Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Application of safe use of Internet in Slovene primary school |
Secondary abstract: |
Nowadays it is difficult to imagine life without the Internet. Younger generations have been familiar with it since their birth. The use of the Internet varies from one individual to the other and it can include playing Internet games, watching videos, using social networks, sending emails, etc. It is important to state, that the most vulnerable users of the Internet are children, who can easily become victims of different incidents.
Children do not use the Internet only at home, but also at school and in other public places. It is therefore crucial, they learn to use the Internet safely in order for them to be able to protect themselves from unwanted incidents at any time or place. Schools can play a significant role in teaching the safe use of the Internet to the pupils, their parents, as well as school workers. Therefore, we became interested in how the schools were dealing with this aspect.
For this purpose, we conducted an empirical research, with which we aimed to recognize, who was responsible for teaching the safe use of the Internet, the ways and methods in which the teaching was conducted, who was targeted with the teaching and how often it was performed. Unfortunately, the issue of the safe use of the Internet is barely mentioned in the school legislation. However, according to our research, that does not result in poor or insufficient dealing with it in real life.
The results have also shown, that usually the person in charge of the teaching about the safe use of the Internet in school is a computer expert (usually an organizer of information activities), who is shortly followed by the computer science teacher. (Safer Internet Centre) is the most recognized institution, that deals with the teaching about the safe use of the Internet. Schools often seek their services for improving the teachers' as well as the pupils' and their parents' knowledge by applying for their workshops and seminars. Schools mostly organise lessons for the pupils throughout the year, while for the parents and school workers once in one to three years. We were also interested in who is responsible for dealing with problems of online students and we concluded that those experts were usually school consultants. |
Secondary keywords: |
information technology;primary school;osnovna šola;informacijska tehnologija; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Matematika in računalništvo |
Pages: |
VII, 67 f. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Obravnava varne rabe interneta na slovenskih osnovnih šolah |
Keywords (ePrints): |
varna raba interneta |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
Safe use of the Internet |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Dandanes si življenje brez interneta težko predstavljamo. Otroci in mladostniki so si z njim »domači« že od samega rojstva. Uporaba interneta se razlikuje od posameznika do posameznika, vključuje pa lahko igranje spletnih iger, gledanje videoposnetkov, uporabo družabnih omrežij, pošiljanje spletne pošte ipd. Najbolj ranljivi uporabniki interneta so otroci, ki lahko hitro postanejo žrtve incidentov.
Otroci pa interneta ne uporabljajo samo doma, ampak tudi v šoli in drugih javnih prostorih. Zato je pomembno, da jih naučimo varne uporabe interneta, da se bodo lahko sami zavarovali pred neželenimi incidenti, kjerkoli ga bodo uporabljali. Šola lahko v veliki meri pripomore k prenosu znanja o varni rabi interneta tako na učence, starše kot tudi na šolske delavce. Zato nas je zanimalo, kako v slovenskih osnovnih šolah skrbijo za osveščanje in prenos tega znanja.
V ta namen smo izvedli empirično raziskavo, s katero smo želeli podrobneje izvedeti, kdo na šoli skrbi za osveščanje o varni rabi interneta, na kakšen način osveščanje izvajajo, za koga in seveda kako pogosto. Žal je v šolskih pravilnikih tematika o varni rabi interneta skopo omenjena, kljub temu pa glede na raziskavo dobimo občutek, da v večini šol skrbijo za osveščanje.
Rezultati so tudi pokazali, da v slovenskih šolah za osveščanje o varni rabi interneta najpogosteje skrbi ROID (računalnikar –organizator informacijskih dejavnosti), ki mu hitro sledi učitelj računalništva. Med najbolj poznano organizacijo, ki se ukvarja z osveščanjem o varni rabi interneta, spada Center za varnejši internet –, ki jo šole v večini primerov izberejo tudi za samo izvajanje izobraževanj in delavnic tako za učence, starše kot tudi šolske delavce. Šole v večini primerov organizirajo izobraževanje za učence na letni ravni, medtem ko za starše in šolske delavce v razmiku enega do treh let. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kdo skrbi za reševanje problemov, v katere so vključeni učenci na spletu. Izkazalo se je, da je na večini slovenskih šol za to funkcijo zadolžen svetovalni delavec. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
Nowadays it is difficult to imagine life without the Internet. Younger generations have been familiar with it since their birth. The use of the Internet varies from one individual to the other and it can include playing Internet games, watching videos, using social networks, sending emails, etc. It is important to state, that the most vulnerable users of the Internet are children, who can easily become victims of different incidents.
Children do not use the Internet only at home, but also at school and in other public places. It is therefore crucial, they learn to use the Internet safely in order for them to be able to protect themselves from unwanted incidents at any time or place. Schools can play a significant role in teaching the safe use of the Internet to the pupils, their parents, as well as school workers. Therefore, we became interested in how the schools were dealing with this aspect.
For this purpose, we conducted an empirical research, with which we aimed to recognize, who was responsible for teaching the safe use of the Internet, the ways and methods in which the teaching was conducted, who was targeted with the teaching and how often it was performed. Unfortunately, the issue of the safe use of the Internet is barely mentioned in the school legislation. However, according to our research, that does not result in poor or insufficient dealing with it in real life.
The results have also shown, that usually the person in charge of the teaching about the safe use of the Internet in school is a computer expert (usually an organizer of information activities), who is shortly followed by the computer science teacher. (Safer Internet Centre) is the most recognized institution, that deals with the teaching about the safe use of the Internet. Schools often seek their services for improving the teachers' as well as the pupils' and their parents' knowledge by applying for their workshops and seminars. Schools mostly organise lessons for the pupils throughout the year, while for the parents and school workers once in one to three years. We were also interested in who is responsible for dealing with problems of online students and we concluded that those experts were usually school consultants. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
Safe use of the Internet |
ID: |
8328023 |