izobrazbe, kar bi tudi lahko bil vzrok za rezultate raziskave. Vsi vzgojitelji so se izobraževali po podobnem programu (več fakultet izvaja program za smer Predšolska vzgoja) in so bili v času študija deležni podobnih vsebin in znanj, kar je lahko še en vzrok za ugotovitve moje raziskave, da pri vzgojiteljevih kompetencah na področju pismenosti pri vzgojitelju v vrtcu in vzgojitelju v 1. razredu OŠ ne prihaja do večjih razlik.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): : Literacy, as an asset and a prerequisite for a teacher to perform different roles as a worker in educational field, has an important role, because it is an element of teacher's daily activities, planned and unplanned. It accompanies him at every step. The theoretical part describes literacy and functional literacy through time and data on functional literacy in Slovenia. The objective of the empirical part is to compare the literacy of teachers in kindergarten and teachers in the 1st grade of elementary school. The survey questionnaire was drawn up for this purpose. The results of the survey showed that, among teachers in kindergarten and teachers in the 1st grade of elementary school, there is no major difference in literacy of an individual working as teacher in kindergarten and literacy of an individual teacher in the 1st grade of elementary school. The reason for this can be found, for example, in the fact that the majority of teachers accompany a group of children from their first year in kindergarten and work as teachers also in the 1st grade of elementary school. After one year of working as teacher in the 1st grade of elementary school the teacher returns to working in kindergarten. In the questionnaire, some teachers mentioned that they were working as teachers in both positions, which justifies the above mentioned reason for the results of my research. Teachers in kindergarten and teachers in the 1st grade of elementary school have the same level of education, which could also be the reason for the results of the research. All teachers were trained in a similar programme (many faculties carry out programmes for Preschool education) and at the time of study they received similar education and skills, which can be another reason for the findings of my research, namely that the competences of a teacher in the field of literacy are similar among preschool teachers and teachers in the first grade of elementary school.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): literacy
ID: 8328015