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Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
The topic of Kamnik's cultural and historical monuments as part of social studies curriculum in the fourth grade of primary school |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
The town of Kamnik developed at the confluence of the Kamniška Bistrica River and the Nevljica River. The early beginnings of the town go back as far as 1229 when it was awarded town privileges. At that time, Kamnik was surrounded by city walls in order to keep safe from enemy attacks. Today, the remnants of these walls may be observed in different parts of town, but are found mostly in poor condition. The walls were employed as elements of construction during rebuilding efforts after the earthquake in 1511. The town had four main town gates that would usher in farmers who came to sell their produce at town fairs. Owing to this tradition, there are many fairs held on several squares today. Each year, the town hosts Medieval Days, a festival whose goal is to recreate the spirit of the Middle Ages. It sets out to capture the main activities that people of the time would engage in and their everyday life. Now, it is not only a pleasant town to live in but also a popular tourist destination throughout the year. A casual walk downtown reveals many cultural and historical landmarks worth seeing. There are many other tourist attractions, such as the Kamniška Bistrica Valley which has a lot to offer, namely the popular spring of the river as well as many hiking routes which provide many opportunities for leisure activities, recreation, mountaineering and magnificent views of the Ljubljana Basin and farther beyond.
The first part of the thesis is concerned with general characteristics of Kamnik, namely focusing on its position, the origin of the name and a detailed description of the coat of arms. Further on, the historic-cultural landmarks (Šutna Street, Church of Mary’s Immaculate Conception, Franciscan monastery and Church of St. Jacob, Mali grad castle with an adjoining chapel and a fortified tower, Stari grad castle, Zaprice Castle and Main Square). The following section deals with prominent figures of the town, such as Josip Nikolaj Sadnikar, Miha Maleš, Rudolf Maister – Vojanov, Ivan Vavpotič, Marija Vera and Fran Albreht, who have in one way or another contributed to its cultural and historical significance. The second part of the thesis is a presentation of the results of a didactic research. For this purpose, different handouts relating to the topic of Kamnik were distributed among particular groups of fourth grade elementary students of the Tomo Brejc Primary School. After a guided tour of the town, they were asked to fill out the handouts in order to put theory into practice. As for the empirical assignment, the questions on the handouts were posed so as to reflect the student’s familiarity with their home town. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
cultural heritage;local studies;kulturna dediščina;domoznanstvo; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Diplomsko delo |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Strani: |
V, 68 f. |
Vrsta dela (ePrints): |
thesis |
Naslov (ePrints): |
The topic of Kamnik's cultural and historical monuments as part of social studies curriculum in the fourth grade of primary school |
Ključne besede (ePrints): |
Kamnik |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
Kamnik |
Povzetek (ePrints): |
Mesto Kamnik se je razvilo na sotočju rek Kamniške Bistrice in Nevljice. Njegove korenine segajo v leta 1229, ko je mesto dobilo tudi mestne pravice. Kamnik je bil v tistih časih obdan z obzidjem, ki ga je reševalo pred napadi sovražnikov. Danes lahko to obzidje opazimo le na določenih delih mesta, čeprav ga je zob časa že pošteno načel. Ostanke obzidja so v zgodovini uporabljali tudi pri popotresni gradnji hiš leta 1511. V mesto so vodila štiri glavna vrata, skozi katera so kmetje vozili svoje pridelke in jih prodajali na mestnih sejmih. Še danes ima mesto veliko trgov, na katerih so včasih prirejali različne sejme in menjave blaga. Vsako leto se v Kamniku odvijajo srednjeveški dnevi, ki pričarajo mestu pravi srednjeveški utrip. Tako si lahko predstavljamo, kakšno je bilo življenje v Kamniku in kaj so bile glavne dejavnosti ljudi v tistem času. Danes je Kamnik prelepa destinacija tako za življenje kot za turistične obiske skozi celo leto. Že sprehod skozi mesto odstira številne kulturnozgodovinske znamenitosti, ki so vredne ogleda. Če pa imamo malce več časa, se lahko zapeljemo v prečudovito Kamniško Bistrico in se ohladimo ob izviru istoimenske reke. Za navdušene hribolazce so urejene številne gorske poti, ki omogočajo sprostitev, rekreacijo ter prečudovite razglede proti Ljubljanski kotlini in dlje.
V prvem delu svojega diplomskega dela sem na kratko predstavil lego ter splošne značilnosti Kamnika, izvor imena in grb, zgodovino mesta, kulturnozgodovinske spomenike (staro predmestje – Šutno, cerkev Marijinega brezmadežnega spočetje na Šutni, Frančiškanski samostan s cerkvijo sv. Jakoba, Mali grad z grajsko kapelo in obrambnim stolpom, Stari grad, grad Zaprice, Glavni trg) ter znane Kamničane (Josipa Nikolaja Sadnikarja, Miha Maleša, Rudolfa Maistra - Vojanova, Ivana Vavoptiča, Marijo Vero, Frana Albrehta). Pri didaktičnem delu sem sestavil učne ure za učence 4. razreda Osnovne šole Toma Brejca na temo »domači kraj«. Sestavil sem različne učne liste, prilagojene posamezni skupini učencev. Reševali so jih po ogledu domačega kraja ¬¬– Kamnika, saj so tako lahko uporabili pridobljeno znanje. Pri empiričnem delu sem učencem 4. a in b razreda razdelil učni list, ki je preverjal, kako dobro učenci poznajo svoj domači kraj. |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
The town of Kamnik developed at the confluence of the Kamniška Bistrica River and the Nevljica River. The early beginnings of the town go back as far as 1229 when it was awarded town privileges. At that time, Kamnik was surrounded by city walls in order to keep safe from enemy attacks. Today, the remnants of these walls may be observed in different parts of town, but are found mostly in poor condition. The walls were employed as elements of construction during rebuilding efforts after the earthquake in 1511. The town had four main town gates that would usher in farmers who came to sell their produce at town fairs. Owing to this tradition, there are many fairs held on several squares today. Each year, the town hosts Medieval Days, a festival whose goal is to recreate the spirit of the Middle Ages. It sets out to capture the main activities that people of the time would engage in and their everyday life. Now, it is not only a pleasant town to live in but also a popular tourist destination throughout the year. A casual walk downtown reveals many cultural and historical landmarks worth seeing. There are many other tourist attractions, such as the Kamniška Bistrica Valley which has a lot to offer, namely the popular spring of the river as well as many hiking routes which provide many opportunities for leisure activities, recreation, mountaineering and magnificent views of the Ljubljana Basin and farther beyond.
The first part of the thesis is concerned with general characteristics of Kamnik, namely focusing on its position, the origin of the name and a detailed description of the coat of arms. Further on, the historic-cultural landmarks (Šutna Street, Church of Mary’s Immaculate Conception, Franciscan monastery and Church of St. Jacob, Mali grad castle with an adjoining chapel and a fortified tower, Stari grad castle, Zaprice Castle and Main Square). The following section deals with prominent figures of the town, such as Josip Nikolaj Sadnikar, Miha Maleš, Rudolf Maister – Vojanov, Ivan Vavpotič, Marija Vera and Fran Albreht, who have in one way or another contributed to its cultural and historical significance. The second part of the thesis is a presentation of the results of a didactic research. For this purpose, different handouts relating to the topic of Kamnik were distributed among particular groups of fourth grade elementary students of the Tomo Brejc Primary School. After a guided tour of the town, they were asked to fill out the handouts in order to put theory into practice. As for the empirical assignment, the questions on the handouts were posed so as to reflect the student’s familiarity with their home town. |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
Kamnik |
ID: |
8308631 |