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Barbara Vrhunc (Author), Jelka Strgar (Mentor)


Ljudje, rastline in živali smo del žive narave. Rastline so temelj za življenje na Zemlji, saj so druge oblike življenja neposredno ali posredno vezane na rastlinsko hrano. Kljub pomembni vlogi, ki jo imajo rastline, pa jih največkrat spregledamo. Ker želimo, da so rezultati pouka biologije čim boljši, smo se v naši raziskavi vprašali, katere rastline so za učence zanimivejše in bi jih bilo dobro vključiti v učni proces. Uporabili smo vprašalnik s 17 vprašanji, ki ga je izpolnilo 523 učencev štirih starostnih skupin (od 6. do 9. razreda) treh osnovnih šol na območju Škofje Loke. Učenci so pokazali nadpovprečno zanimanje za 10 od 15 rastlinskih tem. Predpostavili smo, da se zdijo mlajšim osnovnošolcem zanimive druge uporabne rastline kot starejšim osnovnošolcem. To hipotezo smo sprejeli, saj smo našli statistično pomembno razliko pri 14 od 15 tem. Drugo hipotezo, kije predvidevala, da se zdijo dekletom zanimive druge uporabne rastline kot fantom, smo delno sprejeli,saj smo našli 7 statistično pomembnih razlik (za pet tem od sedmih so dekleta pokazala večje zanimanje, za dve pa fantje). Tretjo hipotezo, ki je predpostavljala, da med učenci treh šol, ki so sodelovale v raziskavi, ni razlik v zanimanju za uporabne rastline, smo delno sprejeli, saj smo našli dve statistično pomembni razliki.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [B. Vrhunc]
UDC: 582.32:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 10654281 Link will open in a new window
Views: 970
Downloads: 128
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Interest in useful plants among primary school pupils in the Škofja Loka region
Secondary abstract: All humans, plants and animals are the living part of the nature. Plants form the foundation for the life on Earth because all other forms of lives are connected to them directly or indirectly. Despite the important role the plants have, we often do not see them. In order to improve the results of Biology lessons, pupils were asked which plants were they interested in and should be discussed during the learning process. The questionnaire with 17 questions was used and completed by 523 pupils of four different age groups (from grade 6 to grade 9) attending three different Primary Schools in the Škofja Loka region. We assumed that younger pupils of the Primary School would find interesting other useful plants than the older ones. This hypothesis was confirmed, because a statistically significant difference was found in 14 out of 15 topics). The second hypothesis which assumed that girls would find interesting different useful plants than boys was only partly confirmed, because we found 7 statistically significant differences (5 topics out of 7 showed bigger interest of girls and 2 of boys). The third hypothesis, which assumed that among pupils of different Primary Schools there was no difference in their interest in useful plants, was partly confirmed, because we found 2 statistically significant differences.
Secondary keywords: primary education;pupil;interest;plant;osnovnošolski pouk;učenec;interes;rastlina;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Biotehniška fak., Biologija in gospodinjstvo
Pages: 52 str., [1] str. pril.
ID: 8888148