magistrsko delo
Mojca Tomažin (Author), Samo Repolusk (Mentor)


Izobraževanje s pomočjo računalnikov in ostale informacijske tehnologije (e-izobraževanje) je že kar nekaj časa pomembna raziskovalna tema v izobraževanju, v prihodnjih letih pa lahko pričakujemo še porast uporabe digitalnih medijev v izobraževanju in v vsakdanjem življenju. Tudi v slovenskem šolskem prostoru so nastali številni spletni portali z e-učnimi gradivi za učenje različnih predmetov na različnih stopnjah in smereh izobraževanja. Zato je pomembno preverjanje njihove kakovosti, za kar pa je potrebno vzpostaviti primerne kriterije. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili nekatere tuje in domače smernice za vrednotenje kakovosti e-učnih gradiv, na podlagi katerih smo v empiričnem delu naloge oblikovali lastni evalvacijski list. S pomočjo vprašalnika o uporabi e-učnih gradiv pri pouku matematike, ki so ga izpolnjevali dijaki vseh srednjih šol posavske regije, smo ugotovili, katera spletna mesta z matematičnimi vsebinami so med dijaki najbolj znana in uporabljana. Odgovori dijakov so med drugim razkrili, katerih vrst gradiv se dijaki največ poslužujejo pri pripravah na preverjanje znanja pri matematiki in kako si pomagajo, kadar sama gradiva več ne zadostujejo. V zadnjem delu naloge smo najprej oblikovali evalvacijski list in nato z njegovo pomočjo ovrednotili tista štiri spletna mesta za učenje matematike v srednjih šolah, ki so se na podlagi rezultatov ankete izkazala kot najpogosteje uporabljana. Vrednotenje je pokazalo, da so med njimi trenutno najbolj kakovostna gradiva "i-Učbeniki", za katera upamo, da bodo ostala primerno vzdrževana in v funkciji, za katero so bila izdelana, čim dlje časa.


e-učna gradiva;informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija;e-izobraževanje;pouk matematike;interaktivnost;i-učbeniki;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [M. Tomažin]
UDC: 37.018.43:004:51(043.2)
COBISS: 22439432 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1161
Downloads: 74
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Some design guidelines for creating e-learning materials in mathematics education
Secondary abstract: Learning with the help of computers and other information technology (e-Learning) has lately been an important research topic in education and we can expect further increase in the use of digital media in education and in everyday life in the future. A lot of websites with e-learning materials for learning and teaching different subjects at different levels and fields of education were designed in Slovenia as well. Therefore, it is important to check their quality, for which it is necessary to set up suitable criteria. The theoretical part presents some foreign and Slovenian guidelines for evaluating the quality of e-learning materials and according to them we developed our own evaluation list in the empirical part of this work. With the help of a questionnaire on the use of e-learning materials at math lessons, which was answered by students of all secondary schools of the Posavje region, we found out which websites with mathematical e-learning content are the most well-known and used by students. Their answers also showed us what types of materials students mostly use in preparing for examinations in mathematics and what they do when the materials are no longer sufficient. In the last part of the thesis we first created an evaluation list, and then evaluated the four sites for the learning of mathematics in secondary schools, which are most commonly used according to the results of the survey. The evaluation showed that currently the highest quality e-learning materials are "i-Učbeniki", which we hope will remain well maintained and in function which they were originally designed for, as long as possible.
Secondary keywords: e-learning materials;information and communications technology;e-learning;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za matematiko in računalništvo
Pages: 117 str.
ID: 9150718