magistrsko delo
Anita Smole (Avtor), Marja Bešter (Mentor), Janez Vogrinc (Komentor)


Vrednotenje opisovalnih besedil pri pouku slovenščine v 4. razredu osnovne šole

Ključne besede

sporazumevalna zmožnost;tvorjenje besedila;vrednotenje besedil;opisniki vrednotenja;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [A. Smole]
UDK: 37.091.26(043.2)
COBISS: 9248329 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1515
Št. prenosov: 236
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Evaluation of descriptive texts in the 4th grade of primary school
Sekundarni povzetek: Our master’s thesis deals with the evaluation of pupils’ texts in the first five grades of primary school. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the communicative skill, the texts (with emphasis on descriptive texts) and the evaluation of (descriptive) texts in Slovenian lessons in primary school. The empirical part of the thesis consists of two parts. The analysis results of the teaching material used in Slovenian lessons in the fourth grade are presented in the first part. The second part of the thesis presents the results of the questionnaire on text evaluation (texts written at school) and the results of evaluating a description of an animal – Slovenian teachers teaching in the fourth grade of primary school participated in both activities. When analysing teaching materials used at schools we found that there are differences in their characteristics. Teaching materials differ in the quality of sample (descriptive) texts for pupils and in the quality of exercises. Only one in five teaching materials offers sample texts with all the key words used in the description of an animal. The transmission oriented model of work is predominant in most teaching materials. The exercises provided do not facilitate the systematic development of pupils’ communication skills. After analysing 121 questionnaires we found that 32,2 % of teachers think that approximately half of the pupils have problems when it comes to writing compositions. Teachers (43,0 %) think that pupils mostly have problems with choosing correct and relevant information connected with key words. The teachers see the lack of teaching time (47,9 %) and the lack of time for feedback (46,3 %) as the primary reasons for problems when it comes to writing animal descriptions. According to the teachers, pupils realize what problems they have, when delivering feedback about their compositions (36,4 % of respondents share this opinion). 33,1 % of teachers think that the pupils know the assessment criteria well. 60,3 % of teachers always inform the pupils of the assessment criteria before writing a composition. A concrete description of an animal got a 3 in 63,6% of teachers. 42% of teachers used the holistic method of evaluating, whereas the others used the analitical method. They used different evaluation criteria. The teachers believe evaluation to be demanding (in 76,9% of cases). They also believe that the biggest problems in evaluating a text arise from linguistic correctness and appropriate linguistic elements (57,0%). The results of our analysis confirmed that there are statistically important differences in primary school teachers with different length of employment concerning their opinion about the problems the pupils have when writing a description of an animal. There are also differences in when and how to inform the pupils of the evaluation criteria and finally there are differences in evaluating the description of an animal (how many points to give / what mark to give to an individual composition). The differences can also be found in primary teachers with different level of education. The differences are shown mainly in the level of informing the pupils of the evaluation criteria.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Slovenian language;written expression;assessment;primary school;slovenščina;pisno izražanje;vrednotenje;osnovna šola;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Strani: 120 str., [60] str. pril.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Evaluation of descriptive texts in the 4th grade of primary school
Ključne besede (ePrints): sporazumevalna zmožnost
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): communicative skill
Povzetek (ePrints): V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali, kako učitelji vrednotijo besedila učencev na razredni stopnji osnovne šole. V teoretičnem delu so bila predstavljena spoznanja o sporazumevalni zmožnosti, o besedilih (s poudarkom na opisovalnih besedilih) ter o vrednotenju (opisovalnih) besedil pri slovenščini v osnovni šoli. Empirični del je razdeljen na dva dela. V prvem delu so prikazani rezultati analize učnega gradiva za pouk slovenščine v 4. razredu, v drugem delu pa rezultati anketnega vprašalnika o vrednotenju »šolskih« besedil in rezultate vrednotenja primera opisa živali – oboje so reševali slovenski učitelji, ki poučujejo v 4. razredu osnovne šole. Pri analizi učnih gradiv smo ugotovili, da obstajajo razlike v značilnostih učnih gradiv, ki jih učitelji in učenci uporabljajo pri pouku. Učna gradiva se razlikujejo po kvalitetni vzorčnega (opisovalnega) besedila, ki je ponujeno učencem, in tudi glede pripravljenih nalog za obravnavo. Le eno učno gradivo (od petih) ponuja vzorčno besedilo, ki zajema vse ključne besede, značilne za opis živali. V večini učnih gradiv še vedno prevladuje transmisijski način dela. Pripravljene naloge pa v večini ne sledijo cilju, da bi učenci v dani učnih enoti načrtno razvijali tudi čim več gradnikov sporazumevalne zmožnosti. Z analizo 121 anketnih vprašalnikov je bilo ugotovljeno, da 32,2 % učiteljev meni, da ima težave pri pisanju opisov približno polovica učencev. Učitelji (43,0 %) največkrat navajajo težave učencev pri izbiri pravilnih bistvenih podatkov ob ključnih besedah. Kot najpogosteje navedeni vzrok za težave pri pisanju opisov živali učitelji navajajo pomanjkanje časa za obravnavo (47,9 %) ter za povratno informacijo po pisanju opisa živali (46,3 %). Po mnenju učiteljev se učenci najbolj zavedo svojih težav v fazi sprejemanja povratne informacije (tako meni 36,4 % vprašanih). 33,1 % učiteljev tudi meni, da učenci dobro poznajo merila ocenjevanja. 60,3 % učiteljev vedno seznani učence z merili vrednotenja pred pisanjem besedila. Konkretni opis živali so učitelji v večini (63,6 %) ocenili z oceno 3. 42 % učiteljev je izdelek ocenjevalo po celostni metodi, ostali po analitični. Pri vrednotenju so uporabljali različna merila vrednotenja. Učitelji menijo, da je to delo zahtevno (kar v 76,9 % primerih). Menijo tudi, da se pri vrednotenju najpogosteje pojavljajo težave, povezane z jezikovno pravilnostjo besedila in slogovno ustreznostjo jezikovnih prvin (57,0 %). Rezultati naše analize so potrdili, da med razrednimi učitelji z različnim številom let delovne dobe obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike glede mnenja o vrstah težav, ki jih imajo učenci pri pisanju opisa živali, in glede tega, kdaj in kako učence seznanijo z merili vrednotenja zapisanega opisa živali, ter v vrednotenju zapisanega opisa živali (s koliko točkami/s katero oceno ovrednotijo posamezni opis). Med razrednimi učitelji z različno stopnjo izobrazbe pa se pojavljajo pomembne razlike glede stopnje seznanjanja učencev z merili vrednotenja zapisanega opisa živali.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Our master’s thesis deals with the evaluation of pupils’ texts in the first five grades of primary school. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the communicative skill, the texts (with emphasis on descriptive texts) and the evaluation of (descriptive) texts in Slovenian lessons in primary school. The empirical part of the thesis consists of two parts. The analysis results of the teaching material used in Slovenian lessons in the fourth grade are presented in the first part. The second part of the thesis presents the results of the questionnaire on text evaluation (texts written at school) and the results of evaluating a description of an animal – Slovenian teachers teaching in the fourth grade of primary school participated in both activities. When analysing teaching materials used at schools we found that there are differences in their characteristics. Teaching materials differ in the quality of sample (descriptive) texts for pupils and in the quality of exercises. Only one in five teaching materials offers sample texts with all the key words used in the description of an animal. The transmission oriented model of work is predominant in most teaching materials. The exercises provided do not facilitate the systematic development of pupils’ communication skills. After analysing 121 questionnaires we found that 32,2 % of teachers think that approximately half of the pupils have problems when it comes to writing compositions. Teachers (43,0 %) think that pupils mostly have problems with choosing correct and relevant information connected with key words. The teachers see the lack of teaching time (47,9 %) and the lack of time for feedback (46,3 %) as the primary reasons for problems when it comes to writing animal descriptions. According to the teachers, pupils realize what problems they have, when delivering feedback about their compositions (36,4 % of respondents share this opinion). 33,1 % of teachers think that the pupils know the assessment criteria well. 60,3 % of teachers always inform the pupils of the assessment criteria before writing a composition. A concrete description of an animal got a 3 in 63,6% of teachers. 42% of teachers used the holistic method of evaluating, whereas the others used the analitical method. They used different evaluation criteria. The teachers believe evaluation to be demanding (in 76,9% of cases). They also believe that the biggest problems in evaluating a text arise from linguistic correctness and appropriate linguistic elements (57,0%). The results of our analysis confirmed that there are statistically important differences in primary school teachers with different length of employment concerning their opinion about the problems the pupils have when writing a description of an animal. There are also differences in when and how to inform the pupils of the evaluation criteria and finally there are differences in evaluating the description of an animal (how many points to give / what mark to give to an individual composition). The differences can also be found in primary teachers with different level of education. The differences are shown mainly in the level of informing the pupils of the evaluation criteria.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): communicative skill
ID: 8310285