doktorska disertacija
Marko Franc (Author), Aleš Hace (Mentor)


V disertaciji je predstavljen regulacijski algoritem za skalirano bilateralno vodenje, ki je načrtovan v virtualnem modalnem prostoru in izpeljan po postopku vodenja v drsnem režimu. Takšen algoritem zagotavlja delovanje brez drhtenja, robustnost na motnje sistema in omogoča enostavno implementacijo. Poleg tega omogoča tudi skalirano bilateralno teleoperiranje, kar je potrebno,kadar gospodar in suženj nista enaka mehanizma. Za delovanje potrebuje regulacijski algoritem informacijo o položaju gospodarja/sužnja in zunanjih silah, ki delujejo na sistem. Predlagana je uporaba analognih Hallovih senzorjev, ki so v današnjih časih že vgrajeni v ohišje nekaterih motorjev. S takšnimi senzorji je mogoče zagotoviti ustrezno informacijo o položaju in hitrosti. Predstavljeni so algoritmi za estimacijo položaja in hitrosti. Izvedena je implementacija regulacijskega algoritma na FPGA vezju. Za FPGA vezje je značilna velika računska moč in paralelno izvajanje procesov,zaradi česar je mogoče doseči visoke frekvence vodenja. To se je že izkazalo kot pogoj za vrhunske sisteme vodenja. Za takšne sisteme so potrebne visoke lomne frekvence implementiranih filtrov. Ti filtri so pravi-loma vključeni za filtriranje vhodnih signalov, za meritev hitrosti in v nekaterih primerih tudi za estimacijo zunanje sile. Visoke lomne frekvence so pogoj tudiza zmogljivo bilateralno teleoperiranje. Zaradi omejenih strojnih virov FPGA vezja je pri zahtevnih sistemih potrebno skrbno načrtovati konfiguracijo logičnega vezja. V nasprotnem primeru je lahko razpoložljiva količina strojnihvirov premajhna. V disertaciji je predstavljena načrtovalska metodologija, ki omogoča optimizacijo strojnih virov FPGA vezja in časa izvedbe procesov. Poleg tega takšna načrtovalska metodologija omogoča kratek čas načrtovanja. Predlagana izvedba zmogljivega bilateralnega teleoperatorja, ki vključuje analogne Hallove senzorje in FPGA vezje, je eksperimentalno preizkušena. V ta namen je bil izdelan preprost eksperimentalni sistem. Eksperimenti vključujejo različne scenarije (prosto gibanje, dotik mehkega objekta in dotik trdega objekta) in različne vrednosti regulacijskih parametrov. Predlagana izvedba omogoča zmogljivo skalirano bilateralno teleoperiranje s kvalitetnim pre-nosom oddaljenega občutka dotika.


teleoperiranje;bilateralno vodenje;haptika;vodenje v drsnem režimu;FPGA;Hallovi senzorji;meritve položaja;estimacija hitrosti;PLL;opazovalnik zunanje sile;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: M. Franc]
UDC: 007.52:681.5(043.3)
COBISS: 269260288 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2071
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The dissertation presents a control algorithm for scaled bilateral control that is de-signed in the virtual modal space and derived by using the sliding mode approach. This con-trol algorithm ensures chattering free performance, robustness to the system disturbances and it allows easy implementation. Moreover, it allows scaled bilateral teleoperation that is neces-sary when themaster device and the slave device are not the identical robot mechanisms. The control algorithm requires information of the master/slave positions and the external forces that act on the system. For position and velocity estimation the use of analog Hall sensors, which are nowa-days already built into the motor housing, are proposed. Such sensors can provide sufficient position and velocity information. The algorithms for position and velocity estimation are presented. The robust control algorithm for bilateral teleoperation is implemented by the FPGA circuit. The FPGA circuits are known for its high computational power and parallel execution of the processes that allows achieving high control rates. This was already recognized as a necessity for high-end control systems. This allows setting high cutoff frequencies of the im-plemented filters. These filters are usually utilized tofilter input signals, for speed measure-ment and in some cases also for external force estimation. High cutoff frequency is required for high-performance bilateral teleoperation. Hence, the FPGA circuit has rather limited hardware resources; logic circuit design may present a challenging task. Such design has to be carefully designed, especially for complex controlsystems; otherwise, the provided hardware resources might be insufficient. This thesis presents the design methodology, which allows the optimization of the hardware resources and the execution time of implemented processes. Moreover, such a design methodology allows a short design time. Performance of the proposed bilateral teleoperator, that includes analog Hall sensors and FPGA circuit, is experimentally examined. For this purpose, a simple experimental system was utilized. The experiments involve different scenarios (free motion, touching soft obstacles and touching hard obstacles) and different values of control parameters. The proposed bilateral teleoperator allows high-performance scaled bilateral teleoperation with high-haptic fidelity.
Secondary keywords: teleoperation;bilateral control;haptics;sliding mode control;FPGA;Hall senzors;position measurements;velocity estimation;PLL;external force observer;Robotika;Disertacije;Teleoperiranje;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko
Pages: XXIII, 157 str.
ID: 8727033