diplomska dela
Mateja Kuhar (Author), Janja Črčinovič Rozman (Mentor), Bojan Kovačič (Co-mentor)


Ljudski plesi v osnovni šoli niso med najbolj priljubljeni, a je njihovo ohranjanje in vključevanje v pouk pomembno, saj pripomorejo k ohranjanju ljudske dediščine in k temu, da so učenci bolj aktivni. Namen diplomske naloge je bil na vzorcu učencev petih razredov proučiti poznavanje slovenskih ljudskih plesov, s katerimi bi se naj učenci srečali od 1. do 5. razreda pri predmetu glasbena umetnost. V diplomski nalogi najprej predstavimo področje ljudskega izročila, otroškega izročila in ljudskih plesov oz. otroškega izročila v šolskem programu. V empiričnem delu raziskujemo, ali učenci s pomočjo opisa plesa prepoznajo ime plesa, ki so ga spoznali v teh petih letih. Prav tako nas zanima, ali obstajajo razlike v poznavanju ljudskih plesov med deklicami in dečki in med učenci, ki obiskujejo šolo v mestu, in tistimi, ki obiskujejo šolo na vasi. Zanimalo nas je še, kateri je njihov najljubši ples, in zakaj je temu tako. Rezultati, pridobljeni s pomočjo anonimnega anketnega vprašalnika med več kot 200 učenci osmih osnovnih šol kažejo, da je poznavanje plesov med učenci in učenkami skladno, le ples Šuštarpolka učenke poznajo bolje. Učenci, ki obiskujejo šolo na vasi, v primerjavi s tistimi v mestu, bolje poznajo 11 ljudskih plesov, pri preostalih petih plesih je poznavanje skladno. Za svoj najljubši ples so se odločili, ker jim je všeč, je zanimiv in so se ga hitro naučili. Najbolj sta jim všeč skupinska plesa: Kujtre šivat in Igraj kolo. Več kot polovica otrok bi raje plesala sodobne kot ljudske plese. Na podlagi rezultatov lahko vidimo, da otroci ljudskih plesov ne poznajo dobro, zato bi se morali učitelji na področju ljudskega izročila še bolj izobraževati, ljudski ples vključevati v pouk in otroke spodbujati k ohranjanju le tega. Tudi učni načrt bi moral dati večji poudarek na učenje ljudskih plesov.


ljudski plesi;ljudsko izročilo;otroško izročilo;osnovna šola;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Kuhar]
UDC: 39(=163.6)(043.2)
COBISS: 21489928 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4644
Downloads: 421
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Even though folk dances are not particularly popular in primary schools, their preservation in integration into the school curriculum is important, since they contribute to the protection of cultural heritage and increase pupils' participation. The purpose of this diploma paper was to examine, on a sample of fifth-grade pupils, the knowledge of Slovenian folk dances which primary school children from the first to the fifth grade should learn about in music classes. In this diploma paper, we first present folk tradition, children's folk tradition and folk dances and children's folk tradition in connection with the school curriculum. The empirical part focuses on the question whether or not pupils can identify the name of the dance they have learned about in these five years solely by its description. We also wanted to explore any differences in the knowledge of folk dances between boys and girls, as well as between pupils at schools in urban areas and those attending schools in rural areas. We also wished to find out which folk dances are their favourite and why. The results obtained from an anonymous questionnaire filled out by more than 200 children at eight primary schools show that the knowledge of folk dances between boys and girls is the same. Schoolgirls are more familiar with only one dance - "Šuštarpolka". Compared to those at schools in urban areas, pupils attending schools in the countryside know eleven dances better, whereas both showed the same amount of knowledge of the other five dances. Pupils chose their favourite dance because they liked it, they found it interesting or it was easy to learn. The most popular were group dances "Kujtre šivat" and "Igraj kolo". Based on these results we can establish that pupils' knowledge of folk dances is limited; therefore, teachers should receive more training regarding folk tradition, they should include folk dances in their classes and aim to encourage preserving this tradition among children. The primary school curriculum should also draw more attention to folk dances.
Secondary keywords: folk dances;folk tradition;children's folk tradition;primary school;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 72 f.
ID: 8752855