diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Sara Rejc (Author), Katja Eman (Mentor)


Pred vami se nahaja diplomsko delo z naslovom Uporaba službenih psov za različne namene delovnih procesov. Glavni namen in cilj diplomskega dela je proučiti in opisati uporabo službenega psa, predvsem v policiji, vojski in zaporih, kar predstavlja jedro tega diplomskega dela. Želeli smo prikazati vsestransko uporabnost psov v svetu ljudi. Ugotovili smo, da je enota reševalnih psov pomemben del ekipe pri iskanju pogrešanih in poškodovanih oseb. Na tem mestu je podrobneje opisano šolanje psa in vodnika ter potek reševanja izpod snežnih plazov, ruševin in iskanja pogrešanih oseb. Po pregledu različne literature smo ugotovili, da je zelo pomembno, da so psi dobro izšolani in vsestransko vodljivi, sicer njihova uporaba ne bi bila mogoča, tako v reševanju, policiji, vojski kot tudi pri terapevtskih psih. Psi so namreč pri najrazličnejših nalogah izpostavljeni različnim motečim dejavnikom in stresu, zato je nujno potrebno uboganje na prvi ukaz in potrpežljivost. Psi so nepogrešljiv »pripomoček« pri terapiji, predvsem v domovih za ostarele ter otrocih, ki so v bolnišnicah ali imajo kakšne vedenjske težave. Zelo so pozorni do svojega človeškega sopotnika, vendar izrazijo veselje tudi do drugih ljudi in jim dajo občutek pomembnosti. Ker pes ne obsoja ljudi po videzu in težavah, ki jih imajo, lahko pacienti vsaj za trenutek pozabijo na skrbi in se s psom sprostijo. Bližina psa veliko pomeni tudi vojakom na misijah. Tam jim pomagajo pri odkrivanju eksplozivnih sredstev in mamil, hkrati pa jim dajejo občutek varnosti in bližine, ki ju v težkih vojnih razmerah primanjkuje. Skozi diplomsko delo smo ugotovili tudi pomembnost psov v zaporih, kar pa pri nas na žalost še ni razvito. Tukaj bi lahko iz tujine prenesli marsikatero uporabno prakso. Pes na nek način zamoti zapornike, vzpostavi medsebojno zaupanje in spoštovanje in jih s tem odvrne od deviantnega ravnanja. Prav tako bi psi v zaporih lahko pomagali pri odkrivanju prepovedanih substanc in predmetov, saj imajo zelo razvito vohalno sposobnost. Z vključitvijo psov v zapore ne bi rešili samo socialne in varnostne problematike, temveč tudi problematiko prezasedenosti zavetišč. V tujini namreč v programe vključujejo pse iz zavetišč in jim s tem ponudijo možnost za prevzgojo in preživetje. Zato v prihodnje predlagamo velike spremembe na tem področju.


psi;službeni psi;policijski psi;reševalni psi;delovni psi;šolanje psov;policija;policijsko delo;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: S. Rejc]
UDC: 351.741+636.7.043(043.2)
COBISS: 3303658 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2048
Downloads: 263
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The use of service dogs for different purposes and working processes
Secondary abstract: In front of you there is a diploma thesis titled The use of working dogs for different purposes of working processes. The main purpose and the goal of the diploma thesis is to study and describe the use of working dogs, mostly in the police, military and prisons, which represents the core of this thesis. We wished to present the versatility of dogs in the world of people. We discovered that the rescue dog unit is an important part of the team in search of missing and injured persons. At this place, training of a dog and a guide, as well as course of rescue from avalanches, debris and search of the missing persons is described in detail. After the review of different literature, we discovered that it is very important that dogs are well trained and universally guidable. Otherwise their usage would not be possible in case of the police, military as well as in therapeutic dogs. In different tasks, dogs are namely exposed to various disturbing factors and stress; therefore, it is necessary to obey at first command and to be patient. Dogs are indispensable “accessory” in therapy, mostly in nursing homes as well as at children who are in hospitals or suffer from any behavioral problems. They very much pay attention to their human companion. However, they express joy to other people also and give them the feeling of importance. Due to the fact that a dog does not judge people according to their appearance and troubles they have, the patients can forget for at least one moment about their worries and relax with the dog. The proximity of the dog means a lot to the soldiers on missions. They help them in discovering explosive devices and drugs. At the same time they give them a feeling of safety and proximity which lack in difficult wartime conditions. Through the diploma thesis we discovered the importance of dogs in prisons; the latter is alas not yet developed in Slovenia. Here, many useful practices from abroad could be transferred to Slovenia. In a way, a dog draws the attention of the inmates, establishes mutual trust and respect and turns them away from the deviant behavior. In addition, dogs in prison could help in discovering illegal substances and objects, for their scenting ability is very developed. By including dogs into prisons we would not only handle social and security problems, but also the problems of overpopulation of animal shelters. Abroad, the dogs from the animal shelters are included into the programs, and thus the opportunity is given to them to be re-educated and to survive. Therefore, in future we propose great changes in this field.
Secondary keywords: working dog;police;military;rescue dogs;therapy;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 55 str.
ID: 9250747
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