diplomsko delo


Likovno področje arhitekturnega oblikovanja je eno izmed najbolj zapostavljenih likovnih področij. Z našo raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, kaj se pri učnih urah omenjenega področja dogaja in kako so realizirane vsebine le-tega. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili šolski predmet Likovna umetnost in zapisali splošne cilje, ki so zapisani v učnem načrtu. Predstavili smo prostor in njegovo opredelitev. Predstavili smo področje arhitekturnega oblikovanja in preverili, kako se je razvijalo skozi zgodovino. Opisali smo likovna področja, likovne tehnike, materiale in orodja ter likovne teme in motive. Poleg tega smo opisali učne oblike in metode dela, kjer smo večji poudarek namenili metodam, ki jih uporabljamo pri poučevanju arhitekturnega oblikovanja. Izpostavili smo izkušenjsko učenje arhitekturnega oblikovanja in preverili možnost večje prepoznavnosti tega področja s strani vzgoje in izobraževanja. V empiričnem delu smo s študijo primera želeli ugotoviti, kako učitelji razrednega pouka v petem razredu načrtujejo in izvedejo učno uro arhitekturnega oblikovanja, katere materiale in učne medije uporabljajo ter kako razvijajo likovne pojme. V raziskavo smo vključili šest učiteljev različnih šol. Podatke smo zbirali z neposrednim opazovanjem in fotografiranjem ter jih analizirali. Ugotovitve so pokazale, da imajo učitelji težave z razločevanjem posameznih likovnih področij. Da so metode in oblike dela večkrat neprimerne, kar se odraža na uspešnosti likovnega izražanja učencev.


diplomska dela;likovna umetnost;prostor;arhitekturno oblikovanje;učni načrt;izkušenjsko učenje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Obrenovič Ovčar]
UDC: 159.953.5:73(043.2)
COBISS: 22637064 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1227
Downloads: 109
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Architectural designig in the fifth grade of primary school
Secondary abstract: Architectural design is one of the most neglected areas of art. In our research we wanted to evaluate the amount of school lessons dealing with this topic. The theoretical part presents art as a school subject and we explained the general objectives that are set out in the curriculum. We also defined the area where lessons are performed and described the history of architectural design. We presented different artistic fields, painting techniques, materials and tools, and artistic themes and motifs. In addition, we described teaching methods, where we placed more emphasis on methods that are used in the teaching of architectural design. We highlighted experiential learning of architectural design and explored the possibility of increasing the importance of this area in everyday education. In the empirical part we presented a case study to determine how a class teacher in the fifth grade can plan and perform a lessons of architectural design. We also described all the learning materials used to develop the lesson. The study included six teachers from different schools. Data were collected and analysed through direct observation and photography. The findings showed that teachers have problems with distinguishing different artistic disciplines. The methods and forms of work are often inappropriate, and this is reflected in the performance of pupils' artistic expression.
Secondary keywords: theses;art;space;architectural design;curriculum;experiential learning;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 65 f.
ID: 9171644