diplomsko delo
Špela Smolar (Author), Miran Muhič (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu z naslovom Vpliv staršev na gibalni razvoj otrok v koroški regiji je bil naš cilj raziskati vpliv staršev pri gibanju otroka. Naloga je sestavljena iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili celostnost otrokovega razvoja in ovrednotili pomen gibalnih dejavnosti za gibalni razvoj otroka. Predstavili smo vpliv staršev na športno dejavnost otrok ter omenili, kakšen je pomen izvedbe športnih dejavnosti otrok skupaj s starši. V empiričnem delu smo predstavili rezultate kavzalno - neeksperimentalne metode raziskovanja. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 200 staršev iz koroške regije, njihovi otroci obiskujejo vrtec Muta, Dravograd, Radlje ob Dravi, Vuzenica, vključeni pa so bili tudi starši, katerih otroci ne obiskujejo navedenih vrtcev. Z anketnim vprašalnikom - kvantitativne tehnike zbiranja podatkov - smo prišli do ugotovitev, da ne obstaja statistično pomembna povezava med športno aktivnostjo in izobrazbo staršev. Rezultati so pokazali, da so starši športno aktivni zaradi boljšega počutja in se zavedajo, da športna aktivnost otroka pripomore k hitrejšemu razvoju na drugih področjih. Anketirani starši so odgovorili, da so skupaj s svojim otrokom športno aktivni večkrat na teden, pokazalo pa se je tudi, da je kolesarjenje najpogosteje uporabljena športna aktivnost. Ugotovili smo, da je pomanjkanje časa tisti razlog, ki staršem onemogoča redno športno aktivnost. Rezultati so še pokazali, da večina staršev otroka ne vključuje v organizirano športno vadbo.


diplomska dela;gibalni razvoj;gibalne sposobnosti;športna aktivnost;predšolski otroci;vloga staršev;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [Š. Smolar]
UDC: 796.012.1-053.4(497.413)(043.2)
COBISS: 23008008 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1438
Downloads: 258
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Parental influence on the motor development of children in the region of Koroška
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis Parental influence on the motor development of children in the region of Koroška researches the role of parents in the child's motor development. The thesis consists of theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part presents the integrated development of a child and the importance of sports activities for the motoric development. We also presented the influence of parents in engaging children into physical activity and the importance of parents' participation in child's sports activities. In the empirical part the results of the non-experimental causal method were presented. The research included two hundred parents from Carinthia region and their children, who either attend or not kindergartens in Muta, Dravograd, Radlje ob Dravi and Vuzenica. With the help of a survey questionnaire, a form of quantitative research approach, we were able to establish that there is no significant statistical correlation between physical activity and parents' education. The obtained data showed that parents, who are sports active because of their well-being, are fully aware that physical activity helps towards faster development in other areas. Parents tend to exercise with their children quite often during the week. The most common sports activity of parents and children is cycling. The results also showed that lack of time disables parents to be more sports active with their children and that most of the children are not included in organized sports activities.
Secondary keywords: theses;motor development;motoric abilities;physical activity;preschool children;parent's role;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 52 f.
ID: 9250705