Simon Zupan (Author)


Repetition manifests itself in different ways and at different levels of the text. The first basic type of repetition involves complete recurrences, in which a particular textual feature repeats in its entirety. The second type involves partial recurrences, in which the second repetition of the same textual feature includes certain modifications to the first occurrence. In the article, repetitive patterns in Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Fall of the House of Usher" and its Slovene translation, "Konec Usherjeve hiše", are compared. The author examines different kinds of repetitive patterns. Repetitions are compared at both the micro- and macrostructural levels. As detailed analyses have shown, considerable microstructural translation shifts occur in certain types of repetitive patterns. Since these are not only occasional, sporadic phenomena, but are of a relatively high frequency, they reduce the translated text's potential for achieving some of the gothic effects. The macrostructural textual property particularly affected by these shifts is the narrator's experience as described by the narrative, which suffers a reduction in intensity.


translation;repetition;translation shifts;literary translation;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 81'255.4:821.111(73).09-32 Poe E. A.
COBISS: 15356168 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1581-8918
Views: 1502
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Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Ponavljanje in prevodni premiki
Secondary abstract: Fenomen ponavljanja se kaže na različne načine in na različnih ravneh besedila. Prvi osnovni tip ponovitev predstavljajo popolne ponovne pojavitve, pri katerih se določen besedilni element ponovi v celoti. Drugi tip predstavljajo delne ponovne pojavitve, pri katerih je pri drugi ponovni pojavitvi istega besedilnega elementa v primerjavi s prvo mogoče opaziti nekatere spremembe. V prispevku avtor primerja vzorce ponavljanja v izvirni noveli Edgarja Allana Poeja, "The Fall of the House of Usher", in njenem slovenskem prevodu, "Konec Usherjeve hiše". Predstavljene so različne vrste vzorcev ponavljanja. Avtor primerja ponovitve tako na mikro- kot na makrostrukturni ravnini. Kot je pokazala temeljita predhodna analiza, je pri nekaterih vzorcih ponavljanja mogoče opaziti precejšnje mikrostrukturne prevodne premike. Ker ne gre zgolj za osamljene, naključne primere, temveč se ti pojavljajo razmeroma pogosto, pride do krnitve potenciala besedila za doseganje nekaterih gotskih oz. grozljivih učinkov. Makrostrukturna besedilna prvina, pri kateri se še posebno močno kažejo vplivi omenjenih premikov, je pripovedovalčevo doživetje, saj v prevodu opis le-tega učinkuje manj intenzivno.
Secondary keywords: prevajanje;ponavljanje;prevodni premiki;literarni prevod;ne zaključna dela;Grosman;Meta;1936-....;Ameriška književnost;Ameriška kratka pripovedna proza;Kratka pripovedna proza;Prevodi v slovenščino;Književno prevajanje;Epanalepsa;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: str. 257-268
Volume: ǂVol. ǂ3
Issue: ǂ[no.] ǂ1/2
Chronology: 2006
DOI: 10.4312/elope.3.1-2.257-268
ID: 9630245
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