diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management delovnih procesov
Kakovostna izvedba storitev je postala ključna naloga vsake banke, saj nam lahko ponudi prednosti, ki so neposredno povezane s konkurenčnostjo, povečanjem obsega poslovanja in ustvarjanjem dobička, v nasprotnem primeru pa je lahko ogrožen obstoj banke na konkurenčnem trgu.
Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti področje kakovosti bančnih storitev in njegovo pomembnost, teoretično in empirično predstaviti trenutno stanje ter podati predloge za izboljšave.
Teoretične podatke smo črpali iz strokovne literature o storitvah in kakovosti ter metodah merjenja kakovosti. Predstavili smo dejavnike, ki vplivajo na kakovost, razložili, kaj bančne storitve pravzaprav so ter približali področje interakcije med kontaktnim osebjem in uporabniki.
Empirične podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo dveh anketnih vprašalnikov, ki sta bila posebej prilagojena za zaposlene oziroma kontaktno osebje ter za uporabnike bančnih storitev. V raziskavi je sodelovalo skupno 27 zaposlenih in 51 uporabnikov bančnih storitev.
Ugotovili smo, da so prijaznost osebja, varnost in hitrost izvedbe storitev tiste besedne zveze, ki jih uporabniki najpogosteje uporabljajo za opis kakovostne bančne storitve ali pa jih z njo povezujejo.
Raziskava je razkrila tudi resen problem pomanjkanja zaupanja tako s strani uporabnikov v banko kot tudi s strani zaposlenih v vodstvo podjetja, razkrili pa smo tudi, kakšne so navade in kakšno je obnašanje uporabnikov, med drugim tudi to, da ob nezadovoljstvu s ceno dejansko zahtevajo le boljšo kakovost.
V sklepnem delu smo predstavili ključne ugotovitve, do katerih smo prišli na podlagi raziskave ter izpostavili probleme in predlagali izboljšave.
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences |
Publisher: |
[D. Marušić] |
UDC: |
005.336.3 |
Views: |
870 |
Downloads: |
76 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
Quality service execution has become a key task of every bank because it offers some of the advantages that are directly linked to competitiveness, increasing business volume and making profit, and from the other perspective securing the banks existence in the competitive market.
The aim of this thesis is to present the field of banking services quality and its importance, as well as to present the present condition and to draw suggestions for improvements through theoretical and empirical research evaluation.
For gathering theoretical data, we used literature from experts in the field of services, quality and methods for measuring service quality. We presented determinants that impact service quality and looked through some of the services that banks offer. We also presented the field of user and employee interaction which has proven to be of great importance.
For gathering empirical data, we conducted two separate research surveys using a structured questionnaire, one of which designed especially for employees and other for the bank services users. There were 27 employees and 51 users that had taken part in the survey.
We have found that majority of user like to describe or link banking service quality with just three determinants which are kindness of the contact personnel, security and speed of execution.
Research has also revealed one of the major problems that banks face today which is lack of trust in the bank from the users end as of the lack of trust for the management from the employee end. We have also successfully revealed some of the user behavior characteristics and their habits, among others, that their dissatisfaction with price may just be a demand for better quality.
In the final phase we presented key findings, which we discovered in the course of our research and lay down guidelines for future steps and improvements. |
Secondary keywords: |
bank;services;quality;contact personnel;users; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede |
Pages: |
113 str. |
ID: |
9136697 |