diplomsko delo
V vrtce se vedno pogosteje vključuje otroke s posebnimi potrebami, da bi tako zagotovili večji napredek otroka s posebnimi potrebami in hkrati razvijali strpnost, sodelovanje in občutek empatije pri otrocih brez posebnih potreb. Kljub zastavljenim ciljem in trudu strokovnih delavcev pa se še vedno pojavljajo težave in dileme, najsi strokovne najsi osebne. V vrtcu vzgojiteljice in pomočnice vsakodnevno načrtujejo delo z otroki, večkrat pa se pozabi na dejstvo, da so tudi same ljudje in imajo s tem tudi osebnostne lastnosti, ki lahko vplivajo na njihovo delo oz. sprejemanje otroka s posebnimi potrebami v skupino.
Cilj diplomskega dela je bil analiza stališč in ugotavljanje glavnih značilnosti dela z otroki s posebnimi potrebami v programu s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo. Podatki so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki je vseboval pet glavnih vsebinskih sklopov, in sicer področje odnosa vzgojiteljic in pomočnic vzgojiteljic do otrok s posebnimi potrebami (43 trditev), področje strokovne pomoči in podpore (32 trditev), področje vključevanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami v skupino (18 trditev), področje odnosa otrok brez posebnih potreb do otrok s posebnimi potrebami (36 trditev) in področje odnosa staršev do skupine otrok, v katero je vključen otrok s posebnimi potrebami (5 trditev).
Rezultati raziskave so pokazali splošno naklonjenost vključevanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami v redne skupine vrtcev, razlike pa so se pojavile pri bolj specifičnih situacijah, s katerimi se strokovne delavke srečujejo, in predvsem pri odnosih v kolektivih ter podpori drugih strokovnih delavcev.
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2015 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[E. Debeljak] |
UDC: |
376:373.2.011.3-051(043.2) |
Views: |
605 |
Downloads: |
115 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Point of view of kindergarten teachers and their assistants to working with special needs children in regular groups |
Secondary abstract: |
In kindergarten groups inclusion of children with special needs is not a rarity anymore. The purpose of inclusion is to provide the best environment for the development of such children and at the same time try to teach children tolerance, compassion and respect to those who seem different. Despite all efforts, kindergarten teachers, their assistants and other experts still face some difficulties, be they purely professional or personal as well. Every day, kindergarten teachers are obliged to plan daily rituals and other routines that they need to carry out. But we often seem to forget the fact that kindergarten teachers are human as well and as such have views, opinions and fears that might affect their work and acceptance of special needs children in their groups.
The main aim of the thesis is to analyse these views, as well as the main characteristics, shortcomings and challenges of this inclusion process.
Data has been gathered using a survey with five key sections: the attitudes of pre-school teachers and their assistants towards the inclusion of children with special needs in the regular groups of pre-school programmes (43 statements), children with special needs and their activities in the group (36 statements), children without special needs and their acceptance of children with special needs (18 statements), specialist workers and expert support (11 statements) and parents (5 statements).
Analysis has shown that kindergarten teachers and their assistants are generally in favour of including special needs children in regular groups, however, there were some obvious differences when it came to sections on expert and co-worker support, which, as I concludem affects kindergarten teachers immensely. |
Secondary keywords: |
backward child;nursery school;trainer;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;vrtec;vzgojitelj; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja |
Pages: |
78 str. |
ID: |
8773561 |