diplomsko delo
Kaja Sevčnikar (Author), Jana Rapuš-Pavel (Mentor)


Pojem vzgoja in predvsem, kako je izvajati, da bo prinesla želene rezultate, je velikokrat osrednja tema pogovorov povsem vsakdanjih ljudi, ki se znajdejo v vlogi staršev, varušk ali starih staršev (Peček Čuk in Lesar, 2009). Konceptov in različnih mnenj glede vzgoje otrok je tako ogromno. Diplomsko delo se osredotoča predvsem na osnovne vzgojne stile očetov in mater v Sloveniji in na Finskem. V teoretičnem delu se najprej dotaknem pojmov socializacije in vzgoje. Sledijo opredelitev družine, opredelitev vrst družin, primerjava statističnih podatkov o vrstah družine v Sloveniji in na Finskem in opredelitev sprememb v družinah in družinskih vlog. V nadaljevanju je opredeljen pojem starševstva, ki se razširi v opredelitev osnovnih vzgojnih stilov starševstva. Posebno poglavje govori o zastopanosti vzgojnih stilov. Najprej so prikazani podatki o zastopanosti vzgojnih stilov glede na spol staršev, katerim sledijo podatki in razlage o vzgoji glede na spol otrok. V zaključku poglavja sta opisani še družinski politiki Slovenije in Finske in primerjava le teh med državama. Empirični del temelji na odgovorih 190 anketiranih dijakov tretjih in četrtih letnikov srednjih šol. Podatki so bili v letu 2015 pridobljeni na Šolskem centru Celje, Gimnazija Lava v Sloveniji in na srednji šoli Apollon Yhteiskoulu v Helsinkih na Finskem. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da večina mater in očetov vzgaja svoje otroke z avtoritativnim vzgojnim stilom. Prav tako rezultati prikazujejo, da se vzgojni stili očetov in mater ne razlikujejo prav veliko. Tako očetje kot matere se namreč največ poslužujejo avtoritativnega vzgojnega stila. Pri primerjavi vzgojnih stilov v Sloveniji in na Finskem so rezultati raziskave pokazali, da je pri očetih in materah v obeh državah najbolj zastopan avtoritativni vzgojni stil. Več pozornosti pa moramo nameniti podatku, ki razkriva razlike v zastopanosti vzgojnih stilov pri očetih. Podatki prikazujejo, da so pri očetih v Sloveniji za nekaj odstotkov več, v primerjavi z očeti na Finskem ter materami v Sloveniji in na Finskem, bolj zastopani brezbrižni, popustljiv in avtoritarni vzgojni stili. Pri primerjavi rezultatov starševskega stila glede na spol otroka sem prišla do podatkov, da je, tako pri vzgoji fantov kot tudi pri vzgoji deklet, najbolj zastopan avtoritativen vzgojni stil.


vzgojni stili;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Sevčnikar]
UDC: 37.018.1(043.2)
COBISS: 10698057 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1183
Downloads: 170
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Parenting educational styles in Slovenia and Finland
Secondary abstract: In everyday life the subject of parenting and child upbringing is often discussed among people who find themselves in the role of parents, babysitters and grandparents striving for best results (Peček Čuk and Lesar, 2009). My thesis focuses on parenting styles of mothers and fathers in Slovenia and in Finland. In the first, theoretical part, I have explained the concepts of socialization and parenting. I have defined the meaning of the term family and different family types. I have also compared statistical data on family types in Slovenia and Finland and defined changes in families and in family roles. I have defined the term of parenting, which expands into the definition of different parenting styles: the authoritarian, authoritative and permissive parenting style. There is also a chapter representing different parenting styles. Firstly I have displayed the data which represent parenting styles according to the sex of the parent and secondly I have shown the data related to parenting different sexes of children. I have concluded this chapter with cultural differences between Slovenia and Finland which are best described with their own view on family policies. The empirical part of my thesis bases on the data from a survey which I performed on 190 students in their third and fourth year of high school. The data were collected in 2015 at Šolski center Celje, Gimnazija Lava in Slovenia and at the Apollon Yhteiskoulu in Helsinki, Finland. The analysis of the results has shown that the majority of mothers and fathers are using an authoritative parenting style and that their parenting styles do not differ much. The comparison between countries has shown that in both countries and with both parents the most represented parenting style is the authoritative parenting style. The data that deserve the most of our consideration show the differences in parenting styles among fathers. The data show that fathers in Slovenia are more likely to use neglectful, authoritarian and permissive parenting style as opposed to mothers in Slovenia or both parents in Finland. In the conclusion the data also show that no matter the sex of the child, the most represented parenting style is the authoritative parenting style.
Secondary keywords: parents;family education;starši;družinska vzgoja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: V f., 40 str., [6] str. pril.
ID: 8966563