diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Informatika v organizaciji in managementu
Saša Ćetković (Author), Gregor Lenart (Mentor)


Tema diplomskega dela je zamenjava sistema za upravljanje odnosov s strankami v podjetju Atol d.o.o. Prvi del je namenjen uvodu z opisom podjetja Atol d.o.o. in uporabe sistema za upravljanje odnosov s strankami v podjetju. Navedeni so razlogi, zakaj sistem Produs informacijsko orodje na obstoječi platformi za podjetje Atol d.o.o. ni več ustrezno. Ker se podjetje v svoji strategiji nagiba k odprtokodnim rešitvam, so v diplomskem delu na kratko predstavljeni koncepti odprte kode s poudarkom na opisu prednosti, ki jih prinaša odprtokodna skupnost. V nadaljevanju je podrobneje opisana situacija podjetja Atol d.o.o. v povezavi s sistemom za upravljanje odnosov s strankami ter povzete ključne lastnosti treh izbranih odprtokodnih rešitev, ki jih je podjetje Atol d.o.o. vključilo v evalvacijo in izbiro novega sistema. S pomočjo primerjave funkcionalnosti in ključnih kriterijev izbire je podjetje Atol d.o.o. izbralo SuiteCRM kot najustreznejšo alternativo obstoječemu sistemu. Druga polovica diplomskega dela se osredotoča na vrednotenje izbrane rešitve in zaključuje z opisom projekta migracije, ki ga je podjetje Atol d.o.o. v času izdelave diplomskega dela izvedlo do točke testne migracije. Po pripravljenem projektnem načrtu za migracijo Atola in strank sta se izvedli prvi dve fazi projekta. Projekt se je ustavil, saj je bilo identificiranih preveč hroščev oziroma pomanjkljivih funkcionalnosti, ki jih je potrebno odpraviti, preden bi bil sistem primeren za uporabo Atola in njegovih strank. Tako so se pokazali tudi kriteriji izbire, kjer je SuiteCRM dobil nizko oceno pri hitrosti prehoda in pripadajočih stroških.


upravljanje odnosov s strankami;migracija;primerjalna analiza;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [S. Ćetković]
UDC: 659.2
COBISS: 7858963 Link will open in a new window
Views: 985
Downloads: 62
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The theme of the thesis is the replacement of the customer relationship management (CRM) system in the company Atol Business solutions. In the first part of the thesis I described the company Atol BS., their use of the customer relationship management system and the reasons why the existing platform, on which CRM system branded as Produs Information Tool is implemented, is no longer appropriate. Since the company's strategy favor open source solutions I presented their key concepts of the open source community. Further I described the key features of the three selected open source CRM solutions, which the Atol BS company included in the evaluation and selection of the new system. Based on the functionality comparison and key selection criteria, Atol BS company chose SuiteCRM as the most suitable alternative to their existing CRM system. In the second part of the thesis focuses on the evaluation of selected CRM system. The thesis is concluded with a description of the Atol’s CRM migration project structure. After first two stages of Atol CRM migration of project were finished, Tthe project was put on hold since too many bugs and weaknesses were identified that need to be resolved before the CRM system would be appropriate for the usage by Atol and its clients. The two criterias that showed low rating for SuiteCRM were those that blocked the continuation of the project: the speed of the transition and associated cost.
Secondary keywords: CRM;Customer Relationship Management;Migration;Comparative Analysis;Selection Criteria;Project Management;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 49 f.
ID: 9151299
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