diplomsko delo
Damjan Kukovec (Author), Janja Hojnik (Mentor)


Pravice delavcev in njihovo vključevanje pri obveščanju in posvetovanju oziroma delavska participacija je eno ključnih področij Evropske strategije zaposlovanja in sestavni del strategije za gospodarsko rast v EU. Notranji trg EU se je postopoma razvijal in prinašal priložnosti in izzive tudi za gospodarske družbe, s tem pa je vplival na odnose med delodajalci in delavci. Razvoj in globalizacija sta vplivala na gospodarske družbe tako, da so te širile svoja poslovanja čez državne meje in nadalje razvijale poslovanje v smeri rasti in širjenja na nove trge. Tako so zakonodajalci in predstavniki delavcev že v zgodnjih 70. letih prejšnjega stoletja nakazali, da navedena dinamika razvoja in centralizacija odločanja nadnacionalnih družb terja regulacijo in vzpostavitev proti-uteži nadnacionalnim družbam na evropski ravni, predvsem na področju vključevanja delavcev. Predmet raziskave diplomskega dela je institut Evropskega sveta delavcev. Delovanje instituta in umestitev v strukturo je proces, ki poteka postopoma skladno z razvojem okolja in se še nadalje razvija. Za uspešno podporo in implementacijo strategije EU glede pravic delavcev in njihovega vključevanja je potrebna zakonodajna aktivnost na ravni EU z jasnimi smernicami glede vsebine in nadaljnjega prenosa v nacionalne pravne rede.


diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [D. Kukovec]
UDC: 331.107(043.2)
COBISS: 5236523 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1547
Downloads: 113
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The rights of workers and their involvement and participation in the general business process is one of the key policies of European employment strategy and part of EU growth strategy. Constantly growing markets in EU have been gradually increasing and opening a lot of new opportunities and challenges, also for major multinational corporations, and consequently influencing the relations between corporations and workers. Development and the process of globalization has greatly influenced multinational companies to spread their businesses abroad, and further develop their growth and extraction to the new markets. In the early seventies there has been an evidential dynamic of development, from the side of legislators and the representatives of workers, and centralization of decision making process in order to set a counter balance to all those multinational corporations, on the European level, especially in the area of labour inclusions. The main topic of the thesis refers to the concept of European Works Council. The work of the concept, and its positioning within the structure is a process, which is on-going in concordance with the development of the environment, and is therefore still spreading. The success in support and implementation of EU strategy, concerning the rights of workers and their inclusion, needs to be covered with legislation activities at EU level, with clear directives, concerning the content and future transformation into the national legislation.
Secondary keywords: European Works Council;collaboration of workers in the area of company management;collective participation;industrial democracy;worker;employer.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 55 f.
ID: 9171889
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