diplomski seminar
Tanja Vuk (Author), Simona Šarotar Žižek (Mentor)


V prvem delu diplomskega seminarja smo na podlagi različnih spoznanj avtorjev opredelili pojem kulture ter pojma organizacijska in nacionalna kultura. Naslednji del smo namenili poslovnim pogajanjem, različnim strategijam in taktikam ter opisali, kako se izvajajo pogajanja. Bistveni del diplomskega seminarja so pogajanja v mednarodnem poslovnem okolju ter kakšne so značilnosti mednarodnih pogajalcev. V zadnjem delu pa predstavljamo, kako se v različnih kulturah pogajajo posamezne države. Glavno razliko, na podlagi katere smo analizirali posamezne države, smo prikazali s pomočjo individualistične in kolektivistične kulture. Primerjali smo države, ki so si v načinu pogajanj med seboj različne, in sicer ZDA, Nemčijo, Japonsko in Kitajsko. Pogajanjem je cilj, da udeleženci poskušajo doseči skupen sporazum, da bosta obe strani zadovoljni. Udeležencem je skupen cilj, da uskladijo skupne interese in obvladajo nasprotja, ki so posledica različnih interesov vseh udeležencev. Ugotovili smo, da mora pogajalec, ki sodeluje pri medkulturnih pogajanjih, najprej spoznati vse udeležence. Včasih se zgodi, da ne pripadajo vsi isti kulturi, takrat se mora nasprotni pogajalec pozanimati o drugi kulturi, spoznati njene vrednote, norme, ki so značilne za to kulturo. Nekateri pogajalci menijo, da se je na mednarodnih pogajanjih najbolje prilagoditi pogajanjem tako, da se obnašajo enako kot domačini oziroma se prilagoditi pogajanjem, kjer potekajo. Kulturne razlike so zelo pomembne pri pogajanjih v različnih državah, zato jih moramo dobro poznati in preučiti, preden se odločimo pogajati na tujih tleh. Brez poznavanja druge kulture se ne moremo uspešno pogajati.


pogajanje;pogajalske strategije;pogajalski stili;pogajalske tehnike;kultura;ZDA;Nemčija;Japonska;Kitajska;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [T. Vuk]
UDC: 005.574
COBISS: 11821852 Link will open in a new window
Views: 847
Downloads: 90
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Differences in negotiations between individualistic and collectivistic cultures
Secondary abstract: In the first part of the thes is, we define the concept of culture on the basis of various findings of the authors and the notion of organizational and national culture. The next part was devoted to commercial negotiations, various strategies and tactics and how to carry out negotiations. An essential part of the thesis negotiations in the international business environment, what are the characteristics of international negotiators. In the last section, we present how to negotiate the different cultures of each country. The main difference on the basis of which we analyze each country we have demonstrated with the help of individualistic and collectivistic cultures. We compared the following countries: USA, Germany, Japan and China, who are you different from one another in the way of negotiations. Negotiations should aim that participants try to reach a common agreement that both parties are satisfied. Participants have a common goal, to coordinate common interests and master the conflicts caused by the different interests of all participants. We found that a negotiator involved in intercultural negotiations, it must first meet all the participants. Sometimes it happens that does not belong to all the same culture, then it should be the opposite negotiator inquire about another culture, to learn about its values, norms, which are characteristic of this culture. Some negotiators believe that the international negotiations to best adapt the negotiations so that they behave the same as locals and adapt to the negotiations, which take place. Cultural differences are very important in negotiations in different countries, so they must be good to know and consider before deciding to negotiate on foreign soil. Without knowledge of other cultures, we can not successfully negotiate.
Secondary keywords: Keywords: culture;national culture;organizational culture;negotiating;negotiating process;international negotiations;cultural differences.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 41 str.
ID: 8730225
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