diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Bruno Božičnik (Author), Maja Turnšek (Mentor)


V turistični promociji se uporabljajo različne prepričevalne tehnike. Naredili smo raziskavo, v kateri smo ugotavljali, kako pogosto se pojavljajo tehnika recipročnosti, tehnika relativnosti, tehnika brezplačne ponudbe, tehnika pomanjkanja in tehnika konsistentnosti. Za našo raziskavo smo izbrali pet slovenskih turističnih agencij. Analizirali smo vse ponudbe, ki so bile na domačih spletnih straneh teh turističnih agencij. Za vsako ponudbo smo zabeležili, katere od omenjenih prepričevalnih tehnik so bile uporabljene, kakor tudi ali so bile uporabljene na spletni strani ponudbe, domači spletni strani ali na obeh straneh. Prav tako smo domače spletne strani analizirali in na njih iskali elemente, ki bi lahko bili uporabljeni kot del tehnike konsistentnosti. Pomembne ugotovitve smo opisali in interpretirali. Rezultati so pokazali, da je od omenjenih tehnik najpogosteje uporabljena tehnika relativnosti. Sledi ji tehnika recipročnosti. Tehnike brezplačne ponudbe, pomanjkanja in konsistentnosti so uporabljene občasno. Opazovane spletne strani turističnih agencij na svojih domačih straneh od devetih iskanih elementov uporabljajo najmanj štiri in največ osem elementov konsistentnosti.


turistična promocija;turistična ponudba;tehnike prepričevanja;turistične agencije;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FT - Faculty of Tourism
Publisher: [B. Božičnik]
UDC: 338.487:659.1(043.2)
COBISS: 2048077651 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1652
Downloads: 215
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Persuasion techniques in tourist promotion
Secondary abstract: Many different persuasion techniques are used in tourist promotion. We conducted a research where we tried to find out how often a technique of reciprocity, a technique of relativity, a technique of free offer, a technique of scarcity and a technique of consistency are used. For our research, we chose five Slovene travel agencies. We analysed all offers available on home pages of these travel agencies. For each offer we noted which of the mentioned persuasion techniques were used, as well as whether they were used on the webpage of the offer, homepage or on both pages. We explained and interpreted our main findings. Results have shown that the most frequently used technique is the technique of relativity, followed by the technique of reciprocity. Techniques of free offer, scarcity and consistency were used occasionally. On their homepages, the observed travel agency websites use at least four and not more than eight of the nine consistency elements we were searching for.
Secondary keywords: persuasion;tourism;promotion;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za turizem
Pages: VII, 43, VI f.
ID: 8890360
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