diplomsko delo


Nekoč se je blago na trgovinskih policah prodajalo samo. Izbirali smo kvečjemu le lahko med nekaj izdelki. V današnjem času je konkurenca zelo velika, zato morajo podjetja dosegati konkurenčno prednost. Kupci morajo zaupati izdelkom, izdelki pa morajo biti boljši od povprečja. Potrošnikom oz. kupcem je potrebno prisluhniti in s pomočjo pravih orodij komuniciranja in oglaševanja spoznati njihove želje in potrebe. Podjetje s pospeševanjem prodaje dosežejo hitrejši odziv kupcev za nakup izdelka, s tem se poveča prodaja in s tem tudi dobiček. V prvem delu dela diplomske naloge sem predstavila s čim se podjetje poslužuje pospeševanja prodaje in metode pospeševanja prodaje. V drugem delu diplomske naloge sem predstavila podjetje Sportina Bled d.o.o kako je začelo z razvojem in prodajo artiklov ter njihovo zgodovino samega začetka podjetja. V zadnjem delu diplomske naloge so predstavljeni načini pospeševanja prodaje, ki so usmerjeni tako kot na potrošnike in tudi zaposlene v samem podjetju. Velik poudarek namenja podjetje metodam pospeševanje prodaje usmerjene na lastno prodajno osebje. Sportina Group ni le zaupanja vreden franšizni zastopnik tujih blagovnih znamk, ki jih prodajajo, temveč v zadnjih letih uspešno uveljavlja lastne razvojne ( multibrand ) prodajne koncepte. Gre za trgovini XYZ (www.xyz-stores.com) in Sportina, ki ju bogati cela paleta edinstvenih prodajnih zamisli


prodaja;pospeševanje prodaje;oglaševanje;promocije;tržno komuniciranje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Krajinović]
UDC: 658.8(043.2)
COBISS: 12403996 Link will open in a new window
Views: 922
Downloads: 79
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Sales promotion in the company Sportina Bled, d. o. o.
Secondary abstract: In the past the goods on the trade shelves t has sold itself. Choose we have, at most, only can be between a few products. In today's time the competition is very high, therefore companies need to achieve competitive advantage. Customers must trust the product, the products must be better than average. Consumers or customers is necessary to listen and with the help of the right tools of communication and advertising to get to know their preferences and needs. A company with accelerating sales reach faster the response of customers to buy the product, this increases the sales and also profit. In the first part of the work of the diploma thesis the tasks I'm presented with as the company takes advantage of sales promotion and methods of sales promotion. In the second part of the diploma thesis the tasks I presented to the company Sportina bled d. o.about how it started with the development and sale of the items and their history the very beginning of the company. In the last part of the diploma thesis, the presented methods of sales promotion, which are oriented so as to consumers and also employees in the company itself. Great emphasis is devoted firm methods of sales promotion aimed at its own sales staff. Sportina Group is not only a trusted franchise representative foreign brands, which they sell, but in recent years, successfully asserted their own development ( multibrand ) sales concepts. It comes to trade XYZ (www.xyz-stores.com and Sportina, which are rich in a whole range of unique sales ideas.
Secondary keywords: Marketing communications;sales promotion;the objectives and the purpose of sales promotion methods of sales promotion;promotion;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 30 str.
ID: 9123481