magistrska naloga
Magistrska naloga celovito analizira pravna razmerja pri pogodbi o nepremičniskem posredovanju po slovenskem in avstrijskem pravu. Poudarek je v podrobni predstavitvi in opisu pravic in obveznosti strank, ki izhajajo iz posredniške pogodbe.
V Sloveniji je posredniška pogodba urejena v Obligacijskem zakoniku (OZ) in sicer v členih od 837. do 850. Posredniška pogodba je dvostranska obvezna, odplačna, neoblična pogodba. Pravna pravila v zvezi s posredniško pogodbo po OZ so večinoma dispozitivne narave, kar daje strankam možnost, da vprašanja o pravicah in obveznostih pogodbenih strank uredijo drugače, kot so v samem zakonu.
Pogodba o nepremičninskem posredovanju je urejena v Zakonu o nepremičninskem posredovanju (ZNPosr). Sama pogodba o nepremičninskem posredovanju je urejena v 13. členu. Pogodba o nepremičninskem posredovanju mora biti sestavljena v skladu z določbami zakona, ki zagotavljajo varstvo potrošnika pri najpomembnejših elementih pogodbe, kot so višina plačila oziroma provizije, vsebina in trajanje pogodbe. V njej morajo biti tudi natančno zapisane dolžnosti posrednika. Zakon tako vsebuje več kogentnih določb, saj njihove uporabe s pogodbo ni mogoče izključiti, razen če je v zvezi s posamezno določbo izrecno dopusten drugačen dogovor pogodbenih strank, oziroma je drugačen dogovor v očitnem interesu naročitelja. Tako je npr. določena maksimalna višina plačila za posredovanje pri nakupnih in prodajnih poslih v zvezi z nepremičnino, predpisana je obvezna pisna oblika pogodbe o posredovanju, trajanje pogodbe o posredovanju pa je omejeno na devet mesecev. Določbe Obligacijskega zakonika o posredniški pogodbi se pri posredovanju v prometu z nepremičninami uporabljajo subsidiarno, v primerih, ko Zakon o nepremičniskem posredovanju posameznih vprašanj posredovalnega razmerja ne ureja in če določbe Obligacijskega zakonika niso v nasprotju z določbami Zakona o nepremičninskem posredovanju.
Avstrijski zakon ureja posredništvo v zakonu o posredništvu (Maklergesetz). Za posredniško pogodbo se uporabljajo tudi določbe civilnega zakonika (Allgemeines Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch). Posredniška pogodba je po avstrijski zakonodaji enostransko obvezna, neoblična, neodplačna. V magistrski nalogi so predstavljene obveznosti posrednika, obveznosti naročitelja, zahtevek nepremičninskega posrednika za provizijo in povračilo stroškov, dogovori o proviziji v primerih neuspešnih posredovanj, ekskluzivno posredovanje, dvojno posredovanje in kogentne določbe zakona. Pomembne določbe za pogodbe pri nepremičninskem posredovanju so tudi v zakonu o varstvu potrošnikov (Konsumentenschutzgesetz), kjer so med drugim določene posebne pojasnjevalne dolžnosti nepremičninskega posrednika in časovno omejena veljavnost pogodb o ekskluzivnem posredovanju. V Uredbi zveznega ministra za gospodarstvo o stanovskih in izvajalskih pravilih nepremičninskih posrednikov (Immobilienmaklerverordnung), je zajet avstrijski kodeks poklicne etike in določeno najvišje dovoljeno plačilo za nepremičninske posrednike.
promet z nepremičninami;posredniška pogodba;provizija;nepremičninsko posredovanje;pogodba o nepremičninskem posredovanju;posredniška pogodba Avstrija;magistrske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM PF - Faculty of Law |
Publisher: |
[M. Koser Dolenc] |
UDC: |
336.226.1(043.2) |
Views: |
1673 |
Downloads: |
228 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Legal relationships in the real estate contract (comparative legal regulation of the Slovenian and Austrian law) |
Secondary abstract: |
Dissertation comprehensively analyzes legal relations of the real estate contract under the Slovenian and Austrian law. The emphasis is on detailed presentation and description of the rights and obligations of the parties arising from the contract of brokerage.
In Slovenia, the contract of brokerage is regulated by the Code of Obligations, namely in Articles from 850 to 837. The contract of brokerage is a bilaterally mandatory, contract for pecuniary interest, any particular form. Legal rules relating to the contract of brokerage by the Code of Obligations are mostly optional, which gives the contractual partners the opportunity to regulate the questions of the rights and obligations of the parties differently as they are in the law itself.
Real estate contract is regulated by the Real Estate Agencies Act. The Real estate contract itself is regulated in Article 13. Real estate contract has to be structured in accordance with the treaties of the Act. This provides consumer protection in the most important contract elements, such as the amount of the payment or commission, content and contract duration. In the contract there should also be accurately written obligations of the real estate agent. The law contains more mandatory rules because their usage can not be contractually excluded, unless any other agreement of the contactual partners is explicitly admissible regarding to individual treaty or a different agreement is in the clear interest of the principal. For example the maximum amount of payment for mediation in the purchase and sales transactions concerning the real estate. Legally is also required written form of the contract of brokerage and also duration of the contract of brokerage is limited to nine months. Treaties of the Code of Obligations in the contract of brokerage, are in the real estate brokerage used subsidiary, in cases where the Real Estate Agencies Act individual issues of intermediary relationships does not regulate and whether the treaties of the Code of Obligations are not in conflict with the treaties of the Real Estate Agencies Act.
The Austrian law regulates brokerage in the Estate Agents Act. For the contract of brokerage, the treaties of the Civil Code are used. The contract of brokerage is under Austrian legislation unilaterally mandatory, any particular form, gratuitous contract. In dissertation there are presented obligations of the real estate agent, obligations of the principal, request of the real estate agent for the commission and the reimbursement of the expenses, agreements about the commissions in case of unsuccessful brokerages, exclusive brokerage agreement, double brokerage and mandatory rules of the Act. Important treaties for the real estate contracts are also in the Consumer Protection Act, where among other things, are determined specific explanatory duties of real estate agent and time-limited validity of an exclusive brokerage agreement. In the Austrian real estate brokers regulations is covered Austrian Code of Professional Ethics and determined the maximum allowed payment for real estate agents. |
Secondary keywords: |
brokerage;contract of brokerage;commission;Real Estate Brokerage;Real estate contract;contract of brokerage Austrian;master thesis; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak. |
Pages: |
114 f. |
ID: |
9141853 |