diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija Organizacija in management kadrovsko-izobraževalnih sistemov
Zorka Košak (Author), Jure Kovač (Mentor)


Vsako organizacijo sestavljajo ljudje s svojimi specifičnimi lastnostmi, zaradi katerih se organizacije med seboj razlikujejo. Spoznanja, da so zaposleni največje bogastvo organizacije, so privedla do tega, da se v organizacijah vse več pozornosti posveča človeku in njegovemu počutju v organizaciji. Eden izmed načinov, da ugotovimo, kako zaposleni dojemajo organizacijsko okolje in kako so v njem zadovoljni, je merjenje organizacijske klime. Za raziskave v zvezi s klimo v delovnem okolju in zadovoljstvom zaposlenih se odloča vse več podjetij. Diplomsko delo sestavljata teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu smo na podlagi literature domačih in tujih avtorjev predstavili osnovna teoretična izhodišča organizacijske klime in organizacijske kulture ter njuno medsebojno povezanost. Povzeli smo tudi teoriji zadovoljstva in motivacije, opisali projekt SiOK in predstavili podjetje X, v katerem smo raziskali organizacijsko klimo. V empiričnem delu smo interpretirali rezultate merjenja klime v podjetju X, pridobljene s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Preverili smo povezavo med klimo v podjetju in splošnim zadovoljstvom ter povezavo med posameznimi dimenzijami klime in splošnim zadovoljstvom. Zanimalo nas je, ali obstajajo razlike med dojemanjem klime in zadovoljstvom zaposlenih glede na določene demografske podatke, kot so spol, vrsta izobrazbe in delovno mesto. Ugotovili smo, da sta klima in zadovoljstvo tesno povezana, torej bolj kot zaposleni dojemajo klimo kot dobro, bolj so tudi v delovnem okolju zadovoljni. Diplomsko delo smo zaključili z interpretacijo rezultatov ter podali predloge za prihodnje aktivnosti.


organizacijska klima;organizacijska kultura;dimenzije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [Z. Košak]
UDC: 331.1
COBISS: 7856403 Link will open in a new window
Views: 925
Downloads: 115
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Organizational climate and its impact on employee satisfaction in the company X
Secondary abstract: People, who have different specific characteristics, are an integral part of each organisation and that is why the organisations are different. The understanding that the employees represent the biggest asset of an organisation has led to the fact that more and more attention has been directed towards the employees and their wellbeing. One of the mechanisms to establish how the employees understand the working environment and how they are satisfied is to measure the workplace climate. More and more companies decide to research the work climate and the employees’ satisfaction. This diploma thesis consists of a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part shows that we have studied different domestic and foreign authors to introduce the basic organisation work climate and culture’s theoretical concepts and their inner connection. We have also introduced the satisfaction and motivation theories, described the project SiOK and introduced the company X, where the work climate has been studied. In the empirical part, the results of the survey questionnaire about work climate in the company X are interpreted. We have not only studied the connection between the work climate in the company and the general satisfaction but also the connection between different work climate dimensions and the general satisfaction. We have been interested in the possible differences between the work climate’s understanding and the employees’ satisfaction based on different demographic data, such as gender, education and workplace. We have concluded that the workplace climate and the employees’ satisfaction are closely connected. Namely, the more the employees feel the work climate as good, the more satisfied they are in their working environment.
Secondary keywords: Organisation climate;organisation culture;satisfaction;motivation;employees;mutual relationships;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 69 f.
ID: 9159312
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