magistrsko delo
Tjaša Ratej (Author), Mihaela Brumen (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu z naslovom Govorna tvorna zmožnost učencev pri tujem jeziku v 2. razredu osnovne šole predstavljamo vsebine s področja učenja in poučevanja tujega jezika v otroštvu, kjer med drugim pojasnimo "kritično obdobje" za usvajanje tujega jezika, prednosti in posebnosti učenja in poučevanja tujega jezika v otroštvu. V nadaljevanju opišemo pouk tujega jezika v slovenski osnovni šoli, s poudarkom na razredni stopnji, in podamo cilje ter vsebine pouka tujega jezika. Zaradi neposredne povezave teoretičnega in empiričnega dela se dotaknemo področja jezikovne govorne zmožnosti mlajših učencev in pojasnimo cilje s področja tujejezičnih govornih zmožnosti, na kakšen način v otroštvu razvijamo govorne zmožnosti in strategije za izboljšanje govorne tvorne zmožnosti v tujem jeziku. Kratko opišemo tudi pojme motivacija, samopodoba in samoocena v povezavi z učenjem tujega jezika na nižji stopnji OŠ. V empiričnem delu podajamo rezultate raziskave s področja govorne tvorne zmožnosti, ki smo jih pridobili s preizkusom znanja v angleščini pri učencih 2. razreda OŠ. V podporo izvedenemu preverjanju znanja so sodelujoči učenci vodeno rešili še anketni vprašalnik, vezan na pouk angleščine. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov ugotavljamo, da učenci v zgodnjem obdobju šolanja pri pouku tujega jezika kažejo določeno mero govorne tvorne zmožnosti: uspešnejši učenci so že sposobni tvoriti večje število besednjaka v angleščini, zaznavajo podane tuje jezikovne vzorce in jih ponovno uporabljajo, nekateri že zelo suvereno sodelujejo v pogovoru v tujem jeziku. Iz odgovorov v anketnem vprašalniku je zaznati, da imajo učenci pozitiven odnos do učenja tujega jezika, se veselijo pouka angleščine in so v večini notranje motivirani za pridobivanje znanja v angleščini.


magistrska dela;tuji jezik v otroštvu;osnovne šole;govorna tvorna zmožnost;tuji jezik;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Ratej]
UDC: 811.111'243:373.3(497.4:460:485)(043.2)
COBISS: 22841352 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1012
Downloads: 106
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The Master's Thesis titled "Foreign language oral proficiency in the second grade of the primary school" presents foreign language learning and teaching during childhood. The "critical period" for foreign language acquisition is explained inter alia, as well as the advantages and distinctions of learning and teaching a foreign language during childhood. In the following chapters, we describe foreign language education in a Slovenian primary school, with an emphasis on the Cycle 1, and provide the objectives and an overview of the content of foreign language lessons. Due to the direct connection between the theoretical and empirical part, we touch upon the areas of linguistic oral proficiency in younger pupils, explaining the objectives of foreign language oral proficiency, the ways of developing it and pinpointing the strategies to improve foreign language oral proficiency during childhood. We also briefly describe the terms motivation, self-esteem and self-evaluation in connection with learning a foreign language at the lower level of primary school. In the empirical part, we provide the results of the research into the field of oral language proficiency, which we have obtained by checking the English language knowledge of pupils in the second grade of primary school. The pupils also solved a questionnaire related to English language classes in support of the oral language examination. On the basis of obtained results, we conclude that pupils in the early period of schooling show a relative degree of oral proficiency at foreign language classes: more successful pupils are already capable of producing a large number of vocabulary items in English, they are aware of the linguistic patterns of the foreign language and are able to reproduce them, and some already engage in conversation in the foreign language with confidence. We are able to infer from the responses to the questionnaire that the pupils have a positive attitude to learning a foreign language, that they look forward to English classes and are mostly motivated internally to gain knowledge in English.
Secondary keywords: master theses;foreign language in childhood;primary schools;foreign language;oral proficiency;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: X, 91 f.
ID: 9221748