diplomsko delo
Dejan Bunšek (Author), Samo Bobek (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu sem primerjal spletno bančništvo Probanke in NLB za prebivalstvo. Omenjeni sistem se pri Probanki imenuje Prosplet, pri NLB-ju pa NLB Klik. V teoretičnem delu sem raziskal razlike med izrazoma spletna stran in spletni portal, da sem kasneje lažje naredil primerjavo spletnih strani Probanke in NLB-ja. V teoretičnem delu sem prav tako ugotavljal razlike med spletnim bančništvom in elektronskim bančništvom, da ne bi zamenjevali teh podobnih, a različnih pojmov. Spletno bančništvo je namreč ožji pojem od elektronskega in predstavlja le en njegov del. Raziskoval sem tudi spletno bančništvo v Sloveniji, kjer število uporabnikov konstantno narašča. V praktičnem delu sem najprej predstavil Probanko in NLB, nato pa se lotil primerjave njunega spletnega bančništva za prebivalstvo. Primerjava obeh sistemov je pokazala več podobnosti kot razlik, oba pa zajemata vse pomembnejše funkcije, ki jih povprečni uporabnik potrebuje. Lotil sem se tudi varnostnega vidika obeh spletnih bank, kjer ugotovitve kažejo, da je varnostna podpora dobra in da lahko uporabniki veliko naredijo za varnost svojih sredstev, predvsem z lastnim odgovornim ravnanjem in upoštevanjem varnostnih zahtev in navodil bank. Praktični del zajema primerjavo spletnih strani obeh bank, kjer je dobro razvidno, da se banki držita priporočil in kriterijev, ki naj bi jih dobre spletne strani imele.


bančništvo;bančno poslovanje;elektronsko bančništvo;internet;spletne strani;primerjalna analiza;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [D. Bunšek]
UDC: 336.71:004
COBISS: 11498012 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1316
Downloads: 72
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparative analysis of online banking between Probanka and NLB for population
Secondary abstract: In my thesis, I compared online banking system for population between bank called Probanka and bank called NLB. These two systems are called Prosplet by Probanka and NLB-Klik by NLB. In the theoretical part I explored the differences between website and web portal. I did that in order to be able to make an easier comparison between website from Probanka and NLB later on. In the theoretical part I also identified differences between web banking and e-banking, so we wouldn´t confuse these similar but distinct concepts. Web banking is a narrower concept than e-banking and represents only one part of it. I've researched the online banking in Slovenia, where the number of users is increasing constantly. In the practical part I first introduced banks called Probanka and NLB, and then I started comparing their online banking for population. A comparison of these two systems showed more similarities than differences. Both cover the important functions that an average user needs. I researched also the safety of both online banking, where I came to the conclusion that security support is good and that users can do a lot for the safety of their funds and money especially through their own responsible behavior and compliance with safety requirements and instructions of the bank. The practical part includes the comparison between websites of bout banks, which clearly showed that both banks observe the recommendations and criteria which a good website should have.
Secondary keywords: Online banking;website;Prosplet;NLB-Klik;websites analysis;analysis of online banking.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 63 str.
ID: 8726387