(diplomsko delo)
Romana Šrimpf (Author), Barbara Donik (Mentor), Zdenko Orožim (Co-mentor)


Liposukcija je kirurško izsesavanje nakopičenega maščobnega tkiva na tistih predelih telesa, ki jih je težko oblikovati z dieto ali telovadbo. Metoda ni namenjena hujšanju, temveč oblikovanju telesa. V diplomski nalogi smo opisali najpogostejša mesta, na katerih izvajamo liposukcijo, tako pri ženskah kot pri moških. Navedli smo indikacije in kontraindikacije za pravilno izbiro pacienta, opredelili področja telesa, kjer z liposukcijo lahko dosežemo lepši videz postave, ter opisali pripravo na izvedbo posega. Pojasnili smo tudi različne oblike infiltracijske anestezije, v kateri liposukcijo izvajamo. Rehabilitacija po končani liposukciji poteka v sodelovanju s fizioterapevti in dietetiki, da dosežemo skupen cilj: skladno in lepo telo. V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. Ugotavljamo, da medicinska sestra sodeluje v vseh obdobjih priprave pacienta na liposukcijo. V času operacije spremlja njegove življenjske funkcije in počutje in ga tudi vodi skozi vso pooperativno obdobje.


liposukcija;tumescentna anestezija;samopodoba;zdravstvena nega;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [R. Šrimpf]
UDC: 616-089-083(043.2)
COBISS: 2258596 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1150
Downloads: 101
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Nursing Care for Liposuction
Secondary abstract: Liposuction is a surgical removal of localized fat deposits in those areas of the body which are difficult to contour by diet or exercise. The method is intended for body shaping and not for weight reduction. In this thesis the most common areas where liposuction is performed are defined both on female and male bodies. All indications and contraindications for the proper selection of patients as well as the selection of body areas that can be improved by liposuction are specified. The preparations for the procedure are described. Different types of infiltrative anaesthesia used in liposuction are explained. Rehabilitation after completion of liposuction is performed in collaboration with physiotherapists and dieticians to achieve the common goal: a harmonious and beautiful body. In this thesis we used descriptive method. We found out that the nurse participates in all the patient’s preparations for liposuction. During operation she monitors his vital functions and wellbeing and also leads the patient throughout the entire post operational period.
Secondary keywords: liposuction;tumescent anaesthesia;self-esteem;health care;approach;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: V, 54 f.
ID: 9166038